Chapter 1670 Spaceship Race!

In the crowd, someone was staring at their team!
The man's eyes were dull, he glanced at their team, and then looked at the sky stone tablet again, his eyes slowly got some information!

At the same time, Tang Zhong had gone far away, he thought he was delusional, otherwise such a situation would not have happened!
Followed the team all the way to the main venue.

Only then did Tang Zhong realize that the three tea parties were a peaceful discussion!

The main venue is a huge stage!

Below the stage, there are plenty of seats.

To put it bluntly, this is about the same as those concerts on earth!
Could this kind of scene be a scene of fighting and killing?

Reu took them and sat down!

Tang Zhong and others sat down one after another, and at this moment, they saw someone from the other side, someone brought people in, and those people were dressed up, Tang Zhong saw it yesterday, they were people from the virtual universe company!
Fortunately, they are the people of the largest company in the universe, everyone looks very energetic, and everyone looks high-spirited!

Those people also looked towards the predator, showing friendly smiles.

Tang Zhong and the others smiled back.

In the end, the people from Universal Star University also took their seats!
Tang Zhong looked at them, the people from Xingkong University are also very nice!
But suddenly, Tang Zhong looked at one of them, and frowned slightly. Others seemed to have nothing wrong with him, but when he looked at this person, the scales on his body suddenly appeared.

The giant dragon clone will only appear scales when it is in danger.

The man was a bearded man with a strong figure, not clearly young, but definitely not small, with a stupefied face, standing there like a zombie, his eye circles were very dark!

And at this time, the bearded man also looked at Tang Zhong, without any expression on his face, looking very indifferent!
Tang Zhong saw that the other party was looking at him, and gave him a smile, who knew that the other party did not respond at all.

It's so strange that the other party still reacts like this even though they have already looked at each other!
Too lazy to pay attention to each other, too unqualified.

With the arrival of all three parties, only a few people went up on the stage.

Lei Wu is the representative of the predators, so he is naturally on the stage, and the leader of the Universe Star University is also on the stage at this time. It is a woman. The woman does not seem to have the slightest aura than other people. The three leaders of the company sat together!
The so-called Sansi Tea Party is just a discussion!
The three of them, as the general leaders, sat at the front.

It is impossible for a bigger leader to come and watch something like the Sansi tea party!
Because it was a sparring session, if someone came, it would be too much.

And at this time, the woman from the University of Universe and Starry Sky said: "Mainline, welcome to my Universe Starry Sky University, let me introduce myself, my name is Wu Yue, and I come from Universe Starry Sky University!"

Suddenly, applause came from below.

It has to be said that this is a woman of the generation, but the aura that blooms from her body is much stronger than others!
"First of all, let me read the rules of this Sansi tea party!"

Tang Zhong was listening below. To be honest, he was still secretly looking at that strange beard. The beard was very strange, so strange that Tang Zhong couldn't stop wanting to look at him.

This person seems to have no consciousness of his own at all, as if he is a robot.

It's really strange, what's going on?
Don't listen to the rules, Tang Zhong knows it, it's just for the sake of the three forces!
Even the competition is very special!
This competition is divided into three levels in total.

The first level is actually to compare the spaceship!

Whoever can drive the spaceship to the finish line in the shortest time will be the winner!
And the second level is an intellectual exchange, a literary test, gathering all the people together for a battle command competition!
And the third level is the traditional competition!
After listening to what Wu Yue said, Tang Zhong generally understood that these are some basic things, and the three tea parties are just a meeting.

Prove that the three of them are an alliance!

That Wu Yue finished speaking soon.

Then let Reu talk to the leader of the virtual universe.

Lei Wu is not good at words, he didn't say a few words, but the leader of the virtual universe, he said a few words!
Then start the first level directly!
That's the aircraft test!

The meeting was dispersed, and everyone rushed to the aircraft assessment site.

Aircraft are spaceships and combat aircraft.

Because there are more than 20 people in one faction, and there are only more than 60 people in the three factions, so it is also convenient to gather.

Cosmos Star University will soon have its venue ready!

A group of people arrive at the flying field!

This kind of place has been taught in the Universe Star University, so there is a ready-made venue directly.

Everyone go!

The Sansi tea party does not require audience, as long as there are people!
More than 60 contestants arrived at the flying field.

It was a huge field. Although it was said to be a field for learning to fly at the Universe Star University, it was very large.

That Wu Yue introduced in front: "This place is our flying field. It is [-] light-years long and [-] light-years wide. It is an oval field. If you leave here, you will come back here in a circle. The scene is always in the starry sky mode, because it is a competition, we will naturally simulate the starry sky, and we will prepare the spaceship for you immediately, and everyone can start, the ranking is not important, the important thing is to participate!"

The crowd nodded.

Although the ranking is not very important, everyone is still excited. If they can become the first, that is quite good!

Tang Zhong listened to the other party's explanation.

Lie Qiuxue approached: "It's over, I'm not very good at flying a spaceship, can you fly a spaceship?"

"I won't!" Tang Zhong directly refused, if he told this woman that he knew how to spaceship, maybe something would happen!
"Great, if you can't, then we can be together!"

"I won't be with you, sorry, I will!" Tang Zhong said.

"I don't believe it!" Lie Qiuxue said.

Now Tang Zhong doesn't even pay attention to him.

Lie Qiuxue was speechless, after all, she was also the owner of Fengxuan Pavilion, when was she being passed by a man like this?She thought it was because this man didn't know her identity, and that's why she was like this. It seemed that there was a chance to reveal it.

"Then, let's start now!" Wu Yue said.

As she spoke, she immediately saw a huge hatch opened in front of her. It was a giant spaceship.

"60 spaceships are now ready!"

Behind the hatch, there are all the same spaceships, that scene is really luxurious!

"Get on your spaceship, and I'll announce the start of the game!"

A large group of young people started to move and chose to board the spaceship one after another. They represent their respective forces. Since they are here, they must take the first place!

(End of this chapter)

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