Chapter 1671 Apologize to Lao Tzu!

Now that you're here, think first!

Now, everyone ran to the spaceship and went up one after another!

This spaceship is exactly the same as the usual ones, and it is easy to control.

Tang Zhong also got on the spaceship and carefully observed the spaceship sitting on it. The spaceship has few instruments, only forward and backward, and then it can accelerate and change direction.

Just like the water motorcycle on the earth, but this one is flying in the air!
Once it enters the flying state, it will be covered with something similar to a glass cover to ensure that the flying person will not suffer any mistakes when flying!

"It's still the same sentence, friendship first, competition second, don't lose friendship for the sake of competition, if there is any problem in the middle, we will send people to rescue." That Wu Yue shouted standing on the high platform.

Everyone heard it, and started to prepare one after another, entered the flight state, and the glass cover appeared!
Tang Zhong checked the device there, it was perfect, at least Tang Zhong felt so.

The right hand handle can be turned and then bring power to this spaceship!

"Start!" At this moment, Wu Yue began to shout.

These people don't need to record anything, as long as they reach the end, everything is recorded by electronic equipment there!
It feels really good!

I saw countless spaceships turning the right handle with the person, and quickly rushed forward!

This is the same as those water motorcycles on the earth, but the water motorcycles on the earth use oil, and I don't know what energy this thing uses to drive forward!

It should be the unique energy in the universe!
Tang Zhong also started.

When he was in the army in the early years, he still had a Harley, driving a spaceship, just like riding a motorcycle!
Whoosh, flames erupt from the back of the spaceship!
All set off.

Ahead is an endless starry sky.

Now densely packed spaceships pass by!
In the beginning, the path ahead was relatively wide without any obstacles, but obstacles began to appear ahead.

Countless small meteorites are blocking there!

The people driving the spaceships are hiding everywhere!
There are only a few people who drive the spaceship at an extremely fast speed. Even if they encounter obstacles, they don't slow down, but hide sideways!

Not everyone is so good at flying spaceships, so the gap is quickly opened up!

Tang Zhong had always been at the end.

Lie Qiuxue was right next to him, this little girl was driving the spaceship, and she didn't run far, she was right beside him!
Tang Zhong couldn't run even if he wanted to!

"Don't get rid of me!" Lie Qiuxue shouted from inside the spaceship.

Although it was wearing a glass cover, the two were very close and could hear each other talking.

Don't let Tang Zhong get rid of it, then Tang Zhong must get rid of it!

Accelerate suddenly!
He wasn't interested in being number one, but this time, he was going to be number one.

Whoosh, the speed of the spaceship is very fast!

Accelerate suddenly, there is an obstacle stone in front of you.

He suddenly turned the spaceship sideways and swished past the stone!
A few more stones, Tang Zhong still used the same method!

And when it was on, Tang Zhong's blood boiled, it felt really good.

Go, go, go to the front!
And at this time, a big rock appeared in front of him. The big rock was very wide, and he could only avoid it unless he changed direction. But at this time, Tang Zhong saw a hole in the center of the big rock, and a spaceship could just pass through there. !
He suddenly accelerated, let's go through the hole, whoosh, the spaceship accelerated, and it was about to pass through the hole!

But at this moment, another spaceship flew over from beside him, very fast!

Tang Zhong passed the side of the spaceship and saw the fast-flying spaceship coming, he didn't take it seriously, but planned to go through the hole first.

But who knew, the speed of the spaceship behind did not decrease but increased, ready to rush past Tang Zhong!

Tang Zhong was stunned for a moment. If the two spaceships collided, they would all be doomed. How did this man drive the spaceship? He quickly slowed down, and then wanted to see who was driving the spaceship next to him!

Isn't friendship first and competition second?This guy is probably courting death for doing this!

Turning his head slightly, the spaceship next to him just flashed by!

He saw who was driving the spaceship next to him. During the opening ceremony, he saw a strong man with a dull expression. Now it was this man who was driving the spaceship.

The two spaceships are very close at this moment.

Tang Zhong looked at the strong man, and that strong man also looked at Tang Zhong, and the two looked at each other!
Tang Zhong was startled, he saw that the strong man's pupils were gray and lifeless!
Are you a human?

It seems to continue to take another look!
Suddenly, the strong man hit him with a spaceship.

Kakaka, sparks rose from the impact of Tang Zhong's spaceship, almost deviated its direction, and hit the rock. If Tang Zhong hadn't forcibly stabilized the speed, Tang Zhong would have to confess here now!
"Damn!" Tang Zhong yelled angrily, almost crashing the plane and killing everyone. He wanted to talk to that strong man, but he saw that the other party had already rushed through the round hole in front, and the speed did not weaken at all. !

Seeing this scene, Tang Zhong's heart was burning with anger, this person is bullying him!
Tang Zhong couldn't bear this tone, he directly twisted the handle of his right hand to the end, suddenly, bigger flames burst out from the spaceship, and with a whoosh, it rushed out like lightning!
He wanted to catch up with this person, but was bumped by someone else, his tone was unbearable!
The spaceship ahead is fast!

Tang Zhong didn't reduce his speed either!

There are spaceships all around, he dodges people and obstacles, and keeps accelerating!
But that strong man was very fast, Tang Zhong felt that it was difficult for him to catch up, what kind of man was he?
He will not admit defeat, speed up!
Whoosh whoosh!
Flying directly from the surrounding spaceships at this speed, the people in the other spaceships only heard the sound coming from their ears, and saw a light flying past, everyone was shocked and stupid, thinking that it was really a human Are you flying a spaceship?
Star mode, one hundred thousand light years, their speed is very fast now, it will take a while to complete the flight!
Because it is an assessment, it is impossible to be flat.

In the air ahead, there are more and more floating stones, and they are still moving.

Sometimes, just dodging a rock, and then another rock!
You have to react faster, if you are full and slow, you may be scrapped here!

Several people were like this, just dodged a rock, and another one came oncoming, with a bang, they slammed into it directly, and the plane was destroyed.

It doesn't mean that if 60 people participate in the competition, there must be 60 people at the finish line!
And Tang Zhong pursued madly all the way.

In front of him, he saw the spaceship driven by the strong man, without saying a word, he yelled, "You apologize to me!"

(End of this chapter)

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