Chapter 1676 Tracking!

"Tang Zhong, Earth!"

Those few people manipulated an instrument similar to a tablet computer a few times, and a person's information appeared on it, which belonged to Tang Zhong. The other party took a closer look at the tablet computer, and then compared Tang Zhong's appearance in front of him. Then said: "Mmm!"

Then I went to investigate other people, so there should be no problem!
Tang Zhong looked at them and knew that the Universe Star University had taken measures.

Just follow them to check it out!

Maybe there will be new gains!

These people scouted everyone in the training room, and they left after there was no problem.

Tang Zhong followed behind them.

"Hey, what are you doing?"

Lie Qiuxue is right behind Tang Zhong!
Tang Zhong looked back and saw that it was Lie Qiuxue, and ignored him.

Lie Qiuxue may have recovered, and said: "Hey, look at you sneaky, what are you doing with others? You don't have any sins!"

"Go away!" Tang Zhong said directly.

Lie Qiuxue was in a mess, mainly because of what Tang Zhong did yesterday, which made her confused!
Later, when she slept in the room by herself at night, she was really afraid that Tang Zhong would come to double cultivate with her. Although Lie Qiuxue was not afraid of him, if he came, she...she would be very panicked!
Unexpectedly, after one night, the other party didn't come, and Lie Qiuxue felt that Tang Zhong must be joking, so she dared to speak up.

But this guy has such an attitude!

Lie Qiuxue couldn't bear it.

who is she?The owner of the Fengxuan Pavilion, she knows people from all the major forces, but she has never suffered a loss in front of others, but she has suffered so much in front of this kid, she is very unhappy!
Seeing Tang Zhong sneaking around, she followed behind!
Tang Zhong walked out!

He has been watching those people investigating other people's identities, but his focus is different. He is looking at the crowd, similar to the kind of creature that was a strong man before. If they hide in the crowd, then under such a strong inspection now, The other party will definitely be panicked, as long as they stare at the crowd now, they can find the existence of those people!
Where did people go?

Lie Qiuxue stared at Tang Zhong, seeing how mysterious he was, and said, "What are you doing?"

"Stop talking!" Tang Zhong said.

Lie Qiuxue was annoyed before, but now when she heard this, she was even more annoyed: "You told me not to speak, but I want to talk!"

And still talking loudly!

Lie Qiuxue shouted there.

Suddenly, it attracted the attention of many people!

Tang Zhong was speechless. He was looking for people now, and he was secretly observing them. This would not scare people away.

"Hmph, I want to see what you are doing sneakily?" Lie Qiuxue said.

"What a shrew!" Tang Zhong said directly.

Suddenly Lie Qiuxue became annoyed, shrew?

Is this shrew talking about him?

With this tone, Lie Qiuxue really couldn't bear it anymore: " wait!"

But Tang Zhong didn't have time to look at him at all, but looked around. Suddenly, he saw a sneaky person among the crowd, moving towards the back, as if evading inspection.

And if you look at this person carefully, you will find that this person's expression is still dull!
It's him!

Tang Zhong immediately chased after him!

Lie Qiuxue was still about to scold Tang Zhong, but saw that Tang Zhong actually left: "I want to leave, but there is no way!"

He was about to follow Tang Zhong.

Tang Zhong ignored Lie Qiuxue and directly pursued him.

The man was very fast and quickly ran into the small alley.

Tang Zhong immediately chased after him!
Lie Qiuxue also followed behind, cursing as she walked.

The two of them also followed into the small alley.

The Universe and Starry Sky University is very big. It doesn't mean that there are people everywhere, and some places are empty.

The person who escaped seems to be very familiar with the Universe Star University!
Tang Zhong and Lie Qiuxue chased after them.

Finally arrived in an alley.

This place is very dilapidated, and it is obviously a place where sundries are stored in the Universe Star University.

Usually very few people come here!
He walked in, and the walking area was very small, with houses on both sides!
Tang Zhong slowed down a lot, and then walked over.

Lie Qiuxue followed behind, and found that Tang Zhong had walked into such a deserted place, she felt a little panicked, and looked at Tang Zhong: "What are you doing here?"

I thought about it, and thought of something bad.

Is this kid planning to double repair with her here?
Thinking of this, Lie Qiuxue's heart skipped a beat, this guy is too scheming.

It's not that she's afraid of Tang Zhong, but she just doesn't know who loses and who wins in a battle, just wait and see!
Tang Zhong didn't have as much thought as Lie Qiuxue at all, he kept staring at the surroundings at the moment, the atmosphere around was disgusting, which disgusted him very much, if there were no problems, if there were no accidents, those people would be here Bar!
"Stop!" Tang Zhong waved his hand immediately.

Lie Qiuxue has been thinking about Tang Zhong's talk about double cultivation, and immediately became vigilant towards Tang Zhong when she heard the stop: "Hehe, you tricked me into coming here, and you want to do double cultivation with me here, but there is no way!"

Tang Zhong was speechless, where the hell did this come from, he didn't have time to pay attention to Lie Qiuxue!
"For a while, no matter what happens, don't make too much noise, you know?" Tang Zhong said.

Lie Qiuxue was trembling with anger, and her double cultivation, and she didn't let other people make noise, this guy is too hateful, she knows that when men and women are doing that kind of thing, they can't help themselves, it's normal to make too much noise!
It seems that this guy really wants to double cultivate with him, no way!
Tang Zhong didn't care about him, but squatted down, with his ears on the ground, it was difficult to use his consciousness here, as if there was some kind of enchantment, he could only rely on the old method!
During ancient battles, put your ears on the ground and feel the sound of battle!
This is undoubtedly the most effective detection method!
He listened carefully!

But in Lie Qiuxue's eyes, all this became very complicated: "He is actually listening to the ground, does this guy want to give her to him on the ground, don't think about it!"

Tang Zhong had already heard the sound at this moment, he heard the sound of wriggling!

It seemed to come from underground, and he also heard the sound of iron chains colliding underground, as well as countless roars of beasts!

It was the voice of that day again.

Tang Zhong frowned directly, which means that what he experienced that day was not an illusion, but a real existence!
And at this moment, he also heard a more discordant voice.

It was the sound of touch, and it was nearby. The man disappeared here just now. Could it be that he was going to attack, and the sound came from the left!

"Not good!" Tang Zhong shouted out.

And Lie Qiuxue was still thinking about how to scold Tang Zhong.

And at this moment, from the room on the left, a black tentacle appeared through the wall.

(End of this chapter)

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