Chapter 1677 The old man who suddenly appeared!
At this moment, a black tentacle pierced through the wall and flew out at this moment.

It happened to be heading towards Lie Qiuxue!
Lie Qiuxue never expected that when she felt the killing intent, she turned around and saw the tentacles, and screamed!

And in an instant, Tang Zhong grabbed Lie Qiuxue's leg, pulled her down, and pressed her on her body at the same time.

The tentacle just flew past them and landed on the wall next to it.

With a bang, the wall was directly blasted through!

Lie Qiuxue fell to the ground, gasping for breath, it was really dangerous just now, if Tang Zhongwan had saved her just for a second, maybe she would have died here already.

"Thank you!"

But Tang Zhong ignored him at all, but looked at the tentacles, took out the magic sword, and chopped down towards the tentacles above his head!

The tentacle was severed.

Immediately there was a roaring sound, as if a monster had descended!
Lie Qiuxue was stunned, not knowing what happened, she saw the severed tentacles falling from the sky, turning into a pile of black viscous liquid, and on the other side, there was A devil-like person rushed out!
Who is this?How could it appear in Xing Kong Universe University?
And the people next to him were also slightly taken aback, wondering what was going on?

Tang Zhong looked at the demon and said directly: "What is the purpose of your coming here?"

He could tell that the demon in front of him was much wiser than the previous one!
"Anyone who sees me will die!" said the demon.

growled the demon.

Directly attack and kill Tang Zhong.

All kinds of attacks emerged one after another, he didn't know there was an extra black ax in his hand, chasing and killing Tang Zhong, chopping continuously!

Tang Zhong used the magic sword to resist!

But this demon's attack is too strong!
"What is the purpose of you coming to Universe Star University?" Tang Zhong continued to question.

The demon didn't answer Tang Zhong at all, but kept attacking Tang Zhong, repeatedly attacking and killing him!

But it can't hurt the demon at all. This demon is very powerful, like a small boss!
He had to use the power of the giant dragon avatar, but now that the woman was by his side, he couldn't use it, and he couldn't be seen by the other party.

And at this moment, another person rushed in from the other side. The person's eyes were dull, but he looked like a human being. He seemed to be the demon's helper, and they attacked Tang Zhong together.

Tang Zhong shouted: "What are you still doing in a daze? Come and help!"

It was only at this time that Lie Qiuxue came to his senses and joined the battle.

Lie Qiuxue's strength is not weak, otherwise she wouldn't be the master of Fengxuan Pavilion!
Fighting with another person was not a disadvantage, that person directly took off his human skin and turned into a demon!
One person and one demon are fighting!

The two demons surrounded them.

Lie Qiuxue asked Tang Zhong: "What are these dark looking things?"

Tang Zhong came to this place, just now Tang Zhong saw a person leaving, so Tang Zhong must know who these people are!
"I don't know either!" Tang Zhong said.

It is impossible for him to tell Lie Qiuxue that these people are monsters, because the more he knows, the more troublesome they will be!

The two are still ready to continue the conversation!
Those demons attacked and killed them!
There are constant fighters on both sides, and there are fluctuating blasts everywhere!
These monsters have many means, and they can constantly switch weapons.

Lie Qiuxue was forced to separate from Tang Zhong. Of course, this was exactly what Tang Zhong needed. Only when he was far away from Lie Qiuxue could he use the giant dragon avatar.

This area is a utility room, and there are not many people.

Tang Zhong lured the monster to leave with him.

Tang Zhong stopped when he reached the place where Lie Qiuxue was isolated, looked at the monster, and said, "Who are you?"

The monster stared at Tang Zhong and roared, "You guys must die!"

"Really?" Tang Zhong directly used the power of the giant dragon avatar, this monster would definitely not say anything, kill it first.

He can be sure that in this cosmic starry sky, there must be a lot of such monsters. They are hiding in the university, and they are brewing some kind of plan. As long as they kill them and the monsters die more, the other monsters will definitely not be able to sit still. , then it will be easy to handle.

As soon as he released his power, he saw his hand become the dragon's hand in an instant.

He has now learned the dragon skill that the dragon left for him in the universe bank!
To kill this person, you don't need to use such a powerful force, you only need to expose a little bit!

And the moment he revealed his power, the monster in front of him seemed to recognize it: "The power of reptiles!"

Tang Zhong knew that he was recognized, so he said at this moment: "It seems that you recognized it!"

"Die!" the demon roared wildly, and continued to attack, the powerful attack seemed to overwhelm Tang Zhong.

But Tang Zhong directly ignored the opponent's attack, the power of the dragon claw exploded, and grabbed the demon's throat, the power of the giant dragon clone was very strong!
The demon was grabbed by the throat and wanted to struggle, but he couldn't struggle at all!
"Tell me, what are you doing here?" Tang Zhong said coldly.

The demon couldn't struggle, so he stopped struggling and said coldly, "Come kill you!"

"Tell the truth!" Tang Zhong's strength became stronger, and he directly crushed the demon's throat, and his entire throat was pinched and deformed!

The demon didn't seem to be in pain at all, but was laughing wildly: "You reptile, when the lord arrives, you will die a miserable death. The reptile is what the lord hates the most!"

"Then go to hell!" Tang Zhong said coldly.

A dragon's claw crushed it, directly crushing the demon.

The demon directly turned into a pool of black liquid!
Tang Zhong didn't even look at it, just chased another demon!
I saw Lie Qiuxue fighting with another demon. It can be seen that Lie Qiuxue is extremely struggling at this time, fighting with the opponent, he is completely invincible!
As soon as Tang Zhong appeared, he was ready to help Lie Qiuxue kill this demon.

He will not use the power of demons!
When the demon saw Tang Zhong approaching, his face was full of astonishment: "Where is the other person?"

"I have already killed it!" Tang Zhong said.

"It's up to you!" The demon was completely unconvinced.

"It's up to me!" Tang Zhong said.

"Go to hell!" the demon roared.

Tang Zhong and Lie Qiuxue fought together.

But at this moment, suddenly, a powerful aura appeared, and an old man appeared from a distance, and said coldly: "Come to my starry sky and universe university to play wild...die!"

Then the old man shot directly, and with a palm blast, the demon turned into a pool of black liquid and fell to the ground.

Tang Zhong looked at the old man, he was really too strong.

(End of this chapter)

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