Chapter 1685 Weaker than the downwind!

"I'm sorry, I surprised everyone!" At this time, the captain of the strange ghost said.

Immediately, everyone looked over, and when they saw each other, they unconsciously clenched their fists.

Because everyone knows that this flying man is the leader of the White Walker team!

At this time, Murong Qing looked at the captain of the strange ghost, frowned, and said, "What do you want to do? I advise you to leave quickly, otherwise, when we human beings arrive, you will all be wiped out!"

The White Ghost captain smiled and said: "When you human beings come, you will all die. After they come, you may only see countless corpses and stumps!"

Murong Qing clenched his fists, trembling all over with anger, it was true, their manpower could not defeat so many strange ghosts!
Even so, at this moment, you must not back down!
"Then fight to the death!" Murong Qing shouted,

The people next to him were all scared to death just now, but Murong Qing's words directly ignited everyone's passion and blood!

"It's a good one to die in battle!" Captain White Ghost laughed loudly: "Then I will definitely fulfill you!"

Tang Zhong stood with Yan Gang in the crowd!
After Tang Zhong looked at Captain Alien Ghost, he asked Yan Gang: "How is this cultivation?"

Yan Gang said: "This kind of character is not very strong!"

"Then what about the strange ghost they want to save?" Tang Zhong said.

He was talking about the strange ghost under the stele of heaven.

"That's very strong, it's a General of the Other Ghosts, it's the strength of the Immortal God King!" Yan Gang said.

Immortal God King!
Tang Chong muttered: "Then this time, is there a high chance of everyone surviving?"

"Very small!" Yan Gang said.

Tang Zhong asked: "Is that person very powerful?"

"Very powerful, very powerful!" Yan Gang said: "Although I have never seen this person before, I have seen it in history books!"

Tang Zhong was stunned: "Long Zu still has history books? Where is it, I want to see it!"

"It's not Longzu's, but Cangdi's. Longzu is not interested in praising his own virtues. These are the original words of my elders!" Yan Gang said.

Tang Zhong fell silent: "Then what should we do? We can stop those ghosts!"

"Either defeat the other ghosts, or strengthen the seal!" Yan Gang said.

Defeating is obviously too unrealistic. Tang Zhong himself didn't believe in himself. At this time, he looked at the sky stone tablet. There are many inscriptions on it. Those strange symbols are seals!
"How to strengthen?" Tang Zhong continued to ask.

"I don't know, the method of sealing is all on the stone tablet!" Yan Gang said.

Tang Zhong continued to look at the Tianshi tablet: "Is it those words?"

"That's dragon text, only real dragons can understand it, and we are just dragon guards, but we have a trace of dragon blood on our bodies, so we can't understand dragon text at all!" Yan Gang said.

"I can?" Tang Zhong said.

His current body is the body of a giant dragon, and he has inherited the mantle of a dragon, but now, he can't understand what those words are. Come.

"Damn it!" Shi Yan clenched his fists and came.

Now we can only wait for the opportunity.

"Have you seen the Heavenly Stele, don't let that strange ghost get close to the seal!" Yan Gang said.

Tang Zhong nodded when he heard the other party speak.

That White Ghost captain must be the one who unlocked the seal, just keep an eye on that person!
At this time, the captain of the other ghosts waved his hand, and in an instant, the other ghosts behind him roared, full of fighting spirit, and began to attack.

Murong Qing originally wanted to waste a little time, but at this moment, he could only fight: "The protection personnel evacuated!"

This stone tablet is what these ghosts want to get, and the old, weak, sick and disabled are not the target of the ghosts at all, and now they can evacuate as many as they can!

As long as they guard here and hold it, the stronger they guard, the greater the chance of the old, weak, sick and disabled being sent out!
Murong Qing and the others had already fought with those strange ghosts, and the scene was extremely huge!

He is the principal of the Universe and Starry Sky University, and his strength is the Immortal God King. Several strange ghosts who were about to rush over were easily killed by his men without any power to fight back.

The black-robed man also made a direct move, grabbing a different ghost with one hand, clenched his palm tightly, and continued to torture and kill, the strange ghost was directly crushed and exploded.

Of course, there are also cosmic beings who were directly killed by the aliens and turned into corpses!
"Fortunately, it's Principal Murong, it looks like I've made a move!" The leader of the strange ghost suddenly shook his wings and made a move.

At the same time, several other ghosts behind him also shot at the same time!
When Murong Qing and the man in the black robe saw the captain of the other ghost leading his subordinates to attack, they also directly attacked.

They took to the air and began to fight.

The wings behind the captain of the other ghosts trembled very fast, and his hands began to change, like the hands of a praying mantis!
The captain of the other ghost rushed over quickly!
Whoosh whoosh!
Hands are like blades!
After Murong Qing saw it, a black mask appeared in front of him!
The captain of the strange ghost rushed over, and the blade looked directly at the black cover.

At the same time, the man in black made a move from behind and punched him out.

The other ghosts blocked the man in black!

The three ghosts fought against the black-robed man, while Murong Qing fought against the captain of the ghosts!
With one move, Captain Alien Ghost looked at Murong Qing, and said coldly: "Your opponent is me, I will deal with you first, and then deal with the others!"

Then Captain White Walker strikes again!

Murong Qing fought back there.

At the same time, the surrounding ghosts and cosmic people have been fighting together.

Tang Zhong and Yan Gang also joined the battle!

Those ordinary ghosts, under the hands of the two, have no power to fight back, and now they cannot be discovered by others, so they can only maintain a state of balance with the ghosts!
And Tang Zhong kept looking at the heavenly stele, and he looked at those dragon texts.

The people below were sealed by the dragon, and he took the body of the dragon, so he must be able to understand these golden inscriptions!

However, I don't understand at all!

Yan Gang doesn't know what happened back then, no one can help him, everything can only depend on himself!
From now on, we will see how the battle between Murong Qing and the captain of the strange ghost goes. If he can resist, wait for the reinforcements to arrive. If he can't resist, it's over!

Now, there are dead people everywhere, and now is the real battlefield. Many people see their former comrades dying here, and now they sigh deeply, but there is nothing they can do!
Now everyone pins their hopes on Murong Qing, capture the thief first, capture the king first, and kill that strange ghost captain first, that's it!
But now, it was obvious that the situation was not as everyone wished. Murong Qing was obviously not the opponent of the captain of the ghost. Under the several powerful attacks of the captain of the ghost, Murong Qing was obviously weaker.

(End of this chapter)

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