Chapter 1686 Dragon chain!

Today's Murong Qing is already at a disadvantage!
The captain of the strange ghost kept pressing over, Murong Qing could only defend, and had no chance to attack at all.

And this White Ghost captain didn't seem to be tired at all, he attacked like crazy!

With a bang, Murong Qing was repelled and went back!
"The principal of the Universe Star University is nothing more than that!" the captain of the strange ghost taunted.

"Hehe, you ghosts should all be slaughtered!" Murong Qing roared.

"Principal Murong Qing, I'm waiting for you to kill me now. I gave you a lot of opportunities just now, but now, I have nothing to do, and I really can't wait for you to kill me, so now, let me kill you." I'll kill you!" Captain White Ghost sneered.

At this time, I saw him stretch out his hand, and in the palm of his hand, there was a group of rotating black balls. Inside the ball, there were several lightning bolts. The ball was like a nuclear explosion, as if it was possible at any time. Like a burst!
"Principal Murong Qing, can you catch my move?" Captain White Ghost asked coldly.

Then the ghost hand threw the black ball out at once!
However, the throwing direction was not Murong Qing, but a group of innocent people.

The black ball will obviously explode. If those innocent people are hit, then the other party will definitely die!
Murong Qing thought that Captain Alien Ghost would move towards him, but when he saw this scene, he cursed shamelessly, and immediately flickered over. The ball was about to hit those innocent people, so Murong Qing stretched out his hand to block the ball , crushed by the crazy impact, Murong Qing tried his best to resist the ball!
Boom boom boom!
He used the strength in his body to fight against the ball.

Finally, the ball was pawned off, and it dissipated quickly, but Murong Qing was already exhausted after exerting all his strength.

Seeing this scene, Tang Zhong had to say that this Murong Qing was a good person, but suddenly, he saw the scene and immediately shouted: "Be careful!"

In front of Murong Qing, the captain of the strange ghost suddenly made a move, his palm turned into a knife, and charged over.

When Murong Qing heard that he was careful, and also saw Captain Alien's small movements, his face suddenly became ugly, and he was actually attacked!
He wanted to resist immediately, but it was still a little late after all!

The hand knife of the captain of the strange ghost directly penetrated Murong Qing's chest, and blood came out.

" sneak attack!" Murong Qing gritted his teeth while looking at the other party.

"You cosmic people are so simple!" Captain White Ghost laughed, then suddenly pulled out the knife in his hand, and punched it out!

Murong Qing was blown away all of a sudden, and was seriously injured!

When Murong Qing flew upside down, he knew it was definitely over this time, and fell to the ground, spitting blood.

That ghost captain no longer cared about Murong Qing, but his eyes fell on the man in black, saying: "Now, it's your turn!"

The man in black stared at the captain of the strange ghost. Although he couldn't see his face clearly, he could tell that the other party was very unhappy!
Now that Murong Qing is knocked down, then there is only this man in black, otherwise, no one will be the opponent of this captain of the strange ghost!
In an instant, the captain of the strange ghost made a move, which was different from fighting against Murong Qing, but killed him directly: "You are from Emperor Cang, right?"

"What I hate the most now are Emperor Cang's people!"

"So I will kill you!"

As soon as he made a move, he directly blasted out with a palm of his hand with the might of destroying the sky!
At that moment, the power of the strange ghost erupted, and the pitch-black thunder and lightning rumbled towards the man in black robe.

The man in black quickly resisted, but under the power of the lightning, there was no room for retaliation. With just one move, he was knocked back and fell down, panting heavily, with his hands covering his chest, as if he was vomiting blood!
The cosmic man who had pinned his hopes on the man in black just now, with one move, his hope was shattered!
Everyone panicked and didn't know what to do?
Not even the headmaster is a monster who is no match, he will kill everyone.

"A bunch of trash, one day, we White Ghosts will enslave you all!" The White Ghost Captain looked around and said coldly.

Then, I saw the captain of the strange ghost walked to the side of the stele that day!

When Murong Qing and the others saw this scene, their faces became even more ugly. They knew what the leader of the strange ghost wanted to do, they wanted to break the seal and rescue the person who was sealed inside!

Regardless of his injuries, he stood up abruptly, trying to stop the other party, only to see the captain of the strange ghost waved his hand, and a strange ghost stood in front of him.

The current Murong Qing was seriously injured, even the strange ghost in front of him might not be his opponent.

That man in black robe is no match for him!

Once the seal is released by the other ghost captain, and the contents inside come out, everyone will die!

"Stop him!" Murong Qing shouted.

Fight with the ghosts in front of you.

The man in black also made a move.

But he couldn't get close to the captain of the other ghosts at all.

At this moment, the captain of the strange ghost took out a small black ball, and there was a dark aura flowing in the small ball!

I saw that small ball suddenly flew up into the air, and a black breath was released from it, which immediately enveloped the stele of that day, and then began to corrode the dragon inscription on the stele of heaven!
"The things left by these reptiles are bound to be destroyed!"

In the distance, Tang Zhong became nervous, Long Wen must not be eliminated by him, otherwise the whole universe would be ruined!

"We must stop him!" Tang Zhong wanted to make a move and directly transform into a giant dragon clone, but Yan Gang held Tang Zhong directly with one hand, and then shook his head!

Tang Zhong knew that this meant that he was not allowed to do anything!
"How long will we have to wait?" Tang Zhong asked anxiously.

"If you are exposed, Emperor Cang will not let you go. He knows that our Twelve Dragon Guards are still left, so he has been sending troops to pursue them. Once found, they will be slaughtered, let alone the blood of the Dragon Ancestor?" Yan Gang said.

"But we can't see so many people die!" Tang Zhong said.

What he was even more afraid of was that when the sealed thing appeared, it would threaten his family!
"There will be a chance!" Yan Gang said.

"What chance?" Tang Zhong was taken aback.

"Look!" Yan Gang said.

At this time, as the black aura above the black ball melted into the sky stone tablet, the golden text turned black now!

Then, in front of the sky stele, a rotating black hole gradually appeared.

That black hole is supposed to be an entrance!
When Captain White Ghost saw the entrance directly, he smiled, and then waved his hand, which meant to let his subordinates do it.

Those White Walkers rioted again and started killing people!
Then Captain White Walker walked into the black hole!
Tang Zhong saw the black hole: "Are you waiting for this opportunity?"

"Yes!" Yan Gang said.

"What is that place?" Tang Zhong asked.

"That is the sealed land, the sealed foreign ghost was also locked with a dragon chain, to undo the seal, you must open the dragon chain!" Yan Gang said.

(End of this chapter)

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