Chapter 1687 Alien General!
"Dragon chain?" Tang Zhong frowned slightly, obviously he didn't expect this!
"The stele of heaven is an outer seal. There is a sealing power in those gold inscriptions, but they are blocked by the ghosts with ghost essence. The dragon text is currently useless, but the dragon text will purify the ghost essence. When the purification is over, it will be sealed again. , so the captain of the ghost is planning to cut off the dragon chain and rescue the sealed ghost when Longwen finishes purifying the ghost essence, and this period of time is our chance!" Yan Gang said.

Tang Zhong knew that he had a chance, so he stopped talking, because now the surrounding ghosts are massacring people!

He also knew what the purpose of the captain of the strange ghosts was to let so many different ghosts do it. He wanted to disturb the crowd and prevent them from entering the seal.

At this moment, there are countless casualties around.

Many cosmic people were directly penetrated by the strange ghost with their hands, took out the beating heart, and then crushed it.

Not only that, there are other means!
Except for those who are as powerful as Murong Qing, the others don't even have the strength to last a round under the hands of the strange ghost.

After all, in order to save people, the strange ghost must dispatch the most elite force.

Tang Zhong took Yan Gang into the group of strange ghosts and began to kill them.

Seeing Tang Zhong approaching, a strange ghost roared immediately, ready to grab Tang Zhong and devour him.

When Tang Zhong saw the strange ghost, he punched it out.

It pierced directly through the neck of the alien, like a fist of red-hot steel, and the alien turned into a pile of black liquid!

Because the scene was very chaotic, Tang Zhong's actions were not seen by many people.

There were only a few people, including Lie Qiuxue. She looked at Tang Zhong in shock, because he could tell how strong these ghosts were, but now that ghosts could be killed so easily by Tang Zhong, she could only say that the ghosts were not Simple.

Tang Zhong turned his head to see the shocked Lie Qiuxue and said, "Don't be surprised, I will explain these things to you when I have time!"

Lie Qiuxue didn't know what to say anymore, at this moment, she nodded heavily.

"From now on, be careful!" Tang Zhong said.

Then prepare to move towards the seal, as long as you enter the seal and block the captain of the other ghosts.

And at the entrance of the seal, there are still many strange monsters waiting, and they are all very powerful. It is really difficult to pass through the defensive circle.

I have to think of a way!
Murong Qing and the black-robed man also wanted to enter the seal, similarly, they couldn't even get through the siege of the aliens, let alone get close to the seal.

Tang Zhong saw them, and those ghosts exerted great power to hinder these two people, as long as he can let more ghosts pass by now.

Now there is a way to let him in, but it may be a little bit lossy!
"I'm sorry, Principal Murong!" Tang Chong murmured.

Then he shouted at the top of his voice: "Murong Qing is going to enter that sealed place!"

Although he shouted at the top of his voice, but because the scene was so chaotic, few people knew that he was the one who shouted. They saw a large group of strange ghosts, and they all looked in Murong Qing's direction at this time.

Obviously, the death order given by the captain of the other ghosts is that Murong Qing must not be allowed to approach!

Murong Qing was killing other ghosts and heard this voice, who called it?He obviously hasn't approached yet, just now he purposely made his strength look weaker, so that many strange ghosts were sent out to fight with others, and then he took the opportunity to sneak in.

But now that there are a few more aliens, he has no chance to even get close.

Damn it, if he found out who yelled, he would definitely kill this person!

And the man in black is now stopped by countless strange ghosts.

Tang Zhong's idea came true, then the opportunity came.

"Yan Gang, let's go!" Tang Zhong shouted.

Yan Gang followed behind: "Yes!"

The two of them killed all the way, very fast, and now Murong Fu and the others are fighting with the ghosts, so they definitely don't want to see him here, so this is an opportunity for him!
The ghosts everywhere are screaming there!

The strange ghost guarding the side of the sky stone tablet saw Tang Zhong and the others coming, so he went up to fight, but Tang Zhong broke his neck!
The other guarding ghosts didn't do anything at all, thinking that their companions could easily kill each other, but the picture was not what they thought, so they fought together!
"Let me come!" Yan Gang roared, and then he gave a big palm for a while, and the palm descended from the sky, with the power of heavy flames.

Blast to the Others.

Those ghosts died directly, but other ghosts came over.

Yan Gang blocked them, turned his head and said to Tang Zhong: "Go!"

Tang Zhong knew that it was Yan Gang who used his body to block the attack for him, so he quickly stepped into the sealed place!
Whoosh, it will soon disappear into the black hole!

At the same time, when Murong Qing and the others saw the fluctuations at the entrance, they were slightly taken aback, did someone go in?

The black-robed man was a little surprised. After all, they didn't find any strong aura in this place, which meant that there was no strong man. What did that man do?
As for the others, they don't even know what the seal represents, they just want to live now!
Just as Tang Zhong entered the sealed place, the powerful suction pulled him down abruptly.

He forced himself to steady himself and looked around.

This is an abyss.

Looking down from a high altitude, he saw a scene, which made his face extremely ugly. He saw the captain of the strange ghost. Now, he is bowing towards the dark place, and it is obvious that he has just entered it not long ago!
It should be that there are taboos along the way, and the captain of the strange ghost broke the taboos all the way, so the speed is very slow now.

Great, as long as the seal is not broken.

He jumped down, landed behind Captain White Walker, and stepped on the ground with one foot!

The captain of the strange ghost looked sideways slightly, saw Tang Zhong, did not expect that someone would come here, and laughed: "You can break through the layers of protection of the strange ghost, and your strength is not ordinary when you get here, but I am here When I attacked here, I didn’t find your name, so who are you?”

"Get out of Starry Sky University!" Tang Zhong said coldly.

"Murong Qing doesn't even dare to speak to me like that, what are you!" Captain White Ghost's voice quickly turned cold.

"Then I have no choice but to kill him!" Tang Zhong said coldly.

He will never let the captain of the other ghosts break the seal!
Captain White Ghost was about to make a move, but suddenly, from the dark, there was a movement, and there was a sound of rattling iron chains being dragged on the ground.

"haven't seen you for a long time……"

From the darkness, a voice came out.

Captain Alien was slightly taken aback, he didn't expect the general to come out to speak, when he said to save the general just now, the general didn't respond.

Tang Zhong heard the voice, looked at the dark place, and felt full pressure!
At this moment, in the darkness, scarlet eyes appeared, and a taller alien walked out with a sneer.

(End of this chapter)

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