Chapter 1689 Are You Scared?

The dragon chain exploded in an instant.

When Tang Zhong saw this scene, his expression turned ugly!
He never expected that it would end up like this.

When the dragon chain was opened, the general of the strange ghost let out a roar, and the fragments of the dragon chain on his body exploded into pieces, and at the same time, a surging black aura bloomed from all over his body.

The entire abyss trembled.

The pupils of the other ghost general were as black as ink!
The leader of the strange ghost was knocked into the air just now. At this moment, he immediately knelt on the ground and said to the general of the strange ghost: "Congratulations, general!"

"Yeah!" The strange ghost gradually calmed down the aura on his body.

Tang Zhong looked at the captain of the strange ghost, his face was extremely ugly, and his fists were clenched together. This time, it was really too tricky.

The ghost general stared at Tang Zhong, and said with a smile, "Are you afraid?"

Tang Zhong didn't speak, but in fact, he is really too scared now, the alien general in front of him is too strong, if he dies, then other people will die too, because the purpose of these alien ghosts is this universe , those people he wants to protect are in this universe!

"If you're scared, just yell out loud, I like seeing reptiles scared the most!" The White Walker said with a smile.

Then in his hand, he grabbed the previous black axe.

Before, the black aura was lingering on the black axe, but now the aura is even stronger.

This ax is the weapon of this strange ghost!
Tang Zhong squinted his eyes: "I...I won't let you succeed!"

With that said, he clenched his fists!

The breath of thunder burst out instantly.

He rushed towards the alien general!
General Alien Ghost looked at Tang Zhong with a sneer.

At this time, the moment Tang Zhong punched out was mixed with violent force!

He blasted at that ghost general, he didn't hide any of his power, this ghost general just broke the seal, his strength is definitely not that powerful!

This is the only chance!
"You're thinking too much!" The White Walker said coldly.

The black ax in his hand slashed away!

Bang together with Tang Zhong's fist!
Tang Zhong was directly shaken back by the powerful force, fell to the ground, and stopped after rolling several times.

A look of embarrassment!

"Back then, it was a reptile exactly like you that sealed me away, but now I'm going to kill you!" General White Ghost said with a sneer.

Tang Zhong clenched his fists: "You are not qualified!"

"Really?" the ghost said coldly.

The giant ax in his hand slammed down and hit the ground.


There was a hole in the ground, and it surged forward, as if something was moving underground.

Tang Zhong retreated immediately.

Just in an instant.

With a bang, a group of black fluctuations burst out from the ground.

Bang to Tang Zhong.

Tang Zhong blocked it with a punch.

The black waves were extremely violent, and the aura of madness surged.

Tang Zhong was directly sent flying, hitting the wall of the abyss, a mouthful of bright red blood protruding out!
Then he got up from the ground again, staring at the general in front of him with a pale face!
"It's so comfortable to torture you reptiles!" General White Walker sneered.

Then holding a black axe, he walked towards Tang Zhong again.

He is not going to kill Tang Zhong now, but wants to have fun with the other party, and he has solved the original hatred!
"Why is that reptile so powerful, but you are so weak, and if there is no accident, you inherited his mantle. If you let him know that you are so weak now, and you are still tortured by the ghosts, I don't know What would you think?" The Other Ghost said with a sneer.

At this time, in front of Tang Zhong, he watched condescendingly!

Tang Zhong clenched his fists, gritted his teeth, and said with a smile, "Since you know that I have inherited his mantle, are you afraid?"

He knew that he couldn't beat this General of the Other Ghosts, and now there is another way to seal the General of the Other Ghosts, which is to prevent him from going out from here!
After Longwen outside has finished purifying the ghost essence, and seals this place again, the General of the Other Ghosts will not be able to get out, and neither will he.

Tang Zhong didn't care, who made his current ability unable to stop this strange ghost general?

And once this strange ghost goes out, it will definitely cause disaster!

Otherwise, it is impossible for these strange ghosts to have to rescue this strange ghost general!

So, take your time!
Hearing Tang Zhong's words, the General Alien Ghost's face turned ugly, obviously he didn't expect Tang Zhong to say such a thing!

General Alien would like to see Tang Zhong be afraid of him, because the reptile that sealed him was very powerful, and now this is the successor, if this person can be frightened, even scared to the point of peeing his pants, he will feel very refreshed of!

But now this person actually asked him if he was afraid?

"Am I afraid?" General Alien Ghost said coldly when he came to Tang Zhong's side.

"Of course you will be afraid!" Tang Zhong said.

"In front of you, I will be afraid?" General Alien Ghost felt the shame, and immediately chopped down with an ax, aiming at the top of Tang Zhong's head.

Seeing this, Tang Zhong immediately stretched out his hand to block it. There was a black light on the axe, it was extremely sharp, and it was crushed like a mountain!
Tang Zhong stretched out his hand and grabbed the axe, his arm was almost useless, but he still blocked the axe!
On the palm of the hand, blood is flowing, and a big hole has been opened!

You know, no one has ever left a scar on his dragon claw, but now this person can do it!
It can be seen that the other party has left!

Despite the pain in his arm, Tang Zhong still smiled there, as if nothing happened.

"You are too weak!" Tang Zhong said.

General Alien Ghost froze for a moment, then became even more frenzied, continuously attacking Tang Zhong!

The ax was raised high, and then it went straight down!

Tang Zhong still resisted with his body!
Otherwise, there is no way, the strongest thing now is his body!
Although, the body is almost useless!
I saw an ax cut down from Tang Zhong's shoulder!
With a click, blood came out.

The pain was so painful, but Tang Zhong still acted as if nothing happened!
"Are you... afraid?" Tang Zhong still smiled.

He held back the pain, delaying the time there!

"I'm afraid? How could I be afraid? You really think highly of yourself!" At this time, the White Ghost General was obviously a little flustered, and then roared.

In his mind, he remembered the past, the people who suppressed it here!

Immediately the ax passed again: "I'll hack you to death now, what else can you do?"

Come here with the axe.

Tang Zhong clenched his fists, his body was unconscious, this ghost general was too strong, he originally wanted to delay the other party's time, but now it seemed that he couldn't delay anymore.

"You...go to die!" The General of the Other Ghost moved with killing intent.

Because looking at this person, his heart is very chaotic.

Seeing this scene, Tang Zhong didn't know what to do, since he chose to procrastinate, let's procrastinate to the end.

(End of this chapter)

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