Chapter 1690 Indestructible!

Now that you have chosen to procrastinate, then procrastinate to the end!

Although his shoulder had already been cut, it was as if nothing had happened to him at this moment!
"Are you afraid?"

Emerging from the neck, bright red blood slowly flowed down.

That ghost general Tang Zhong would have knelt on the ground and begged for mercy, but he never expected this scene to happen. This guy is really not ordinary tough!

"I'm scared of shit!" The White Walker roared.

The ax was raised again, and a lot of killing breath condensed on it, and the black light flourished.

His heart was already very frantic, and he didn't know what he should do at all!

Because, when he was tortured by that reptile back then, the other party had such a contemptuous expression. If it wasn't for the injury on the person in front of him, maybe he would have really thought that the person in front of him was that reptile.

The extreme panic made him only think about killing now!
"Go to hell!" The White Walker roared.

The big ax in his hand fell directly!
Feeling the pressure, Tang Zhong stretched out his hand directly to block it. On his arm, the dragon scale shone brightly, looking extremely hard!

He knew it was hitting a stone with a pebble, but he had to do it!
The giant ax fell!

Tang Zhong's arm looked very hard, but the moment it was cut by the ax, with a click, the arm was directly split, and the bones were broken.

Tang Zhong gritted his teeth in pain, but finally held back the pain, letting the blood burst out from the wound.

The White Walker will send a crazy smile: "Now, are you afraid?"

"What I want to ask is, are you afraid?" Tang Zhong sneered.

Although his face is very pale now, he still has to pretend that nothing is the same!
"You..." General Alien's face was extremely ugly!
This person is obviously not the reptile, but he actually looked at it like this, which directly and deeply angered the General of the Other Ghost: "Go to hell!"

He swung the giant ax in his hand.

Brush brush!
He kept swinging his axe!

It fell on Tang Zhong's body.

Tang Zhong resisted with the only remaining fist.

Lei Yanlong mode still exists.

But still can't stop the attack of this giant axe!

It absolutely cannot go on like this.

In desperation, a strange formation suddenly appeared at Tang Zhong's feet!

In this formation, Tang Zhong seemed to be invincible!
The moment the White Walker slashed the ax over, he found himself blocking it with his fist, and pushed the White Walker back. You know it wasn't like this just now, what's going on?

The White Walker staggered back, looked at the scene in front of him, and suddenly frowned: "What's going on?"

Tang Zhong also saw the strange formation under his feet at this time, and was slightly surprised.

He suddenly understood what this formation is, this is a field, it is the indestructible field!

There are three domains on Tang Zhong's body, the first to awaken the flame domain, then the thunder domain, and the third domain, the immortal domain!

In this realm of immortality, people are immortal and extremely powerful!
In his desperation just now, he almost forgot about this field!

Now that it is used, the effect is really not ordinary.

Although he had a broken arm, he didn't feel the slightest in the Immortal Realm!
The White Walker will see this scene and continue to attack.

The huge ax in his hand suppressed crazily.

Tang Zhong just resisted with his fists in the Immortal Realm.

The other ghosts will not be able to hurt Tang Zhong at all.

"How is that possible?" The White Walker roared wildly.

The reptile he hates the most is in his hands now, it was tortured to death by him just now, but now this scene appears, it is really amazing.

Tang Zhong grinned, making himself look like nothing happened, and said, "Are you afraid?"

The White Walkers will be really scared.

Because this person is a reptile!

Suddenly, in the abyss, a hurricane waved, stirring from above the abyss.

In the distance, the leader of the White Ghost squad didn't expect that that person couldn't even kill the White Ghost General, but at this moment he saw the hurricane, and his face looked ugly: "General, Long Wen is about to purify the ghost essence, get out of here quickly, otherwise It will be sealed again!"

The White Walker will look up above his head, and he can see the whirlpool-like cave, where the spaceship is turning!

The door was indeed about to close, and then he stared at Tang Zhong in front of him, gritted his teeth, he couldn't bear it if he didn't kill the reptile in front of him.

"Why are you looking at me like that? Want to kill me? Come on!" Tang Zhong also saw the rotating cave above his head.

He knew that the sealed land was about to be closed, which was good, his efforts were not in vain, as long as the General of the Other Ghosts did not go out from here, he would be satisfied.

As for being killed, he doesn't care!
The Other Ghost is about to leave. He has been closed here for too long. He wanted to go out, but he stopped after hearing Tang Zhong's words: "You are courting death!"

"Yes, I'm looking for death, you come and kill me!" Tang Zhong ticked his finger!
Feeling the humiliation, the strange ghost roared at Tang Zhong. His mouth opened wide, revealing his fangs, and his ferocity exploded, trying to devour Tang Zhong!
Holding a giant axe, suppress it as much as you want.

"Then I will fulfill you!"

I saw him drop the ax in the air, and at that moment, a huge phantom was cut off from the ax.

That is a demon giant axe, which can open up the world!
He wants to stamp this reptile off!
Tang Zhong immediately activated the Immortal Domain!

The magic circle under his feet changed, making himself in an indestructible state!

But the power of this giant ax is really too great!
With a bang, it fell on Tang Zhong's body.

But because of the Immortal Domain, you can see a layer of fluctuations covering the body!
But the opponent is really too strong.

Immortal Domain can block one attack, but it doesn't mean that he can block all attacks!

After all, it is the power of the domain, they all have limits, and now the immortal domain also has limits!
The strange ghost didn't kill Tang Zhong with an axe, and fell again with an axe, and it was stronger than before.

That moment.

The ax looked over the domain hood.

An invisible force directly left traces on Tang Zhong's mask!

The cover formed by the Immortal Domain obviously shattered like glass.

"Not good!" Tang Zhong said secretly!
I saw another axe, and the glass cover shattered suddenly.

And the power of the ax did not stop at all, but became even greater.

Fall down!

Facing the top of Tang Zhong's head.

In Tang Zhong's pupils, he also saw the phantom of the ax getting closer.

This is dying?
He is not afraid of death, he is afraid of something else!
But the ax still fell straight down!

With a bang, Tang Zhong turned into a puddle of meat under the force of the axe!
(End of this chapter)

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