Chapter 1691 Dragon scale help!

Under the giant axe, Tang Zhong turned into a puddle of meat paste!
At that moment, Tang Zhong's body had been damaged, but his intelligence still existed!

It hurts, it hurts!

And that strange ghost looked at the pool of flesh and blood on the ground, and smiled coldly: "Trash, fight me, you are still far behind!"

After all, he was ready to leave with his giant ax on his shoulders!

Seeing this, the leader of the ghost team at the side immediately said: "Congratulations, general, revenge!"

"A reptile, how can it be my opponent?" General White Ghost laughed loudly.

At the same time, Tang Zhong, who had turned into flesh on the ground, although his body had been completely broken, could hear the voices beside him.

He was not reconciled, so he was sent out by the strange ghost. After this person got out, maybe all the living beings would die because of it!
This is something Tang Zhong absolutely does not want to see.

He wants to live on!
But now this situation is a bit wrong, because no one can survive under that kind of onslaught, but now his body is destroyed, but his soul still exists, which is unbelievable, and he also feels that although his body has turned into mud, he is still alive. moving.

In other words, he is not dead yet!
How is this going?

At this moment, Tang Zhong saw something he was familiar with.

The dragon scale that was once taken out of the universe bank is now shining brightly.

His body was under the protection of this dragon scale, so he didn't die!

Dragon scales protected him?

The thing left by the dragon has never had any response, but now, it has an effect. Maybe this thing is a hole card!
"I don't want to die, can you help me?" Tang Zhong thought to himself.

And that piece of dragon scale seemed to understand Tang Zhong's words, the light became brighter, and then flew into the air.

All of a sudden, a bigger light shrouded Tang Zhong, as if he was about to transform.

Tang Zhong heard a shocking voice.

"Crush the body to pieces, reshape the golden body, stand up from the back, and devour the world!"

That was released from the dragon scale.

This dragon scale is probably left by the Dragon Ancestor!

He understood the function, it was for registration, no wonder it was among the gifts.

Master Long has been dead for so many years, and still left him such a good thing!
Now the light released from the dragon scale is constantly humiliating Tang Zhong's body, and at the same time, he can feel a steady stream of power pouring into his body!

This power is strong.

The Other Ghosts were about to leave this place, but at this moment, they felt that something was wrong behind them, they suddenly turned around, and saw the scene in front of them, and immediately frowned.

He is the clearest about the flying dragon scales. The guy back then had such dragon scales on his body!
And at the same time, above the abyss, next to the stele of heaven, the man in black robe was fighting with the strange ghost, but he suddenly felt a strange aura, and his brows were slightly frowned.

"How is it possible? Will it have the breath of a dragon?"

"It must be those evil obstacles!"

Murong Qing also felt something was wrong.

Yan Gang is even more, he is still dragging the other ghosts, and he doesn't know where Xiaolongzu is now down below.

Under the abyss, under the power of the dragon scales, Tang Zhong's body recovered bit by bit. Slowly, his whole body began to take shape. It was already a puddle of flesh, but now it began to look like a human!
The White Walker really couldn't believe this was true, how could someone be dead and still be alive, his heart was full of ominous premonition, he picked up the dark ax and chopped it out!

The huge ax blade turned into light, slashing out violently!

But the radiant ax blade completely dissipated under the light irradiated by the dragon scale!

The area illuminated by the dragon scales is like a barrier, making it impossible for people to get close!

After the White Ghost General used it a few more times, it still had the same result, and his face became even more ugly.

And at this time, Tang Zhong kept hearing the news that he was standing behind his back!

It can be seen that his body that has turned into a fleshy paste is slowly recovering now!

The human figure slowly re-condensed.

After a long time, the light gradually faded, and now Tang Zhong has completely become normal!

He recovered and looked at the palm of his hand!
It's like a new life!
The dragon claw is more powerful than before.

This was a gift given to him by the dragon, and this gift allowed him to be reborn, and he felt that his cultivation seemed to have been crazily guaranteed, and he was afraid that he would step into the Immortal Lord!

This feeling... really comfortable!
On his chest, the previous dragon scale now shone brightly.

Tang Zhong laughed.

With strength, he can protect the people he wants to protect!

He roared wildly, and the golden light from his body burst out directly, rushing towards the ground.

At that moment, it was as terrifying as a changing demon god!
Then Tang Zhong stared at the alien general in front of him, with a sneer on his face, the immortal power is really comfortable!
Then he rushed out straight away and aimed his punch at the General of the Others!

The strange ghost obviously didn't expect Tang Zhong to take the initiative to attack, and his face was extremely ugly: "You...what are you going to do?"

"Of course, I'll kill you!"

Tang Zhong roared as if he had been reborn.

The strange ghost will quickly block the giant ax in front of him.

Immediately, Tang Zhong slammed his fist and hit the big ax on General Alien's chest!

The powerful force crushed it, and forced the other ghosts back!
He forcibly resisted Tang Zhong.

But the ground has been plowed out of the gully, that feeling is really very comfortable!

Then Tang Zhong punched again!
The strange ghost general felt the great shame, and was attacked twice in a row by a single person, his face was extremely ugly: "Go to hell!"

Then the Dark Ax suddenly fell down.

Tang Zhong was not afraid at all, he resisted the ax blade with his fist,
With a bang, the ax blade and Tang Zhong's fist slammed together!
Tang Zhong's fist was full of flames, and above the ax blade, there was a black aura lingering!
The two forces collided and crushed crazily there.

Boom boom boom!
He actually saw the ax blade roll down slightly!

"How is that possible?" The White Walker panicked.

Tang Zhong also felt that this power was too strong. It was a dragon, he had greater confidence, and continued to crush it crazily again!

The fist was aimed at the chest of the other ghost general.

The Other Ghost General didn't react at all, he was hit by a fist, and collapsed instantly!

The White Walker roared and slammed into the wall of the abyss!
"Damn it, if I'm at my full strength now, you're definitely no match for me!" The White Walker roared.

He has been sealed for many years, and his strength has not fully recovered!

"I won't let you recover!" Tang Zhong said coldly.

Taking advantage of the general's problems, he will kill the general, and if he can't stop him, he will be seriously injured, and he must not be allowed to leave this place intact!

(End of this chapter)

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