Chapter 1692 Escape!

It would be best for Tang Zhong to stop the General of the Other Ghosts. If he couldn't stop the General of the Other Ghosts, he would be seriously injured. Anyway, no matter what, he must not let the General of the Other Ghosts leave here intact!

Now he feels his surging power.

He rushed out directly, and at that moment, Tang Zhong's speed was very fast, like a sharp arrow, he blasted towards the general.

The White Walkers will immediately fight back with their fists.

Boom boom boom!
The fists of the two kept bombing!
Before being under the General of the Other Ghost, his subordinates were no match for the opponent at all, but now he can see that Tang Zhong can actually fight!
When the strange ghost found out that Tang Zhong's strength was about the same as his, the whole person went into a frenzy.

"Impossible...absolutely impossible!"

Now he discovered the strength of that reptile from Tang Zhong's body, it was that reptile that sealed him back then!

So he must not let Tang Zhong lift it up, he roared wildly, at this moment, his eyes were ferocious: "Go to hell!"

Swinging the huge ax in his hand, at that moment, it seemed to destroy everything!
Constantly cut towards Tang Zhong.

Tang Zhong, as if he couldn't see the giant axe, directly hit it with his fist.

On the dragon fist, burn the flames!
This time, the blunt blade of the giant ax was directly cut off.

"This... How is this possible?" The White Ghost will see that the dark ax in his hand has blunted, and he can't believe it is true.

Tang Zhong punched again!
In an instant, the dark ax was directly broken, and there was a crack on it!
"No..." The White Walker roared.

Now the stronger the person in front of him, the more his heart is trembling. He doesn't know why this happens!
But in the next second, Tang Zhong's fist was aimed at his chin!
With a bang, the strange ghost will be blown out abruptly!
The strange ghost will have no chance to fight back at all, and in an instant, the whole person is thrown backwards!

He fell to the ground with a bang, a big hole was made, and he was extremely embarrassed. He got up from the ground. Recently, it was full of green blood. The ghost will reach out to wipe it and look at Tang Zhong viciously.

"I will kill you!"

Then power erupted from the strange ghost general.

The body of the White Ghost General was much larger than before, and behind him, there were actually three arms stretched out, with more fangs, and the most frightening thing was that there were many pupils on the body.

Seeing this, Tang Zhong stepped forward directly. Now this is the real body of General Alien, but this is nothing!
At the moment when the other ghost general didn't transform, he was extremely domineering and punched out!
The law of thunder and fire, gather together, and use the fire dragon to shatter at the same time, suppress it crazily!
The White Walker was just about to resist, but after being hit, he flew out again and crashed into the cliff!

So what if it's the real body!

Tang Zhong is called immortal, and he will definitely not let the other party go.

The strange ghost will get up from the ground and roar: "If I have all my strength, you are not my opponent at all!"

"If I grow up, you, I can slap you to death!" Tang Zhong said coldly.

When he said this, he didn't take the other ghosts into consideration at all.

The other ghost trembled, the former man was slapped and sealed here!

"It's up to you!" The White Walker roared.

Tang Zhong went straight up, grabbed the opponent's throat, and frantically shook it.

This person, he can't kill this time, so, he was severely injured and couldn't recover in a short time, so Tang Zhong is also satisfied!
The White Walker would not be able to react at all.

Tang Zhong grabbed his throat and frantically threw him to the ground.

With a bang, a big hole was smashed out on the ground.

Then fell again.

In the end, he was thrown to the ground by Tang Zhong, and Tang Zhong immediately landed on the opponent with punch after punch.

Boom boom boom.

The other ghosts were ripped apart, bloody and bloody.

In the end, the other ghosts will be pierced directly!

It is impossible for such a ghost general to be easily killed!
"You can't kill me!" The Other Ghost said in embarrassment, "If you can't kill me, I will kill you. Wait until I become stronger!"

"You won't have it!" Tang Zhong stepped on it, facing the direction of the general's heart, and crushed it down suddenly!
With a bang, you can see the other ghost directly collapse the heart!
And the ghost general also screamed in pain.

However, it is not dead!

However, it seemed that the breath on his body was much weaker, and he was seriously injured!

On the other hand, the leader of the strange ghost next to him, seeing this scene at this time, couldn't believe it, this person could beat the general like this?

At this time, he saw the entrance in the sky, and the speed of rotation was even faster.

"Not good, Long Wen is becoming more and more powerful now, Guicui will be completely purified, and this place will be sealed again!" The leader of the strange ghost shouted.

He is now going to leave with the White Walkers!

Tang Zhong also noticed that the general wanted to leave, and he couldn't let him go, so he took out the magic sword and prepared to chop a lot.

The magic sword at this moment is brighter than before.

That feeling is really powerful to the extreme!

"you dare……"

The Other Ghost General saw Tang Zhong's actions, and was just about to speak, but found that it was too late.

Tang Zhong struck directly, the sword blade cut down, forcibly cutting the general from head to toe in half.

Green blood burst out.

The White Walker will be divided into two, but instead of dying, he roars there.

"Do not……"

"Reptile, one day I will kill you!"

Tang Zhong slashed wildly with his sword again, forcibly chopping up the strange ghost into meat paste.

However, the ghost general's intelligence still exists, and he didn't die because of it!
He finally understood why the dragon would seal this strange ghost general instead of killing him directly.

This disgusting thing can't be killed at all!
"Help me!" The White Walker suddenly yelled.

He yelled at the leader of the alien ghost in the distance.

Hearing the shout, the leader of the strange ghost immediately got up, took out an instrument from nowhere, similar to a black gourd, and sucked it in the direction of Tang Zhong!
It was the White Walker who was about to be chopped into pieces and sucked a piece of his body!
"You wait for me!" At this time, the voice of the ghost general came out, as if declaring war.

Tang Zhong was not prepared at all.

I saw that the leader of the strange ghost didn't hesitate at all, just turned around and left, flying up from the vortex in the sky!

Tang Zhong said inwardly that it was not good, the leader of the strange ghost only took away a little body of the strange ghost, and might use some kind of power to regenerate him!

It's a pity that he was all focused on killing the ghost general just now, he didn't watch out for the leader of the ghost, so he rushed up immediately.

But seeing the leader of the strange ghost go out, he didn't continue to follow, but returned to his normal appearance. There are people from Emperor Cang outside, so they can't be found.

(End of this chapter)

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