Chapter 1695 I will kill you!

"What did you say?" Emperor Cang's face became even more ugly.

"It's Dragon Qi!" said the man in black.

"Really?" Emperor Cang continued to ask coldly.

"Yes, Emperor!" The man in black nodded.

"Wait for me!" Cangdi said.

"Ah? Emperor, I just feel it, just for a moment. If you come to the Universe and Starry Sky University because of this, I'm afraid it will waste your time, Emperor. After I find out clearly, the Emperor will come again!" Heipao said the man.

Emperor Cang in the electronic video heard this and said: "Yes, order to hunt down and kill all these rebels!"

"Yes!" The man in black nodded and said.

And at this time.

Outside the spaceship, Tang Zhong and Yan Gang had sneaked in.

Tang Zhong could feel the aura of the man in black robe and followed him all the time!

He has only one purpose now, and that is to kill the man in black!

He is currently in a passage, the door is in front of him, and the man in black is in front. His purpose now is very simple, and he is not going to say anything more, just kill the man in black!

Looking at Yan Gang, he kicked the iron gate open with a bang!
Inside, the men in black robes were reporting the situation to Emperor Cang, when they heard a voice suddenly, they turned around and saw Tang Zhong in battle armor.

Now Tang Zhong is wearing battle armor, no one else can see his face!
"Who?" The man in black roared wildly when he saw Tang Zhong and the two of them.

But Tang Zhong ignored the opponent at all, and went forward to attack and kill him!

His speed was like lightning, and people around saw Tang Zhong attacking, and stepped forward one after another!

Tang Zhong didn't take them seriously at all, and swept them out with a slap. You must know that Tang Zhong's human body has almost reached immortality!

These people couldn't support his attack at all!
Boom boom boom!
The person rushing over was sent flying by Bi Tang Zhong, and hit all parts of the spaceship. There was a buzzing sound, and he immediately lost his ability to fight.

The black-robed man frowned slightly, staring at Tang Zhong with murderous intent in his eyes: "Who the hell are you?"

"The person who killed you!" Tang Zhong said coldly.

Then he started directly, and at that moment, the person moved like a swimming dragon.

His monstrous anger, at this moment, had already erupted.

The dragon claws appear and tear the past!
The dragon shattered!

Crazy blow, no chance for the man in black to react!
The black-robed man didn't pay attention to Tang Zhong at all, and was directly preparing to attack Tang Zhong, but suddenly, feeling the breath of the other party, his face suddenly became ugly.

"Dragon Qi..."

When he realized the attack strength of Tang Zhong's claw, his face became even more ugly. He wanted to defend, but it was almost impossible.

The dragon claw tore off the black robe man's clothes at once, and at the same time, hit the black robe man's body.

The man in black was directly sent flying, and at the same time, the flesh and blood on his body became blurred.

Tang Zhong forcibly grabbed the opponent's flesh with his claws!

The man in black fell to the ground, ignoring the pain, turned around and was about to flee!
But how could Tang Zhong let him escape.

Cangdi can kill him, so let's start with Cangdi's people. More importantly, this black-robed man is too shameless.

Obviously blocking that strange ghost would be his credit, but the go was taken away by this person at once!

He continued to chase up, without giving the man in black a chance to react, and crushed wildly.

In an instant, the back of the man in black was pierced by Tang Zhong's paw!

Then Tang Zhong kept using all his force, and directly took out the spine of the man in black.

With a cry of pain, the man in black fell to the ground. He knew that he was no match for this man. Now he could only call for help, a little bit surged on the ground, and at the same time turned to the electronic screen in the distance for help!
"Help me, Emperor Cang!"

Emperor Cang?

Hearing this address, Tang Zhong turned around suddenly, and saw the person on the starry sky seat on the electronic screen. He couldn't see the face clearly, but he could see the outline!
This person is Emperor Cang. Did the other party see all the scenes of him killing just now?
Yan Gang also saw Emperor Cang, and frowned slightly. He didn't want to reveal it at first, but now he's afraid that he won't be able to.

Emperor Cang saw all of the scene just now.

And his gaze also noticed Tang Zhong's body, that's right, it was dragon spirit, the status of this person in front of him is definitely not simple!
"Who are you?" Emperor Cang spoke first.

Tang Zhong was wearing battle armor, and the other party couldn't see his face clearly!

"Emperor Cang?" Tang Zhong said coldly.

It was this person who killed Master Long, and Tang Zhong's fists were tightly clenched together.

"Reptiles..." Emperor Cang said coldly, simple words, but an irresistible majesty erupted from others, and this was still on the electronic screen. Shock!
If it is next to Emperor Cang, it will really be intimidated.

But Tang Zhong was neither humble nor overbearing, staring at Emperor Cang.

Anger boiled in his heart.

"Unrighteous people!"

Emperor Cang frowned instantly when he heard this. He already knew what this person in front of him was here for. In this world, only some people knew what he had done, and those people were all being hunted down by him, but Not completely dead.

"You will die!"

Then he ignored Emperor Cang, but walked to the side of the black-robed man and lifted the black-robed man up.

"Emperor Cang, save me, Emperor Cang, save me!" the man in black yelled, not wanting to die.

On the electronic screen, Emperor Cang's expression was extremely gloomy: "How dare you..."

Tang Zhong didn't pay attention to Emperor Cang at all, and directly crushed the black robed man's body forcefully.

The man in black screamed, but to no avail, his body exploded, and finally turned into a pool of blood!
Then Tang Zhong stared at Emperor Cang on the electronic screen, his eyes were all cold.

Emperor Cang also calmed down: "You are very courageous... back then, dragons were not so courageous!"

"You... are the defeated under Master Long, have the face to say such a thing?" Tang Zhong said coldly.

Hearing Master Long, Emperor Cang's eyes changed: "Hehe, you are the apprentice of that traitor Long...colluded with the other ghosts, and wanted to destroy this universe, I never thought that you would dare to come out!"

"If you don't come out, I'll make you stir up trouble!" Tang Zhong said coldly.

The aura on his body is not weaker than that of Emperor Cang.

Emperor Cang's eyes were even colder: "You are going to die so ugly, dragon... There are a lot of reptiles, I will find him and you, and then kill you... I know you know the truth, it is the dragon I killed , and what can you do?"

Tang Zhong punched the electronic screen in front of him, and said coldly, "Just like this, I'll kill you!"

With a bang, the electronic screen exploded directly.

(End of this chapter)

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