Chapter 1696 Foreshadowing!

The electronic light screen exploded in an instant.

The picture of Emperor Cang above began to be fragmented, and finally exploded all at once, and finally disappeared completely.

Then Tang Zhong ignored him!

Yan Gang next to him was already dumbfounded. For Tang Zhong, he should keep a low profile. It is absolutely impossible for Emperor Cang to find out, but now this guy is openly challenging Emperor Cang!

What is the difference between this and courting death!

"It's too risky to do this!" Yan Gang next to him said.

"No!" Tang Zhong said.

Just now his heart trembled, Emperor Cang is indeed very strong, but Emperor Cang is his enemy, if a person acts weak in front of his enemy, what is the difference from directly dying?
Why not be tough!
He thought, Emperor Cang must be afraid!
Because, there is the prestige of Master Long, and he is Master Long's apprentice!

He thought, after today, Emperor Cang will remember him!

He wanted Emperor Cang to be terrified, and his goal should have been achieved.

"Let's go!" Tang Zhong said.

The people on this spaceship have been killed, so there is absolutely no need to stay.

Yan Gang followed behind.

After the two went out again, they threw a radio bomb inside.

Rumbling started to explode directly!
The huge spaceship was soon buried in the sea of ​​flames and fell into the depths of the universe!
Then Tang Zhong and the others left here as soon as possible!

They must not be discovered by Emperor Cang's people!

Go back to your spaceship and prepare to go back to Starry Sky University!

And above the high altitude of the distant universe, there are many meteorites floating there, and there is a huge starry sky seat in it. On it, a middle-aged man with a height of three meters has a gloomy expression at the moment.

If other people see each other like this, they will really be shocked. Cang Di, the most powerful man in the universe, seems to be afraid of something!
"Dragon...why, you still leave me such trouble after you die?"

His fists were clenched tightly together!
"I will kill him, because I am the king of this universe!"


Tang Zhong brought Yan Gang back to the University of Universe and Starry Sky, as if nothing happened to them!
Cosmos Star University, because of the previous war with the ghosts, is now in ruins. In the past few days, the wounded are being counted. As long as there are no dead people found in the ruins, they will all be treated!
So everyone is not in the mood to take care of Tang Zhong and the others.

After they went back, they saw Lie Qiuxue.

Lie Qiuxue looked at Tang Zhong. She hadn't seen Tang Zhong for a while before, and she thought something happened to Tang Zhong, because she had seen Tang Zhong jump into that sealed place, and she didn't see Tang Zhong come out. Thought Tang Zhong was dead!
Seeing that Tang Zhong is still alive now, I don't want to mention how happy I am.

"Where are you going?" Lie Qiuxue asked anxiously.

"Me? I was lying in the ruins and woke up today!" Tang Zhong said.

"Fart, you look like you're lying among the ruins!" Lie Qiuxue gave him a hard look!
"By the way, where are we going now?" Tang Zhong asked.

Now there is no need to hold the Sansi tea party, and the Universal Star University is almost abolished, so I really don't know what to do if I stay here.

"This time, the Universe Star University has suffered a huge disaster. The looters have already sent people to send supplies. As for us, we should go back. This time, the teacher who led the team, Mr. Lei Wu, is dead, and the others are also dead. A lot!" Lie Qiuxue said.

Tang nodded emphatically.

He knows what to do now.

But before he left, he wanted to meet Murong Qing. Judging from Murong Qing's previous behavior, he seemed not interested in Emperor Cang, but he didn't know that Murong Qing was from that faction!

He is determined to help the other party!
Immediately turned around and left to look for Murong Qing.

According to other people, Mr. Murong Qing has already retreated, and this incident has affected him too much, so he went to rest, in the ceremony hall.

Tang Zhong walked over quickly, there was no guard at the door, never thought that such a huge school, but now it has been reduced to such an end, Tang Zhong felt very heartbroken to see it!

He knocks on the door and goes in!
Murong Qing's voice came from inside: "Who?"

"The junior came to see the senior!" Tang Zhong said.

"Go out!" Murong Qing said.

Tang Zhong didn't continue to talk, just pushed the door open and walked in. He knew that Murong Qing must be very irritable, and he must not just sit idly by, because Emperor Cang saw Tang Zhong on the black-robed man's spaceship, so the other party would definitely attack Yes, when the time comes, the Universal Star University will definitely be implicated, and Murong Qing and the others don't know anything at all, that bastard Emperor Cang will definitely kill people, he wants to stop it all!
Inside, Murong Qing, who was sitting cross-legged, obviously did not expect that Tang Zhong would push the door in, and immediately became furious: "What are you doing?"

"Principal Murong Qing, calm down, I'm here for no other purpose, just to share my experience!" Tang Zhong said.

"Get out!" Murong Qing was furious.

"What I want to say has something to do with the chaos of the ghosts!" Tang Zhong said.

Murong Qing stopped: "Wait a minute, tell me!"


Tang Zhong had already thought about the words, and now he just needs to say it, and immediately said: "Principal, I am a predator!"

"I know!" Murong Qing said.

"Before this, I saw a wonderful thing. I don't know what's going on at the Heavenly Stele, but I saw that day, when the headmaster was fighting those ghosts, someone sneaked into a Black vortex!" Tang Zhong said.

The reason why he said that was on purpose.

He wanted to test Murong Qing's tone and see who the other party was.

Murong Qing frowned, stared at Tang Zhong, and stood up abruptly: "What did you say?"

"I saw someone jump in!" Tang Zhong said.

"No wonder... no wonder I felt a strange breath before!" Murong Qing murmured.

Because during the previous battle, he felt a trace of dragon spirit!
At that time, he was still surprised why there was a dragon aura, but now he heard what Tang Zhong said, he seemed to understand something!
"Have you seen what that person looks like?" Murong Qing asked.

"No, I just saw a little phantom!" Tang Zhong said.

"Your news is very important to me, thank you!" Murong Qing, who was originally extremely worried, now smiled happily!

"I don't know what that is either!" Tang Zhong said.

Looking carefully at Murong Qing's reaction, Tang Zhong suddenly realized that Murong Qing didn't seem like a bad person!
He may know what a dragon is, Tang Zhong brought this up now to prepare Murong Qing a little bit, Emperor Cang will definitely send someone over in the future, I hope Murong Qing knows how to respond to Emperor Cang's people!
(End of this chapter)

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