Chapter 1710 Ebony!

"Fifth strike, break the dragon!"

Tang Zhong laughed out loud.

In the past few days, he has been cultivating here, and his cultivation base has grown very fast, mainly because nothing happened outside.

Before, Tang Zhong thought that his actions would attract the attention of the higher-ups, at least making him a little famous among the predators, but now it seems that Qiu Wuji blocked all the news, and those higher-ups couldn't get any information about it at all. His message!

It doesn't matter, when you are strong, you will always attract the attention of the higher-ups!
At that time, there is absolutely no problem for him to snatch Weiwei back in the name of the predator, but the biggest problem now is how to gain such a foothold in the predator!

"Something happened!" Tang Zhong was practicing in the practice field, and Yan Gang outside said plainly.

Tang Zhong put away the Yanlong stick and walked out: "What happened!"

"Someone is looking for you, go out and have a look!" Yan Gang said.

Tang Zhong didn't ask much, and immediately went outside the house, and saw Xiaolu coming, she was from Fengxuan Pavilion, and now the other party appeared, could it be that something happened to Fengxuan Pavilion?
Xiaolu paced back and forth over there, and when she saw Tang Zhong, she immediately came over: "Tang Zhong...Tang Zhong, something happened!"

"What's the matter, don't worry, speak slowly!" Tang Zhong said.

"Our territory of Fengxuan Pavilion has been taken away!" Xiaolu said anxiously.

"Who did you do it?" Tang Zhong said coldly, he felt that this matter was definitely not that simple!
"The king of all living beings!" Xiaolu said.

"Zhao Zun took the lead? Isn't he already defeated, where did he get the guts?" Tang Chong asked coldly.

"I don't know, anyway, our pavilion master asked me to come to you!" Xiaolu said.

"I know!" Tang Zhong said.

I thought that I was still being bullied by others, but now Fengxuan Pavilion can accept the target, it must be because of him.

Immediately Tang Zhong went out!

At this moment, outside the territory of Fengxuan Pavilion!
Lie Qiuxue led a large group of people standing beside the building, as if they were condemning something.

On the opposite side, Zhao Zun and the King of All Beings were there, but they didn't come empty-handed, but followed a man wearing a predator armor, which seemed to be the man above, holding a Zhang Mizhao, reading it out there!

"On behalf of the high-level, I am now sealing up the territory of Fengxuan Pavilion. From then on, there will be no Fengxuan Pavilion!" The person above said.

They came to disband Fengxuan Pavilion!

When Lie Qiuxue and the others heard the words of disbandment, their faces were very ugly, but they absolutely cannot let the forces disband.

"Impossible, it is impossible for our Fengxuan Pavilion to disband!" Lie Qiuxue said.

The person behind her also said at the same time: "We will never disband!"

"That's right, so many people from Fengxuan Pavilion gathered together, and you said that we should disband, are we going to disband? We won't do it!"


The crowd became noisy.

In fact, when everyone in Fengxuan Pavilion saw the other party coming, they knew that there was nothing good to happen, and the pavilion master had already said before, no matter what the other party did, don't fight against it, as long as we ignore it, everyone also chose to ignore it , and now after they came, they actually thought of disbanding Fengxuan Pavilion, and they still held the secret edict from above, all of them can't bear it now!

"Shut up, everyone. This is an order from above. Could it be that you are going to resist the order?" the person above said coldly.

He used to have sharp-mouthed monkey cheeks, but now he looks extremely annoying!

Beside Fengxuan Pavilion, everyone was still making noise.

Lie Qiuxue raised her hand to tell everyone else to stop talking, then she looked at the man with the sharp mouth and monkey cheeks, and said, "I really want to know who wants to disband our Fengxuan Pavilion!"

"It's the higher-ups, you can see the secret edict in my hand!" said the sharp-mouthed monkey-cheeked man.

"Who are you?" Lie Qiuxue asked.

"I am the person from above, my name is Wumu!" said the sharp-billed monkey cheek blade.

"It's impossible to disband my Fengxuan Pavilion today, as long as I'm here, Fengxuan Pavilion will never be disbanded!" Lie Qiuxue said.

No matter what, protect Fengxuan Pavilion!
"You are resisting orders!" the ebony said coldly.

"Yes, we are resisting the order. Do you have any ideas?" At this moment, Tang Zhong took Xiaolu and captured her from afar.

Immediately, everyone's eyes gathered over. Seeing Tang Zhong approaching, they were taken aback for a moment, and dared to resist the order. This guy is probably courting death!

Zhao Zun and the others also looked at Tang Zhong and laughed, this guy still came, exactly as they expected!
Wu Mu turned around and saw Tang Zhong, frowned, and said, "Who are you?"

He already knew who it was, because someone asked him to do this, so he naturally knew that he was dealing with Tang Zhong!
"I'm Tang Zhong, shouldn't you know who I am?" Tang Zhong said.

"How dare you disobey my order!" Ebony said coldly.

"I just disobeyed your order, so what can you do?" Tang Zhong said with a smile.

"Death!" Ebony said coldly.

"Can I ask a question before I die?" Tang Zhong laughed.

"I will grant your wish!" Ebony said.

"Did Qiu Jiji ask you to come?" Tang Zhong asked back.

Wumu was taken aback for a moment, then smiled and said, "No!"

He really didn't expect that Tang Zhong would say such a thing, that's right, it was Qiu Jiji who asked Wumu to come over, saying that as long as Wumu could get it and revoke the secret edict of Fengxuan Pavilion territory, it would give him a lot of benefits!

Naturally, ebony can be obtained, so here it is!
Of course he will not give Qiu Jiji away!
But Tang Zhong has seen through everything, especially Wu Mu's emotional change just now, it seems that it is really Qiu Jiji!
I didn't expect that he would not provoke that guy, but now that guy provoked him instead!

Tang Zhong smiled and walked forward!

Ebony smiled and said, "What else do you have to say now?"

"Come on, I'll tell you quietly!" Tang Zhong said with a smile.

Ebony stared at Tang Zhong, not taking him seriously at all!
I saw that when Tang Zhong was approaching Wu Mu, his fists were directly clenched into a ball, and he blasted forward!

At that moment, the light on the fist shrouded and attacked Ebony!

Wu Mu didn't expect Tang Zhong to make a move at all. After seeing Tang Zhong's actions, the face that was still smiling just now became completely cold.

"What are you doing?"

"Of course I want to blow you away!" Tang Zhong said coldly.

That moment.

With a bang, Ebony was hit in the stomach by a fist, and the whole person flew upside down!
In the end, he fell to the ground fiercely, and his whole body was twitching there!

When this scene appeared, everyone was dumbfounded, this... this guy named Tang Zhong, he was so ruthless!
(End of this chapter)

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