Chapter 1711 I'm afraid it will get out of control!

No one thought that this guy named Tang Zhong would strike so ruthlessly!

At this time, Ebony had completely lost the ability to fight, lying on the ground and twitching, as if he couldn't move his whole body!
Zhao Zun came with Wu Mu, Wu Mu was knocked down, he collapsed in one step, stood in front of the opponent, and shouted at Tang Zhong: "You boy, how dare you attack Lord Wu Mu!"

It was loud, but soon his voice weakened.

Because at this time Tang Zhong had turned around and looked at him.

Zhao Zun's voice trembled: "What? Are you not convinced?"

"I'm not convinced!" Tang Zhong laughed and said, "Then come and beat me!"

He now has a new idea. Before, he won the first place in the power competition, thinking that he would let the high-level predators know, but now it seems that the high-level predators don't seem to know.

His purpose is very simple, which is to gain the appreciation of the high-level predators. In addition to winning the first place in the major competitions, there should be another way, that is to beat these people violently. After no one can beat them, there will definitely be Someone deal with him!
At that time, the high-level predators will definitely know, and the person who wants to beat up must be effective. Ebony is the person above, so beating up Ebony is the best choice!

Therefore, if you hit ebony, you will definitely be noticed by the higher-ups.

Of course, when playing ebony, it's okay to beat Zhao Zun violently!

Zhao Zun was attacking mentally. Seeing Tang Zhong approaching at this time, he immediately acted!

But Tang Zhong directly released Long Wei, suppressing Zhao Zun.

Zhao Zun couldn't move at all.

Tang Zhong punched out!
I saw Zhao Zun flew upside down and landed on the ground, spitting out blood!

The few people who came with Wumu before trembled at this moment, looking at Tang Zhong, this guy is too ruthless, he actually shot Master Wumu!
"You... you are dead!"

"You let the higher-ups know, they won't let you go!"

Tang Zhong looked at these people with a smile, didn't talk nonsense, and directly started.

Boom boom boom.

The fists landed on these people, and they were all blown away!
The people in Fengxuan Pavilion are all stupid!

Lie Qiuxue was the most flustered at this time, what is Tang Zhong doing?Although it is very comfortable to see these people being beaten, Tang Zhong has to pay a high price for beating people, because those are high-level people, and if they beat the high-level predators, they are looking for death!

She rushed out and stopped Tang Zhong: "You... what are you doing?"

"Hit someone!" Tang Zhong laughed.

" are digging your own grave!" Lie Qiuxue said, "You can just confront them, why fight them!"

"Because, I like it!" Tang Zhong started again.

At this moment, he reached out and grabbed Ebony's neck, lifting him up from the ground.

Ebony struggled there, as if he was about to lose his breath!
"You...what are you going to do?" Ebony struggled.

"Call your leader, or your boss!" Tang Zhong said.

Wu Mu was taken aback, wondering what Tang Zhong was doing?He fell into this person's hands, and he didn't know what the end would be. Of course, he was willing to call the leader. When the leader came, he wanted to see how Tang Zhong dared to make a move?However, he was surprised that when his leader came, he would definitely punish Tang Zhong, but if the other party wanted him to lead him, wouldn't that be digging his own grave?

"I... I'll call right now!"

Tang Zhong let go of Wu Mu's neck, Wu Mu moved his neck on the ground, and then started to make a phone call.

"Hey, is this Master Aoun?" Ebony said in a low voice, "I... I was beaten, and the person who beat me has to see you..."

"Yes, yes, I am here waiting for your lord!"

Wu Mu hung up the phone, and now he started to feel arrogant again, pointing at Tang Zhong: "Boy, you are dead!"

Tang Zhong smiled: "Did you make a phone call?"

"Yes, Lord Ornn will come here soon, you are dead!" Ebony proudly said
"Oh, that's good!" Tang Zhong struck directly at Ebony.


The fist slammed past mercilessly!

Ebony's skin was blue and his face was swollen soon, and he was really afraid of being beaten.

" dare to hit me!"

"You are dead!"

"Stop hitting, you're being hit!" Ebony roared, "I've already called, why are you still hitting me?"

He was terrified of being beaten, this guy was too ruthless, and he was attacking at vital places.

"I didn't say, I won't call you after you finish calling, right?" Tang Zhong said.

"You..." Ebony trembled all over!
The people around are even more stupid!

This time, Tang Zhong is probably going to be an enemy of the entire predator!

What matters to Tang is this kind of result, but he knows that the person named Aoun will definitely not be here for the first time, and he is afraid that someone else will come here.

Sure enough, outside, Qiu Jiji appeared!

With a cold face, he yelled when he first arrived: "Tang Zhong, what are you doing?"

Ebony was instigated by him, if he was beaten, his relationship with Ebony would be very bad in the future!
Tang Zhong saw Qiu Jiji and laughed: "Elder Qiu, why did you come so fast? It seems that no one has notified you!"

Tang Zhong can now be sure that this ebony must have been sent by Qiu Jiji!

Qiu Jiji said coldly: "I heard that you beat people among the looters. This is a great crime of treason!"

"Okay, okay!" Tang Zhong said: "I understand the truth, but I just want to hit people!"

Grabbing Ebony's neck, he punched the opposite door with the other hand!
Ebony was hit so hard that his nose bleeds.

But when he saw Qiu Wuji coming, he shouted loudly: "Help me!"

Qiu Jiji didn't want to save Wu Mu, he glared at Tang Zhong: "Boy, how dare you!"

After all, just start directly!
Seeing the other party's actions, Tang Zhong immediately shouted: "Stop, don't come over, stand where you are!"

How could Qiu Wuji stand still, he wanted to kill Tang Zhong and save Wu Mu!
Tang Zhong grabbed Wumu with one step and said, "If you dare to come over, he will die!"

Qiu Jiji ignored Tang Zhong's words and continued to move forward.

I saw Tang Zhong's eyes turned cold. The other party didn't believe what he said, so he reached out and grabbed Ebony's throat, and grabbed it suddenly!

Ebony roared in pain, his eyeballs began to be bloodshot.

Seeing that Qiu Jiji ignored his pain and continued to move forward, he roared angrily, "Qiu, don't care about my life, just wait!"

Qiu Wumo moved, but stopped immediately. He was a little scared, and Wu Mu said something.

Tang Zhong smiled and said: "Qiu Wuji, you'd better not move. If you move, I'm afraid that my hand will lose control. If I pinch it violently and then click, if something breaks, then I won't move." Very good!"

(End of this chapter)

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