Chapter 1712: Treacherous Villain!

"I'm afraid that if I pinch this hand violently, it will be bad. When Wumu dies here, I can only express my sorrow!" Tang Zhong said.

Qiu Wuji said coldly: "How dare you kid?"

After speaking, I was about to start.

"Qiu Jiji, stop!" Wumu roared.

He really cares about what Tang Chong said just now.

He wouldn't bet his life on it!
When Qiu Jiji heard this, he stopped.

He intends to kill Tang Zhong, but it is a pity that he is troubled now, but when he saw Wumu's expression, he suddenly felt very comfortable. He was thinking, if this person died, and at the hands of Tang Zhong, then Tang Zhong It is absolutely impossible to survive in the future.

He already had a new idea in his heart, he must get rid of Tang Zhong!

Tang Zhong had been staring at Qiu Jiji all the time, and found the meaning in the other's eyes, and frowned slightly. This Qiu Jiji must have some bad intentions!

And now there is probably only one bad idea!

Qiu Jiji wanted to destroy him, but Qiu Jiji didn't have any chance. If Qiu Jiji could let Wumu die, and now Wumu is in his hands, then the scene would definitely be very intense!

The higher-ups will definitely not let Tang Zhong go.

And Tang Zhong's original intention was just to make the higher-ups pay attention to him!
Qiu Wuji's thoughts had completely angered Tang Zhong!

Tang Zhong grabbed Ebony's throat with his hands, and now he relaxed a little. He was not fooled, and Qiu Wuji said.

Seeing this, Wumu yelled: "Hmph, boy, you are right. If you really kill me, you will die in an ugly way!"

Seeing Tang Zhong like this, Qiu Jiji's expression changed. He originally thought that Tang Zhong would do something, but now it seems that it is a little different from what he thought!
It seems that his thoughts were seen through by this kid!

But today is an opportunity, his biggest opportunity, if he can't get rid of the other party, it will be extremely uncomfortable.

In an instant, Qiu Wuji started to make a move directly.

He blasted out with one palm!
The thunder light flickered and turned into a thunder python roaring forward!

Ebony just let go of Tang Zhong, and moved his neck!
Seeing Qiu Jiji make a move, he yelled, "Qiu Jiji, kill this guy!"

Ebony still hated Tang Zhong.

Tang Zhong also saw Qiu Wuji make a move. It was impossible for him to kill Wumu, just to scare the other party, but the other party didn't get hit, so he just punched him directly!

But he was wrong.

Qiu Wuji knew clearly that it was Lei Mang coming with a roar, but secretly, he concentrated his power on the other hand.

With a bang, Qiu Jiji's Thunder Python collided with Tang Zhong's fist.

Qiu Jiji had stepped into the realm of the Immortal King, much more important and powerful than Tang.

Thunder Python erupted all of a sudden, covering them directly, and the blue light shone all over the star dome!
Wu Mu was still shouting at this moment, "Qiu Jiji, kill him quickly!"

Tang Zhong felt that the other party was strong, he didn't want to accidentally hurt Wumu, and was about to release Wumu, but who knew, at this moment, Qiu Wuji's other hand moved directly, and punched it out!
It fell directly on Ebony's body!

There was only a crisp sound, Wumu was grinning grinningly, but Qiu Jiji made a move, then this kid was dead, he was punched, he was a little confused there, but he could feel that the inside of his body was completely cracked Yes, except for the human skin, everything else turned into dregs!

Then Ebony looked at Qiu Jiji!
Tang Zhong also felt the loss of vitality from Wu Mu's body, and his face changed drastically. He suddenly discovered Qiu Wuji's thoughts, he was trying to frame him!

Qiu Jiji smiled grimly and stared at Tang Zhong. Now that Wumu is dead, but in Tang Zhong's hands, Tang Zhong is the murderer.

Qiu Wuji shook the thunder python, and it dispersed instantly, turning into waves.

At that moment, Qiu Jimo retreated!
And Tang Zhong was still carrying the dead ebony, now the ebony is just a piece of human skin, and the bones in the body have all turned into residues.

And the people around were watching this duel just now, they couldn't believe what they saw!
Ebony is that dead?
The people who followed Wu Mu sat on the ground in fright, Wu Mu died, and died in Tang Zhong's hands.

"Tang actually hurt Lord Wumu!"

The expressions of everyone in Fengxuan Pavilion suddenly changed, especially Lie Qiuxue, who was relatively close to Tang Zhong. When Tang Zhong made a move just now, she could see that although Tang Zhong had pinched his hands, he was definitely being merciful, otherwise he would have been merciless. He could strangle Ebony to death, but now that the person is dead, there is only one guess, that is Qiu Wuji who killed him!
Qiu Jiji laughed, and then angrily scolded Tang Zhong: " really dare to kill Mr. Wu Mu, he is a high-level person, you ignore the high-level people, ignore the predators, you should be sentenced to death!"

"He didn't kill it!" Lie Qiuxue stood up.

Qiu Jiji looked at Lie Qiuxue, since he wanted to get rid of Tang Zhong, he would not keep anyone related to Tang Zhong, and immediately said: "Could it be that your Fengxuan Pavilion and Tang Zhong are together, I'm afraid it's you guys together!" Team up to kill!"


At that moment, everyone in Fengxuan Pavilion cursed.

This is slander!
"Calm down!" Tang Zhong raised his hand.

The surroundings regained calm.

Then Tang Zhong looked forward, Qiu Jiji wanted to deal with you, so it was useless to make any noise!
Tang Zhong smiled and said: "You will die so ugly!"

He's changed his mind, a little violence is better than nothing!
Qiu Jiji was taken aback for a moment, he didn't expect that Tang Zhong would say such a thing, shouldn't the current Tang Zhong panic and then be afraid?

Are you still saying let him die now?
What a joke!
"You'd better worry about your own death!" Qiu Wuji said coldly, the current Tang Zhong was actually just a turtle in an urn to him!

Tang Zhong didn't speak, but laughed. Since he was determined to get the attention of the high-level predators, he had to do something now.

He directly took out the Dragon Demon Sword!
Qiu Jiji saw the opponent's actions: "You want to fight me?"

"Wrong, it's not fighting you, but killing you!" Tang Zhong said.

"It's up to you!" Qiu Jiji said coldly: "You killed Wumu, and now you want to kill me, are you afraid of death? Boy?"

"Two rubbish, if you die, you die, so what?" Tang Zhong said: "I remember that among the predators, the strong are respected. If I kill you, do you think the higher-ups will care about my killing?"

Qiu Wuji was taken aback for a moment, he felt as if he had underestimated Tang Zhong, this guy's heart was really terrifying, but what he said was too funny.

Killing him, Qiu Jiji, will Tang Chong match?

"It's up to you?" Qiu Wuji said coldly.

"Killing you is like slaughtering a dog!" Tang Zhong said with a sneer.

(End of this chapter)

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