Chapter 1713 Immortal Battle!

Qiu Wuji had to use tricks to deal with him, but Tang Zhong was too lazy to play tricks with him!

Among predators, there are only two kinds of people, the strong and the weak!
If he is a weak person, he may die soon if he is dealt with like that by Qiu Jiji, but not necessarily for a strong person!

Immediately, Tang Zhong struck directly, with the Dragon Devil Sword on top, black lightning lingering above, and a sword swept out!

The huge sword shadow cut across, it was to attack Qiu Wuji.

Qiu Wuji's face was ugly, and he immediately struck. He is the owner of the platinum armor, and soon he was covered with silver armor. At the same time, a big knife was in front of him.

Facing the dragon demon sword slashing towards him, he blocked it with one blow!

At that moment, the sword glow slowly dissipated!

I saw Qiu Jiji staring at Tang Zhong, and said coldly: "Just because you want to kill me, today I, Qiu Jiji, will arrest the criminal Tang Zhong again and bring him to justice. Anyone who helps Tang Zhong will be punished with the same crime!"

That is to say, if someone continues to stand on Tang Zhong's side now, they will die miserably!

Fengxuan Pavilion and the others don't know what to do now, they listen to the pavilion master in everything, and now they will absolutely obey the pavilion master's orders!

"All Fengxuan Pavilion people obey the order and protect Tang Zhong!" Lie Qiuxue shouted.

She believed that Tang Zhong would never let them down!
Everyone in Fengxuan Pavilion was stunned for a moment. They didn't know what the pavilion master meant by saying this, but they must have fought for it. They will always support the pavilion master!

Moreover, before Wumu sent people to forcibly demolish their Fengxuan Pavilion, none of the people in Fengxuan Pavilion could bear that tone, and this Qiu Wuji would definitely not let them go, so now, the most important thing is to resist as soon as possible. of!
"Looking for death!" Qiu Jiji roared angrily.

He stared at Tang Zhong, and smiled wildly: "Tang Zhong, you are instigating everyone in Fengxuan Pavilion to rebel against the predator. As the elder guard of the predator, I will execute you!"

Tang Zhong didn't speak, and directly killed the past with a sword!
That sword swept across, like thunder, ordinary people are no opponents at all!

Qiu Wuji immediately pawned it with a knife.

The swords collided, and at that moment, thunder exploded.

At this moment, Qiu Jiji had no choice but to take it seriously, because during the collision just now, he actually felt a sense of danger. Was it an illusion just now?
Qiu Jiji couldn't believe it!
Immediately roared, the battle broke out!
Tang Zhong is now fighting with Qiu Jiji. He has been framed and is on the verge of life and death. If he wins, it will be smooth sailing. If he loses, then he and his people should bear the judgment of the other party!
That is an extremely terrifying picture!

So be sure to win!
The Dragon Demon Sword swung past again!
He uses all his strength.

He is a half-step immortal, Qiu Jiji is an immortal, there is a big gap between the two!


Qiu Wuji's saber directly chopped Tang Zhong back a few steps!
Then Qiu Jiji stared at Tang Zhong, and said coldly: "Tang Zhong, how do you beat me?"

Tang Zhong also stared at the other party. Indeed, he could feel the pressure Qiu Jiji brought on him. It was indeed very strong, but it was not enough!

He was also very strange, when did he offend Qiu Jiji?

It was only in the military court that he and Qiu Jiji had insulted a few words, and then they did nothing, and the other party hated him so much. To be honest, Tang Zhong didn't understand!
"I want to know, what did I do to make you want to kill me so much?" Tang Zhong asked.

"I have the intention to kill you. You live safely in this world, so I want to kill you, because you should have died long ago!" Qiu Jiji said.

"Just because I insulted you back then?" Tang Zhong asked back.

"Insult me? You ignore my majesty, kill the people I protect, and destroy my disciples, how can I not kill you!" Qiu Wuji said coldly.

"But your disciple wants to kill me!" Tang Zhong said.

"What are you, compared to my disciple Qiu Jiji?" Qiu Jiji sneered, "You should have died a long time ago, but I just need to catch you and kill you now. I am the hero of the predators. You Killing Wumu, you are preparing to instigate rebellion, these are capital crimes, so now you obediently die, and then I will succeed!"

After Tang Zhong listened to what Qiu Jiji said, it turned out that Qiu Jiji was so hostile to him because of such trivial matters!

He admits that he is now invincible to the opponent, but he has many cards in his hole.

In an instant, Tang Zhong used a trace of dragon energy!

I saw the blue veins bulging on his body, as well as on his neck, but he didn't use the dragon avatar, just used a little bit of strength.

And this power is enough!
He carried the Dragon Demon Sword back, but took out the Yanlong Stick.

Immediately, he saw flames blooming on the Yanlong stick, feeling Tang Zhong's fighting spirit.

Then Tang Zhong stared at Qiu Jiji, and said coldly: "From now on, you'd better die!"

The pitch-black pupils have been covered with red!
Now Tang Zhong has more monsters!
He wants to prove himself and kill Qiu Jiji!
"It's up to you!" Qiu Jiji was slightly surprised when he saw Tang Zhong now, as if he felt that the other party's strength had become stronger!
"Yes, it's up to me!" Tang Zhong jumped in the air, holding the Yanlong stick in his hand, and swung it down from the top of Qiu Jiji's head!
Seeing this, Qiu Jiji immediately took out his big sword, Heilei's big sword, ready to block the attack of Yanlong stick.

The black thunder collided with the flames.

He actually saw Qiu Jiji being beaten and retreated violently.

Because the battle was fierce and the dust was flying, it looked abnormally embarrassed!
"Am I qualified now?" Tang Zhong volleyed back and asked.

Qiu Jiji was a little embarrassed, and roared angrily, "Go to hell!"

With the big knife in his hand, he waved it out!

He saw a huge sword shadow, more than 20 feet long, sweeping towards Tang Zhong.

Tang Zhong immediately stretched out his Yanlong stick, resisting!

Thanks to the immortal power, Tang Zhong's legs bent slightly after hitting him all at once.

"Resist me, you will die!" Qiu Jiji roared wildly.

"Really?" Tang Zhong sneered.

Although suppressed by the big sword, he began to step on the Yanlong stick, which is not an extremely hard stick, but a changeable weapon, and he forcibly broke the Yanlong stick and bent it.

Then, from the stick, a burst of elastic force shot out!

Forcibly flying Qiu Jiji, who was crushed with a big knife, flew out!
The two are standing in the air now, and they can't understand each other!

I saw that Qiu Jiji's brows were slightly frowned, obviously he didn't expect Tang Zhong to be so powerful.

"You are much better than the ones I investigated!" Qiu Jiji said lightly.

"Really?" Tang Zhong asked back.

"Unfortunately, you will not escape death after all!" Qiu Jiji said.

"Don't you wonder why I haven't left here?" Tang Zhong asked back.

(End of this chapter)

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