Chapter 1715 Condemnation from all sides!

Qiu Jiji's pupils were full of flames.

The moment the Yanlong stick fell, the flames surged, and Qiu Wuji's body was directly annihilated.


The Yanlong stick falls!
Qiu Wuji was completely devoured, and when the Yanlong stick landed, it directly blasted the ground into a gully, and the ground vibrated violently, dust was flying, and it was extremely embarrassing.

The people around were also almost destabilized by the shaking of the ground and fell to the ground, waiting for the ground to calm down before fighting

Everyone looked at the place where the battle was just now, but because of the dust, they couldn't see what happened ahead!
After the dust gradually disappeared.

Everyone saw a ravine appearing on the battle platform just now, and then Tang Zhong was standing in front with a Yanlong stick, and Qiu Jiji was not on it.

Just now he saw Tang Zhong crushing Qiu Jiji with a stick, could it be that Qiu Jiji was in that ravine!
At this moment, Tang Zhong walked to the side of the ravine, took it out of the pit and broke his leg.

At that moment, everyone was so shocked that they couldn't speak, because the broken leg belonged to Qiu Jiji!

Is Qiu Jiji dead?

Qiu Jiji brought people here before, and his people saw Qiu Jiji's broken leg, and at this moment, he collapsed to the ground.

And that Zhao Zun, who was beaten up by Tang Zhong just now, almost passed out, and just recovered, he saw that Qiu Wuji had died, he couldn't believe it.

After a brief panic.

Zhao Zun yelled at Tang Zhong: "You... what did you do? You killed Elder Qiu Wuji, you are a gold looter, you killed a platinum looter, you are so brave, you wait for me, my Just report it to the higher-ups!"

Tang Zhong didn't speak, he has recovered his human body now, and now he is waiting for the higher-ups to come.

Then I saw Zhao Zun started calling.

He is the powerful boss of the king of the gods, and he knows many leaders among the predators.

"Elder Peng, Qiu Jiji is dead and was killed!"

"A gold looter who killed Qiu Jiji must have used a strange method. Such a person must be sent to the looters court!"

After a few phone calls.

Zhao Zun stared at Tang Zhong with an unusually fierce expression: "You killed Qiu Jiji, you are doomed!"

Tang Zhong still didn't speak, and now everyone in Fengxuan Pavilion is worried about Tang Zhong!

Isn't killing a platinum looter courting death?

This place is the territory of Fengxuan Pavilion.

Usually no one comes here, but today several spaceships rushed here.

One after another, big figures came down from the spaceship. After all, the person who died was a Platinum Armored Marauder!
The people who came were all above the high-level, and they were officers among the looters, usually platinum looters, as for the sky gold looters, no one appeared yet.

"Bold gold looters, how dare you kill people among looters, court death!"

"You are ignoring the majesty of the predator!"

"Should be sentenced to death, thrown into the cold iron prison, and accepted the punishment!"

The people who came accused Tang Zhong one after another, and Tang Zhong became the one who was denounced.

"I am the commander of the [-]th Predator Army, and I am Qiu Jiji's friend. If you kill Qiu Jiji, you must pay the price of life and death. I will arrest you and bring you to justice!"

"I want to capture you and make you kneel in front of Qiu Jiji, and you will never be reborn forever!"

Their words fell into the ears of Tang Chong, no wonder he won the first place in the power competition, and the higher-ups couldn't know about it.

It turns out that Qiu Wuji's influence is so widely distributed.

But today he just wanted to let the higher-ups know about Tang Zhong's existence, what kind of legion or something, to Tang Zhong, it was nothing at all.

He believed that there must be higher-ups that Qiu Jiji couldn't control!
Just wait now.

In front of so many people, the power of Fengxuan Pavilion is like a small soldier.

People from the Marauder Legion, that's a real big shot!

Everyone on the earth is similar to the existence of a regiment leader, and they control an army.

The army is an upgraded version of the forces. For example, forces such as Fengxuan Pavilion may also become the army in the future.

Tang Zhong is now in the state of being targeted by everyone.

Now everyone is pressing down.

It's like saying that Tang Zhong was targeted by Qiu Jiji's assistants alone!

"Who dares to touch my disciple?"

At this moment, Situ Kong arrived in a spaceship, followed by some people.

As soon as he appeared, everyone who was aggressive towards Tang Zhong just now could not help but calm down at this moment.

None of them thought that Tang Zhong was actually this person's disciple, no wonder the other party would be so arrogant!

As soon as Situ Kong appeared, Tang Zhong saw the other party, and immediately shouted: "Master!"

Situ Kong came next to Tang Zhong, smiling all over his face: "I'm shocked!"

He was really shocked. He didn't expect that Tang Zhong could be Qiu Jiji's opponent, and he killed Qiu Jiji here. When he heard that Tang Zhong beheaded Qiu Jiji just now, he thought it was a joke, but now the This scene shocked him!
His disciple is very strong!
Moreover, his cultivation base was watched step by step by him. It can be said that he is simply a monster!

He knew that his disciple was able to kill Qiu Jiji, he must have used some means, he didn't care about that, he only knew that his disciple had won.

"Don't worry, they won't hurt you without me!" Situ Kong said.

Seeing this, everyone in Fengxuan Pavilion was also worried about Tang Zhong, but now it seemed that Tang Zhong was safe and sound.

"Really? Situ Kong, you actually said such a thing?" At this moment, a voice came down from the sky.

As soon as the words came out, everyone in the audience looked over.

I saw another middle-aged man getting off the spaceship slowly above the sky.

And the moment the other party appeared, almost everyone became afraid.

Even Situ Kong's face was slightly ugly at this time, and his fists were clenched together subconsciously.

When Tang Zhong saw the other party, he didn't know who this person was, but he could feel that this person was very strong.

He was stronger than Situ Kong, and Tang Zhong also saw a little bit of anger on Situ Kong's face when he saw the other party, as if this person was Situ Kong's enemy?
Who is this person?

The middle-aged man looked very burly. He was bald, wearing leather armor, and his strong muscles were exposed outside. He was probably more than two meters tall. He walked down slowly and saw those invincible The head of the group all bowed.

"General Fujiwara!"

Among the predators, there are countless armies and even forces, just like the army of the earth!
Above the head of the legion, there are generals. Every general is the existence of Tianjin armor. They are very powerful. The strong above the Immortal King, everyone, in the universe, has a powerful People of strength!

I saw that the man named General Fujiwara didn't have any smile on his face at this moment, but stared at Situ Kong and Tang Zhong!
(ps: Today was supposed to be updated three times, but today is the final of msi. Seeing that some brothers asked me to add updates, I will update more until June)
(End of this chapter)

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