Chapter 1716 Crush!

I saw that the person known as General Fujiwara had been staring at Tang Zhong and Situ Kong.

The other legion commanders bowed their heads one after another, not even daring to speak.

Those people who were going to target Tang Zhong just now shut up!

At this time, Situ Kong whispered: "My dear apprentice, no matter what happens, protect yourself!"

Tang Zhong was taken aback, he didn't know what Situ Kong meant by saying this, but there must be a reason, he nodded.

General Fujiwara stared at Situ Kong and said, "Situ Kong, it's been a long time!"

"Long time no see!" Situ Kong said.

"I thought you would never go to other places in your life except the court!" General Fujiwara said.

Then he looked at Tang Zhong, and continued to say to Situ Kong: "This man is your disciple, and his strength is very good. As soon as I heard that Qiu Wuji had died, I came over to have a look. It was that man who killed him. Now a gold robber The one who actually killed the Platinum Looter is really a genius, such a person must be cultivated well."

"However, I didn't expect this genius to be your disciple. What a pity, what a pity!"

After General Fujiwara finished speaking, Tang Zhong felt something was wrong when he heard this. General Fujiwara must have enmity with Situ Kong, and it seems that the hatred between the two is not low.

Situ Kong's face was ugly, he didn't say a word now, but his palms were already wet.

"I won't let him have any chance to develop!"

At this time, General Fujiwara continued.

"Fujiwara Ye, I have a grudge against you, you just need to trouble me, he doesn't have much to do with me!" Situ Kong said.

"Trouble you, I want to kill you the most now, but can I kill you?" Fujiwara Ye roared, and then quickly recovered his calm: "I can't kill, then I will destroy the people related to you!"

"How dare you..." Situ Kong roared angrily when he heard that the other party was going to touch Tang Zhong.

I saw Fujiwara Ye sneered, and then stretched out his hand.

Tang Zhong stood in place, suddenly felt a sense of suffocation, looked down, and at some point, an illusory hand appeared and stuck his throat.

And now Tang Zhong was brought up.

Under such an attack, the human body has no room to fight back, and soon his eyes turned white.

In an instant, everyone around became worried.

Tang Zhong's situation is very dangerous.

Lie Qiuxue and the others clenched their fists.

Seeing this, Situ Kong roared wildly behind him, and in an instant, an invisible wave burst out, breaking the illusory hand stuck in Tang Zhong's throat.

Only then did Tang Zhong fall to the ground, coughing violently there, this feeling made him very uncomfortable!

Just now it seemed that life was about to pass away.

"Situ Kong, you dare to make a move!" Fujiwara Ye asked back.

"If you touch him, I will be your enemy!" Situ Kong said.

"I am my enemy, are you worthy? You are a dog in my hands!" Fujiwara Ye said: "Although I can't kill you, I can torture you!"

Fujiwara Ye moved directly, a golden light appeared in his hand, and he was also chanting, it seemed to be a spell.

In an instant, Situ Kong was seen trembling.

Under his feet, there used to be a string of invisible chains. Normally, the chains would not be visible if they were not pulled, but now the chains appeared very clearly, with golden light shining on them.

"Kneel down!" Fujiwara said coldly.

I saw that Situ Kong was not under his control, kneeling directly on the ground, the chains on his ankles exerted force, and his whole body trembled there, the blood vessels on his body exploded, and the healthy blood vessels were red. But now it has become dark red, and bit by bit, the blood vessels are like centipedes, which looks very scary.

Moreover, Situ Kong knelt down and clutched his throat, screaming there!

It was only at this moment that Tang Zhong came to his senses, seeing this scene, he went crazy.

He never thought that things would develop to this scene.

From the very beginning, he just wanted to kill Qiu Jiji, to show off his abilities in front of the high-level predators, so as to gain attention.

But now, he never thought that it would bring him disaster!

Situ Kong can be said to be his guide among the predators, and he has helped him a lot, but now he is reduced to this appearance.

"Let him go!" Tang Zhong stood up and roared at Fujiwara Ye.

Hearing the sound, Fujiwara Ye turned around and slightly raised his eyebrows: "Are you talking to me?"

"I said, let him go!" Tang Zhong said coldly, the Yanlong Cudgel had already moved in his hand.

"What if I don't let it go?" Fujiwara Ye asked back.

"Then I'll beat you and let you go!" Tang Zhong leaped suddenly, the Yanlong stick whistling flames, and swung down suddenly.

"You have a bit of talent, but you don't have any brains!" Fujiwara Ye said coldly.

With a wave of his big hand, an illusory palm flew out, blocking the power of the Yanlong stick.


I saw Tang Zhong being pushed back and spitting blood.

In front of this person, he can't use the giant dragon clone, so he only uses the human body, but the power of the Yanlong stick has not been fully released at all.

At this time, Fujiwara Ye looked at Tang Zhong and said: "You are as courageous as your master, and anyone who dares to kill the predator's fellow disciples should be damned!"

The powerful momentum oppressed the people around them, and they didn't dare to take a big breath!
Tang Zhong was completely unaffected by the other party: "That's the one we killed, damn it!"

As soon as these words came out, it could be seen that Fujiwara Ye's breath changed directly.

The surrounding army commanders all trembled, that General Fujiwara was really angry!

"What did you say?" General Fujiwara said angrily.

"I said it should be killed!" Tang Zhong said fearlessly.

"Do you know who the person Situ Kong killed was? He killed my son, do you think my son should be killed?" Fujiwara Ye roared.

"My master is a man, I know best, if he should be killed, he must be killed!" Tang Zhong said.

He believed that Situ Kong would never kill people at will.


Fujiwara Ye's pressure became even stronger. Tang Zhong didn't stand firm and almost knelt down, but when his knees were about to bend, he stabilized and resisted him forcefully.

Let him kneel down, it is absolutely impossible, the crown has been bitten and bleeding, forced to straighten his back.

"My master was right!" Tang Zhong shouted.

But the crushing force was even stronger, and Tang Zhong resisted with his body.

With a click, his arm broke directly, and bright red blood gushed out!

"Your Majesty!"

Fujiwara shouted at night.

But Tang Zhong just didn't kneel, even if the pressure had cracked his skin, as if he had been cut by a blade!
How can a person kneel down to the sky and kneel down to his parents in his life, how can he kneel down to his enemies?

"Enough!" At this moment, another shout came from a distance, and an old man came slowly.

He raised his hand.

It directly broke through the pressure barrier released by Fujiwara Yoro, and shattered like glass.

(End of this chapter)

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