Chapter 1719 Machine Battle!

And now can only be said to be the beginning of fear.

The other party wanted to intercept and kill him, so he must have come in a spaceship. Now there was still a battle ahead of them, so Tang Zhong started the plane much slower!

Moreover, Tang Zhong also left clues, fearing that the other party would not find them.

The spaceship that flew out from Fujiwara's night territory passed the area guarded by the predator soldiers without stopping at all, and went directly through the barrier, and no one dared to stop the opponent.

But they soon discovered the traces of Tang Zhong, and they had already begun to investigate the traces of Tang Zhong along the way. Fortunately, the planetary camera discovered the existence of Tang Zhong's spaceship.

He followed immediately.

Three spaceships came, and among the leading spaceships was the spaceship of Fujiwara Ye's subordinates.

A group leader in full armor saw a suspicious spacecraft in front of the electronic screen. He used three-dimensional cutting space technology to separate the spacecraft, and finally found Tang Zhong on the electronic screen.

The head of the regiment laughed coldly: "I keep saying that I want to kill General Fujiwara Ye, but I want to see how you die!"

Then the head of the regiment ordered: "Go and track this spaceship immediately, and use all forces to investigate where they are?"

"Yes!" The person next to him immediately mobilized his strength.

This place is still in the area managed by the predators. Among the predators, it can be said that a network of relationships has been completely formed, and soon someone investigated Tang Zhong's whereabouts!

"Leader, we have already found it. It is at latitude 123 in the starry sky. Are we going there now?" Someone stood up and asked.

"Of course, we will kill them and vent our anger for General Fujiwara!" the regiment leader said coldly.

In the cockpit of the spaceship ahead, the pilot has already positioned himself and approached this area.

Tang Zhong piloted the Douluo, his speed was very slow, but at the same time, he used electronic monitoring equipment to monitor the arrival of the surrounding spaceships.

On the electronic screen, the situation outside the spacecraft was displayed [-] meters away.

The survey range of the Douluo is so large.

And at this moment, Tang Zhong saw three spaceships approaching at this moment.

"Here we come!" Tang Chong murmured.

"What are you going to do?" Yan Gang asked.

"Give them a lesson they will never forget, how miserable it must be!" Tang Zhong grinned.

At this time, three spaceships approached from a distance, and in one of them was the regiment leader just now. He stood in front of the spaceship, looked at the Douluo in the distance, and raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

"Catch you, and I will be able to make meritorious service, haha!" The head of the group laughed.

The person next to him: "Leader, what are we going to do?"

"Start shooting, shoot him down!" said the regiment leader.

When a spaceship fights with a spaceship, you must stop the opponent's spaceship and then enter the opponent's spaceship.

I saw that on this spaceship, the muzzle of the shooting gun appeared, it was the muzzle of the Gatrelin gun, but what was fired was not a bullet, but a laser, piercing the void and heading towards the Douluo.

Among the Douluo.

Tang Zhong had already seen the opponent shoot, and he smiled at the next level: "Defense!"

Immediately, on the Douluo, a light shield appeared, which happened to block countless lasers from penetrating, and was completely absorbed.

The regiment leader in the distance thought that he would directly sink the Douluo, and then they approached. Seeing this scene, their faces were ugly.


"Continue to increase the attack!" The regiment leader roared.

"Yes!" After listening to the order, the people next to him were ready to launch the attack method.

But at this moment, a beam of light pierced through the Douluo in front.

The captain's spaceship was carrying out attacks, and he never thought that the other party would make a sudden attack when he saw the beam of light.

"Quick...quick defense!" The regiment leader roared.

The pilots of the spaceship panicked at this time, and quickly switched from attack mode to defense mode, but the defense was not opened at all.

In an instant, the beam of light hit their spaceship directly, and there was a violent vibration.

"Damn it!" the captain yelled.

The people who piloted the spaceship panicked. Thunder and lightning lingered on the console, as if it was about to explode.

"Head, it's bad, the spaceship is out of control!"


On the console, a red light flickered violently, which was a danger warning.

No, the spaceship is going to explode, no one thought of it!

With just one blow, the spaceship was about to explode.

The captain panicked.

What kind of spaceship is this opponent, the firepower will be so powerful, it is really terrifying.

"Contact other spaceships immediately and let them come to support us!" roared the regiment leader.

"It's over, leader!" the person next to him said.

"What's the end?" the leader was taken aback.

But soon, his face also changed.

And at this moment, among the spaceships, he saw that the spaceship that came with them, under the attack of the beam of light, directly exploded, burning flames, and fell from a high altitude!

The spaceship was actually destroyed.

How is this possible?
They came to chase each other, and they could catch up with the opponent with the help of the spaceship. That is to say, the opponent's spaceship is weak, otherwise how could they be caught up, but now the attack power of this spaceship is extremely powerful.

"how come?"

The regiment leader was about to speak, when he suddenly saw the spaceship they were chasing stopped, and a fierce light shrouded the spaceship, and then turned into a thicker beam of light, striking towards it.

The group leader and the others are in the spaceship, and now they just want to escape, they want to open the spaceship and leave here, but they find that the spaceship is imprisoned, and it is impossible to escape.

"no no"

As soon as his words fell, the beam of light enveloped the spaceship, and at that moment, the spaceship was directly annihilated by the powerful attack.

When the intense light was planted, they evaporated bit by bit.

The spaceship that was fine just now has completely turned into nothingness.

Tang Zhong and the others laughed when they saw this on the Douluo. These spaceships were sent by that Fujiwara Ye. They must be connected with Fujiwara Ye. They don’t know what Fujiwara Ye’s expression will be after knowing this. ?
In any case, this is where the fear begins, and I hope Fujiwara Ye can feel it.

Then he controlled the Douluo and flew towards the distance.

And at the same time.

Fujiwara Ye, who has been working as a predator, carefully speculated on the time. Before, he contacted Tang Zhong's spaceship and heard the report that he had found the location of the spaceship. Now if there is no accident, he should catch up. other side.

"Contact the pursuer immediately to see how the battle is going. If you find that Tang Zhong, I will live and bring him back!"

"Yes!" The person next to him nodded, and then began to contact the person who was out on the spaceship to chase after him, but no one answered no matter how he contacted.

No one answered, I am afraid there is only one end.

"General, no one answered!"

"What did you say?" Fujiwara Ye's face suddenly turned ugly.

(Fourth update, let's make a preview tomorrow, maybe fifth update, this time it won't wither again.)
(End of this chapter)

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