Chapter 1720 Black Tan City!
Fujiwara Ye's face suddenly turned ugly, and he couldn't get in touch. There was only one possibility, and that was that everyone was dead.

Because he once said a rule, that is, his army must maintain communication at any time, so that if there is no communication, they will know what the other party's situation is like.


He knew that Tang Zhong's gang must have killed it.

This Tang Zhong has not been eliminated, but now the other party actually killed several of him.

"Tang Zhong, if you continue to flee, to the ends of the earth, I will find you!"

But for some reason, Fujiwara Ye thought of a terrible thing. If he could not find Tang Zhong and let him grow up, what would happen if the other party suddenly appeared in front of him one day in the future? picture?

Hard to imagine.

And the other party is a talented person, and it would be a terrible thing to let a talented person grow up.

"Immediately, find this person for me, and then kill him. If you can't find him, don't come back."


Seeing Fujiwara Ye's expression and such serious words, the people around had no choice but to get serious.

Immediately after receiving the order, more spaceships flew out from the territory, scattered to various places, looking for Tang Zhong's trace.

After Tang Zhong destroyed those spaceships, he didn't stay where he was, but left directly!

One is enough for fear.

As for the others, it has nothing to do with him. He knows that Fujiwara Ye is looking for him crazily now, haha, this feeling is really cool!
As for Tang Zhong, now he already knows where he should go.

The Twelve Dragon God Guards are still there, and now he has only found two guards. It would be good if he could find other Dragon God Guards.

Among the spacecraft.

Yan Gang began to adopt the method of searching for dragons.

The method of searching for the dragon is the bridge between the dragon guards. With the help of these laws, it can be preliminarily judged that the other dragon guards are in the area of ​​this universe!

In the spaceship, Yan Gang's body was covered with a layer of fire, with wonderful lines, as if the dragon language was released at this time, spinning back and forth above Yan Gang's head.

And Yan Gang's mouth kept moving.

After waiting for a long time, Yan Gang stopped. At this time, he seemed very tired, with sweat all over his forehead.

"What's going on?" Tang Zhong immediately asked.

"I used the dragon-hunting method and no one responded, but I felt a trace of the water dragon guard's breath, only a little bit, faintly visible!" Yan Gang said.

"Where is it?" Tang Zhong said, even if there is a little information, he wants to find it. If he can find it, he has more places in his hole card!
"In the sea of ​​nothingness!" Yan Gang said.

The sea of ​​nothingness!

Tang Zhong heard of such a place name for the first time, Hai?Could it be that there is also sea in the universe?

"The sea of ​​nothingness is actually a cosmic vortex, and there are the most sea people in it. As for ordinary cosmic people, there is no way to survive there. I suspect that this breath is fake!" Yan Gang said.

"Whether it's fake or not, we'll find out when the time comes!" Tang Zhong said.

"Good!" Yan Gang nodded.

"Let's go to the Sea of ​​Void!" Tang Zhong gave an order to the Douluo.

I saw Douluo start to consult the navigation.

Tang Zhong searched out the introduction of the Sea of ​​Void.

The sea of ​​void, the place where the void vortex is located, has cruel sea people in it, and they are enemies of the cosmic people.

There have been wars between the two sides all year round, but it has been many years since the last war.

He found out this with the help of the virtual universe company's network, and the introduction to the sea of ​​void is simply very little, which shows that the sea of ​​void is extremely mysterious in the eyes of outsiders.

Tang Zhong put away his search and went over to have a look first.

Estimated according to Douluo.

It will take a month of flying time to reach the Sea of ​​Void, and this is just the result of constant acceleration, and if there are any obstacles on the way, it will be even more difficult.

Leaving all the way, there are still cities, but the number of cities is getting smaller and smaller, and from prosperous to empty.

After all, the closer you are to the Sea of ​​Void, the more danger you will have to bear, so few people build a city here.

After flying for five days.

Tang Zhong has been practicing Yanlong Nine Strikes in the spaceship, with Yan Gang on the side to guide him, and Tang Zhong's talent is also extremely high, within five days, he has practiced the sixth strike so well!

After the stick fell, magma-like juice flowed on the Yanlong stick!

Then Tang Zhong put away the stick in his hand and wiped the sweat off his forehead.

"You have practiced well, and you can practice the sixth strike tomorrow!" Yan Gang said from the side.

"En!" Tang nodded his head.

Yanlong strikes nine times, and he will succeed in cultivation.

At this time, a voice came from the Douluo: "Heitan City ahead is the last city in the universe area!"

Tang Zhong heard this: "Let me take a look at the bird's-eye view of Heitan City!"

"Yes, master!" Douluo said.

Then I saw an electronic city appearing in front of Tang Zhong, and all the information of Heitan City is now here.

"Heitan City, a city at the farthest edge of the Cosmos from the Sea of ​​Void, in which there live a kind of people called the Sand Clan!"

"The landform is a desert landform!"

Tang Zhong could tell that this city was similar to the landforms of those Arab countries on earth.

It's just that the human race is very strange, it's sand people.

Sand people are also cosmic beings, but they are naturally formed because they have been with sand for a long time. Although their skin is covered with a layer of sand, they are actually cosmic beings in their hearts.

After Tang Zhong read the introduction, he decided to take a look. After flying on the spaceship for so long, he was really tired of watching it.

Check out the area for entertaining!

After docking the spacecraft, I found that the landform here is similar to that of Egypt.

But there is really a lot of sand.

There are also a few spaceships on the spaceship docking ground, but they are very dilapidated, which shows that there are very few people here.

But looking at the opponent's spaceship, it seems that the weapons are very sophisticated.

Like the spaceship of some space mercenaries.

Tang Zhong had seen the introduction before, in this Black Tan City, there are the most cosmic mercenaries.

Cosmic mercenaries are those who have no forces to rely on, form a small group, and wander in the universe.

For such a long time, Tang Zhong has always relied on influence!

Never seen a space mercenary.

Get out of the spaceship, walk on the black and honest streets, full of low sand houses, although this city is very weak, but it has everything you should have.

But now that Tang Zhong and the others are walking here, they seem very out of place, because most of the people in Heitan City look very vicious, but Tang Zhong and the others are the kind of people with a lot of oil and water.

So they were quickly targeted.

(End of this chapter)

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