Chapter 1722 Destruction!

"Boss, can you add some meat?" Tang Zhong asked.

When the female Sandman boss heard this, she was stunned: "Didn't you hear what I just said?"

"I heard, but we want to eat meat now!" Tang Zhong said.

"Shouldn't you run if you hear that?" said the female sandman boss.

"We just want to eat!" Tang Zhong said.

Seeing the confidence on Tang Zhong's face, the female sandman boss was very curious, but told the chef to prepare the meat now!

There are other people in this restaurant, seeing that Tang Zhong and the others are actually fighting with the people of the Jagged Mercenary Group, and they can still eat here as if nothing happened after beating someone, this is very impressive!
However, if nothing unexpected happens, people from the Jagged Mercenary Corps will be here soon.

At this moment, outside the hotel, a group of people came slowly.

The Hulk who was run away by Tang Zhong just now led the way. Behind them, there was a bear man holding a big knife. It seems to be his weapon.

This bear man has only one eye with scratches on it, and the other eye is wearing a black mask!

But it can be seen that this is a murderer.

Tie Xiong had already listened to the words of the people next to him.

"You mean, a person who seems to come from the universe beat you?"

"Yes!" said the green giant, with a hammer in his hand.

Tie Xiong said coldly: "Then you are going to use your hammer to break that guy's head!"

Hearing this, the green giant waved the hammer in his hand.

A group of people arrived at the door of the hotel.

As soon as the female Sharen boss brought a plate of meat to Tang Zhong and the others, she saw someone coming and muttered in a low voice: "I think your troubles are coming now!"

At this moment, Iron Bear walked in.

The green giant pointed at Tang Zhong, and Tie Xiong looked at Tang Zhong, and said coldly: "You hit my subordinate!"

"You're preventing us from eating meat!" Tang Zhong said after taking a bite of the meat.

Tie Xiong laughed: "You are indeed the same as what my subordinates said. You are completely ignorant. Where did you come from?"

"None of your shit!" Tang Zhong continued: "Also, don't mess with us!"

He just wants to eat meat now!

The iron bear was taken aback for a moment, apparently not expecting Tang Zhong to speak like this, and bared his teeth, then he stretched out his hand, and with a click, he saw an iron claw stretched out, which looked very sharp.

"Are you talking to me just now?"

"I said get out!" Tang Zhong said coldly.

"Go to hell!" Tie Xiong was furious, and directly tore Tang Zhong with his claws.

When Tang Zhong saw the opponent making a move, he punched out directly, just blocking the opponent's iron claws.

The iron bear was slightly taken aback: "It's interesting!"

Then suddenly crushed down: "Here, the people who killed my iron-blooded mercenary group dare to resist my law enforcement, you really don't know whether you are dead or alive!"

At that moment, he saw that his iron claws began to turn red, as if they had been burned by flames.

Seeing this, Tang Zhong's eyes immediately turned cold. He took out the Dragon Demon Sword from behind, and slashed it out at an extremely fast speed, blocking the iron bear's blood-red claws, and with a click, the iron bear's claws broke off.

"How come?" Tie Xiong's expression turned ugly.

Never thought that the power of this sword is so powerful.

At this time, the Dragon Demon Sword had already rested on the opponent's neck.

Iron Bear felt the cold air above the blade, and shivered there.

"Don't... don't do it!"

At this time, Iron Bear knew that these people were not simple at all, and could no longer resist each other.

The other members of the iron-blooded mercenary group reacted at this time, deeply afraid, but they suppressed it forcefully, and they couldn't let the leader get into trouble. Their iron-blooded mercenary group provoked many enemies. If the leader had an accident, they would die too deal.

"I tell you, if you touch our leader, don't leave here today!" said the green giant before.

When Tie Xiong heard this, his face changed instantly. This guy... dare to threaten the other party. He is really a bunch of idiots. Can't you see the strength of such a person?

"Excuse me? Let me go, I will take people out of here now!" Tie Xiong said.

But as soon as he finished speaking, Tang Zhong made a move, and the blade slashed across his neck.

At that moment, the iron bear's head was separated from its body, and it fell to the ground first, and rolled away far away, and the body finally slammed and landed heavily!

The members of the Jagged Mercenary Group were all shocked, not only them, but also other people, there were people from other Mercenary Groups in this restaurant.

Although there are extremely many cosmic mercenaries in Heitancheng, they have never killed anyone in Heitancheng.

Because it is like a rule not to kill people in Heitan City, very few people in Heitan City will break this rule.

But now this person suddenly broke everything.

People around stood up one after another.

Tang Zhong had already eaten and drank enough, and got up to leave.

Yan Gang followed closely behind, and they left here as if nothing had happened.

And before they walked out of the restaurant, at the same time, countless people from the mercenary group surrounded Tang Zhong and the others.

Tang Zhong saw the people on the periphery, and said, "You want this?"

There are many people in the mercenary group at the door, but he can be sure that he has never messed with these people.

"The murder in Heitan City must be handed over to Master Mie Ding!"

"This is the rule, no one can kill!"


Tang Zhong was taken aback when he heard about Mie Ding. It turns out that there are also strong people in Heitan City, but what does this have to do with them?

He walked forward, people surrounded Tang Zhong, but Tang Zhong didn't dare to stop Tang Zhong.

It's just that wherever Tang Zhong went, they surrounded him without making a move.

They knew that once there was a battle in Heitan City, Master Mie Ding would definitely show up, but it was just a question of whether it should happen sooner or later.

If nothing else, it should be here soon.

At this moment, there was a sudden roar of a horse.

At the end of the street, a man came on a horse. The horse was not an ordinary horse, but a horse with blue flames burning all over its body. On the horse, riding a man with a silver mask, which looked like a human being. .

The crowd watching Tang Zhong looked back and stopped.

"Master Mie Ding is here, teach him to decide on this matter!"


Tang Zhong also looked at this man named Mie Ding, a little surprised how this man managed to rule Heitan City!

"He has the aura of the Sea Clan!" Yan Gang said suddenly.

Tang Zhong was taken aback, does this person have anything to do with the Sea Clan?
(End of this chapter)

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