Chapter 1723 Another breath!
Tang Zhong was taken aback. Does this person have anything to do with the Sea Clan?

At this moment, that Mie Ding approached, the crowd dispersed to make way, and the man named Mie Ding came out slowly.

Tang Zhong knew that the other party had the breath of the sea clan, so he was very curious!
"Master Mie Ding!"

The people around said respectfully.

Na Mie Ding did not speak, but kept staring at Tang Zhong and the two, and said, "Who are you? Where did you come from?"

"We come from afar!" Tang Zhong said.

"Murder is not allowed in this Heitan city!" Mie Ding said, "You broke the law!"

"Someone is like a fly, I will definitely slap the fly to death!" Tang Zhong said.

"Let's go, I won't embarrass you, but I hope there will be no next time!" Mie Ding said.

Immediately everyone around was stunned: "Lord Mie Ding, you must not let them go. They killed people, and they killed people from the Jagged Mercenary Group!"

"Shut up!" Mie Ding said coldly.

He has almost understood the specific incident, and everything deserves it.

"We won't leave." Tang Zhong said.

The people around were stunned, Master Mie Ding let them go, this guy still didn't leave, is he looking for death?

"You guys want to go to the Sea of ​​Void?" Mie Ding quickly guessed and asked.

"Yes!" Tang nodded his head.

"I advise you, don't go!" Mie Ding said.

"Why?" Tang Zhong asked in surprise.

"There are not so many reasons. Listen to me. There is nothing wrong. I know that you children of the aristocratic family are not afraid of death. You think that you have achieved some small success in cultivation. When you enter the Sea Clan, you will find that it is too scary. "Mie Ding said.

"Oh!" Tang Zhong said.

Not ready to speak to each other.

He could see that the other party said such things at this time, probably because he had fought with the people of the Sea Clan!
"Let's go!" Tang Zhong said to Yan Gang.

"Where are you going?" Mie Ding asked coldly.

"Where I'm going, I'm afraid it has nothing to do with you!" Tang Zhong asked back.

"If you are going to the Sea Clan, I advise you to go back as soon as possible. Also, don't take what I said as wind on your ears, the Sea Clan is really scary!" Mie Ding said.

Tang Zhong ignored the other party, he felt that this person was a bit strange, he was not talking, turned around and took Yan Gang away directly.

That Mie Ding ignored them at this time, but watched Tang Zhong and the two leave, and could see that his eyes began to narrow!
Then he took out his cosmic phone, edited a message, and sent it.

"Someone is coming, I don't know if it's an enemy or a friend!"

After sending this message, Mie Ding put away the phone.

The people next to him were all looking at him: "Lord Mie Ding, they are killing people here!"

"That's why some people deserve it. As I said, no matter the other party is from that universe country, they should not be easily provoked until they find out their strength. The iron-blooded mercenary group really deserves it!" Mie Ding said.

After he said this, he ignored the others, but directly got on the Lan Yanma next to him, and left this place!

And Tang Zhong and Yan Gang were together, returning to the Douluo.

"That person looks like a Sea Clan!" Yan Gang said, "It should be a Sea Clan disguised as a cosmic being. It seems that we will be targeted as soon as we enter the Sea Clan!"

"It doesn't matter, I won't take the initiative to find the people of the Chaohai tribe, our purpose is to find the water dragon guard!" Tang Zhong said.

If it weren't for the water dragon guards, he might never have come to this place.

"Yeah!" Yan Gang nodded: "Shuilongwei is at this location, we just don't know if they know or not, let's come!"

"The twelve weapons all have sensors. I think those who protect the weapons of the water dragon guards can see the sensors on the weapons. By the way, what is the name of the weapons guarded by the water dragon guards?" Tang Zhong asked.

"Water dragon halberd!" Yan Gang said.

Water Dragon Halberd, the name sounds good!

"Let's go!" Tang Zhong said.

They boarded the Douluo and began to fly towards the sea of ​​void!

But soon, they discovered a very special signal source, behind them, someone was following them.

If nothing else, the one who followed them was the Mie Ding they met just now!

Tang Zhong and the others pretended that they didn't know anything, and now they only cared about flying themselves.

Then behind the Douluo.

Another small spaceship followed behind, and it was Mie Ding inside.

He was wearing a mask, but after boarding the spaceship, he took off the mask to reveal his real face.

The left side is a human face, while the other half is a green face with fish-like pupils. He is from the Sea Clan!
He didn't know that he had been discovered by others, and he didn't follow closely, as long as he didn't lose track.

And at the same time, it's like communicating with someone.

On the electronic screen in front, a Sea Clan man appeared. That Sea Clan man was a pure face of the Sea Clan, but a mermaid, who seemed to have status among the Sea Clan.

"Mieding, are you following those two people now?"

"Yes, my lord!" Mie Ding said respectfully.

"Then follow closely now, and don't get lost, you know? There have been strange people coming recently, and you must not let them get close!" said the person on the electronic screen.

"Yes!" Mie Ding nodded.

Then he turned off the electronic screen, drove the spaceship, and followed inside the Douluo.

Tang Zhong found in the spaceship that Mie Ding was just following and didn't do anything out of the ordinary, so he didn't do anything.

Then let Yan Gang use the method of searching for the dragon. Now that he is in the sea of ​​void, if he uses the method of searching for the dragon, it will be easier to find the people of the water dragon guard.

Yan Gang was surrounded by golden light, but soon, he looked very depressed: "It's strange, it's so strange!"

"What happened?" Tang Zhong asked.

"I found that I found two auras of Shenlongwei, one is here, and the other is far away!" Yan Gang said.

Tang Dang laughed: "There are two dragon guards' auras, which means that they are also looking for us!"

"No, this is very strange. It has never happened before, so be careful!" Yan Gang said.

Tang Zhong is also serious now, Yan Gang must have a reason for saying this: "Then let's find the water dragon guard first!"

"Yes!" Yan Gang nodded.

"By the way, what kind of Wei's breath did you feel the other first breath?" Tang Zhong asked back.

"Mu Longwei..." Yan Gang said.

"I see!" Tang nodded his head.

Regardless of this, go find the water dragon guard first!
The spaceship was traveling at high speed. At this time, it had already passed through the starry sky. It might not be able to receive the light, so it looked very dark. At this moment, a huge vortex appeared in front of it.

"That's the entrance to the Sea of ​​Void!"

(End of this chapter)

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