Chapter 1724 Trapped in a city!

This is the entrance to the sea of ​​void.

Tang Zhong looked intently, and there was a vortex in front of him. In the vortex, there was a layer of light film, and there were countless small meteorites floating beside the vortex!

"Ahead is the Sea Clan area, so be careful no matter what!" Yan Gang said.

Don nodded his head.

Piloting the Douluo, the spaceship plunged into the vortex. Shi Yan and the others only heard a slight squirming sound in the spaceship, as if something had been pierced through.

Tang Zhong only felt his eyes go dark, and after he realized it, he found himself in another world.

Sea of ​​Void.

The front side is wide and there is nothing. It is not worthy of the name of the sea of ​​void. It is surrounded by water, but the spaceship can still fly in it, which means that this is not water, but a medium. Tang Zhong doesn't know what it is, but it should Similar to the Hai people.

Because the environment determines what kind of people live there!
For example, the aborigines in Heitan City are mostly sand people, because of the bad environment in their area.

This is not surprising!
And the sea of ​​void looks a bit dark.

There are still plants around, but the plants are extremely dark and seem to be alive!
The Douluo spacecraft was already very big, and when it flew past a giant flower, the flower seemed to come alive, like a piranha, and devoured it in one gulp.

Tang Zhong quickly turned on the Douluo's attack mode, and a beam of light was released from the Douluo.

A piranha was directly knocked out, and green juice gushed out.

so close……

This should be the outskirts of the Sea of ​​Void, and it has not yet reached the territory of the Sea Clan. There are many creatures of the Sea of ​​Void here!

Not surprisingly, there should be sea beasts appearing.

Sure enough, a huge sea fish that looked like a whale directly hit it.

Douluo's body was immediately covered with a layer of golden light.

The moment the sea fish approached the golden light, it was cut off, and finally turned into a pile of corpses and died.

This sea of ​​void is really dangerous.

And Yan Gang didn't look at this side, but kept figuring out something, he kept using the method of searching for dragons, looking for traces of other dragon guards, but when he used it, there was no result at all, and it made Yan Gang even more worried.

Because there is no result!

Tang Zhong didn't continue to ask, because if Yan Gang really had a result, he would definitely tell him!
At the same time, he was also paying attention to the spaceship following him, and found that the spaceship was still some distance away from him.

The other party is following them, so the people of the Sea Clan must also know of their existence!
The Sea Clan is very big, so it is indeed a bit simple to rush to find the water dragon guards. If you want to spread the news quickly, there is a best way.

The Sea Clan and the Cosmic People area are two territories. If you use the giant dragon avatar here, you should not be discovered by others, and there is a lot of movement on the Sea Clan side, and the water dragon guards should get the news. , I will definitely come to him when the time comes.

Of course, Tang Zhong would also like to make peace with the Hai Clan, if he could not fight, he would not fight. As for whether to fight or not, it all depends on the Hai Clan's thinking.

There was no one hindering the flight of the spaceship, and the journey was very safe. Those sea beasts were no match for the Douluo at all.

In the spaceship behind, Mie Ding was shocked to see the sea beasts being killed so easily. Those sea beasts were not very strong, but they were not killed so easily. This can only be said that the opponent was too strong.

"There are a lot of strange cosmic beings among the sea clan, but these two people are really strong!" Mie Ding murmured: "I hope they didn't come to be enemies of my sea clan, otherwise I won't let them enter From the Sea Clan area!"

Finally the spaceship flew and arrived at the first sea city!
But Tang Zhong and the others dare not go down, because this is Hai City, which is the territory of the Hai Clan. If they go down from the universe, they may be instantly besieged.

Best thing to fake.

"Douluo, can you speed up? I want to get rid of that follower behind me!" Tang Zhong said.

"It's the master!" I saw flames erupting from the back of the Douluo, and the entire spaceship flew forward at an extremely fast speed!

Mie Ding followed behind, and found that the opponent was speeding up, and his face was ugly: "Damn it!"

After a while, he saw that the locked signal source had disappeared, and he tried to continue tracking, but the result was that he could not find it.

"Damn it, why did this happen?" Mie Ding murmured, "These two are too strong. Since I lost track, I must report it!"

He then called the communication settings, and on the electronic screen, the murloc-like person appeared again: "Mie Ding, what's the matter? Didn't I tell you to track that spaceship? Why did you suddenly contact me?"

"Captain, I lost that spaceship." Mie Ding said.

"What did you say? Didn't I tell you to follow?" the murloc asked anxiously.

"I followed, but the opponent suddenly accelerated, and I couldn't catch up!" Mie Ding said.

"Keep tracking, too many aliens from space have come to our Sea Clan, their purpose is not pure, we must not let them go!" Captain Mermaid said.

"Yes!" Mie Ding nodded, and then hung up the communication. At the same time, Mie Ding continued to track, but he couldn't find it at all: "Where did these people go?"

But at this moment, in the Sea Clan castle, two mermaids were walking in the castle, walking unnaturally!

One of the mermaids, looks a bit bulky, not used to heavy decorations!

The other one is very tall.

These two murlocs are Tang Zhong and Yan Gang.

This is the Sea of ​​Void, and the surrounding water source is energy.

It would be very difficult for the cosmic people to survive without the help of an energy reformer, so an energy reformer is needed to change the energy here to something that Tang Zhong and the others can adapt to.

Moreover, the murlocs and their appearances are too easy to recognize, so they deliberately disguised them and became the murlocs they are now.

As long as the Douluo, Tang Zhong has already disguised him.

The Douluo can be big or small, but now it has turned into a toy spaceship, staying in Tang Zhong's pocket!
They now know that this Sea Clan city is called Sea Moon City!
"How is it? Do you feel like a water dragon guard now?" Tang Zhong asked.

The purpose of their visit this time is simple

"I'm feeling it, but there doesn't seem to be any movement!" Yan Gang said: "The strange aura before, probably the people of Water Dragon Guard also felt it, so they sealed their aura!"

"If you close your breath, it will be difficult to find it. It's a bit tricky!" Tang Zhong said.

You have to find it yourself.

And at this moment, many murloc troops appeared in front of them. Of course, there were also many shrimp soldiers and crab generals. They all held weapons in their hands. They were crystal weapons that shone brightly and looked extremely sharp.

And now they seem to be investigating something?
(End of this chapter)

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