Chapter 1729 Destroy the King?

"Who sent you here?" Tang Zhong asked.

He really wanted to know the importance of this matter.

If it was sent by Emperor Cang, then the problem would be even more serious.

Those cosmic beings said directly: "On your own, you are not qualified to know now!"

They started right away.

Seeing this, Tang Zhong didn't give them a chance. He waved the Dragon Demon Sword in his hand, and no one here can stay!

Those people used super powerful attacks to attack and kill Tang Zhong.

And Tang Zhong killed this group of people with just one sword strike. Because he knew the identity of the other party, he had no choice but to kill them now. These people must not be left behind!
With a sweep of the sword, red blood spurted out.

The people who had looked hideous just now fell to the ground one after another.

Soon the war is over.

Yan Gang came up and said: "It seems that the aura of the water dragon guard disappeared before, it must be because these people broke into the Tianlong fish clan!"

"These people's strength is good, they should not be ordinary people!" Tang Zhong said: "Could it be sent by the real Emperor Cang?"

"They are!" Yan Gang said without hesitation.

"The Water Dragon Guard must have been forced away by them, where are we going now?" Tang Zhong said.

His understanding in Longshenwei is not at all as good as Yangang's. Hearing Yangang's decision now, there must be nothing wrong!
"Save them first!" Yan Gang pointed at the young man from the Tianlongyu tribe in the room.

Tang Zhong nodded and walked in. This time, when the children of the Tianlong fish clan saw Tang Zhong, they were not as vigilant as before, staring at them, their attitude eased a lot.

You must know that when Tang Zhong and the others came in just now, those children looked at them with vicious expressions in their eyes, and they should have regarded them as bad people.

"We are not bad people, we are friends of Water Dragon Guard!" Tang Zhong said, "Do you know how your people are doing now?"

A fat doll from the Tianlong fish clan said: "They... they were all killed... We have been hiding here, so we have not been killed, big brother, can you save us?"

After speaking, I cried myself.

Tang Zhong said: "Don't worry, there must be some of them alive, and I will definitely save you!"

The Tianlong Yuzu and Shuilongwei have lived in harmony for so many years, and the relationship must be very good!
"Okay, come out with me, let's go save people together!"

Tang Zhong said.

Because the Tianlong fish clan is not small, this place is like a city, it is impossible to have only a few cosmic people, there must be others, and since there are people hiding here, then there must be people hiding in other places, he wants Get everyone out.

The children of the Tianlong fish clan followed Tang Zhong at this time.

Tang Zhong asked Yan Gang to protect them, and then opened the building in front of him.

Keep saving people!

Walk on the streets of ruins.

As long as the cosmic man is found, Tang Zhong will kill it directly, without giving the other party a chance to resist!
And keep saving people.

Sure enough, there were still people, not only children, but also women and the elderly, and they all took advantage of the chaos to hide.

They are not as innocent as children. When they saw Tang Zhong and the others, they didn't dare to go out rashly. They went out after investigating for a while!
After knowing Tang Zhong's identity, everyone was shocked!
And Tang Zhong also asked them if they knew the whereabouts of Water Dragon Guard.

One shook his head, two shook his head, until a female Tianlongyu tribe member, a young man, said: "I... I know!"

"Where did they go?" Tang Zhong asked immediately when he heard the news about Water Dragon Guard.

"They left, and many cosmic people are chasing them!" said the female Arowana.

"Do you know where they went?" Tang Zhong said.

"I don't know, but I know they are heading north, many of them!" said the female Tianlong fish.

When Tang Zhong heard this, he immediately looked at Yan Gang: "You are here, save those people, and I will go after them!"

"Good!" Yan Gang nodded.

Without further ado, Tang Zhong took out the Douluo and started to release it, and he entered the Douluo.

Because it is in the sea of ​​void.

The Douluo began to change, and soon became a kind of aircraft like a submarine, and then swept away towards the front, and the speed was very fast.

He wants to find Water Dragon Guard, but he must not let the people of Water Dragon Guard get into trouble.

If nothing else, there must be a strong man among those chasing Water Dragon Guards!
And the movement on Tang Zhong's side attracted many cosmic people. They were looking for the remaining party who hadn't been killed here. When they saw the Douluo, they were ready to intercept and kill them.

But Yan Gang struck directly, with flames on his palm, and blasted directly at the opponent.

His speed is very fast, people are like the great teleportation of the universe, swishing, swishing, moving back and forth at high speed, wherever he goes, the cosmic people are directly blasted into blood mist by a palm, and there is no chance to resist!
All the young people of the Tianlong fish clan were stunned.

The person who rescued them was actually so strong, which meant that they would definitely survive.

At this moment, Tang Zhong was heading north. The speed of the spaceship was very fast. At the same time, he took out the Dragon Demon Sword and the Yanlong Stick, and kept checking the flashes on these two weapons. If they were close to the Water Dragon Halberd, the two weapons would flash Come out to shine.

That's how he followed it.

Finally, he saw the black light flickering on the Dragon Demon Sword, which also showed that this place is the escape route.
thought here.

Tang Zhong got up even more quickly.

After the uninterrupted pursuit, Tang Zhong's face finally had light.

Because above the Dragon Demon Sword, the flickering light became more intense.

Suddenly, he saw the wreckage of the spaceship, and many corpses. They were the corpses of the Arowana tribe, which showed that he was right in chasing them. These corpses should have been defeated after fighting the spaceship, and then turned into wreckage!

And in the back, he actually saw a lot of spaceships floating in the air, all of them were black spaceships, there were about a dozen of them, and they were now surrounded by a blue spaceship!

Immediately afterwards, a questioning voice came from above the black spaceship: "Hand over the water dragon guards to me, or you will all die!"

"Also, people of Water Dragon Guard, don't hide anymore, go out obediently, now the universe, Emperor Cang is the king, you rebellious party, hurry up and surrender!"

The sound came from the spaceship, it was deafening, the speaker was very powerful!
I'm afraid it has the strength of the Immortal God King!
And at this time, a voice from the blue spaceship replied, "Don't even think about it, King Destroyer...Even if we commit suicide, we won't fall into your hands!"

"I, Water Dragon Guard, only listen to the name of Dragon Ancestor!"

"To die is to die in battle!"

As for Tang Zhong, who was in the spaceship beside him, when he heard about King Mie, his face turned grim.

(End of this chapter)

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