Chapter 1730 I am the Dragon Ancestor!

Tang Zhong on the spaceship, when he heard the name of the King of Extermination, his whole face looked hideous.

He didn't expect that he would hear the name of King Slayer here.

Mie Wang was the one who wanted to snatch Weiwei from him, unexpectedly, now that he met here, he was actually Emperor Cang's lackey!
His fists clenched together.

At this time, a voice still came from the black spaceship in front: "We have surrounded you, and you have nowhere to escape now... and no one is coming to save you!"

A voice came from the blue spaceship: "Then we will fight to the death!"

From the blue spaceship, many people wearing blue robes came out, the leader was an old man, and he was the one who spoke.

In addition, there are many people from the Tianlongyu clan, who should have a relatively high voice in the clan.

And at this time, from the black spaceship, a tall man with a cloak on his back stepped into the air. There was a black aura around him, and many people followed him.

At this moment, the two parties are confronting each other.

Tang Zhong only saw the back of a Mie Wang, but he could feel the opponent's strength, which was the strength of the Immortal God King!
Now that the two sides are about to start a war, Tang Zhong must appear, the strength of the two sides is very different, if the water dragon guards really start to fight, they will definitely lose.

Fortunately, people are fine now.

Tang Zhong must save them.

Immediately, he stepped out of the air, this time, he wanted to save the Water Dragon Guard, and he wanted to fight the King of Extermination!
Right now, in the air.

King Mie stared at the Elder Shuilongwei in front of him, and said indifferently in his eyes: "Many years ago, Long Zu died, and now Emperor Cang is in power. Why don't you rebels surrender?"

The blue-robed elder in the Water Dragon Guard shouted coldly: "If it wasn't for the kindness of the Dragon Ancestor, how could he have entered the way of Emperor Cang? Emperor Cang caused the death of Dragon Ancestor, so he still has the face to say such a thing!"

"The winner is the king, and the loser is the bandit. Whoever is the king is the strong one. Whoever is strong is the one who rules the universe. I restrict you to hand over the weapons guarded by your water dragon guards. Otherwise, you will all die." !" Mie Wang stared forward, stretched out his hand, and then slowly clenched it together, above the fist, a black aura began to linger!

That is to do it.

Seeing this, the elder of the water dragon guard suddenly turned ugly, and shouted to be careful.

At this moment, King Mie stretched out his hand, and from the palm of his hand, a strong light shot out like a beam of light, facing many elders of Water Dragon Guard.

The elders fled immediately.

But there were still a few people who didn't escape, and were annihilated in the black light, and the light also hit the spaceship, and a big hole was punched out of the good spaceship!

The blue spaceship lost control and fell downwards.

Seeing this scene, everyone in Shuilongwei looked extremely ugly. In fact, from the very beginning, they knew that this time they were in a difficult situation, but they never thought that King Mie would be so strong!

All of them had ugly faces and frowned tightly. This time, they were afraid that they were going to die.

Seeing this, King Mie smiled easily: "I'll say it again, hand over what you are guarding... Next time, you may not be so lucky to escape!"

Then he continued to stretch out his hand, and from his finger, a more terrifying black light condensed, and black thunder flickered in it, which shows how powerful that power is!

This scene fell into the eyes of many elders of Water Dragon Guard.

But they didn't say a word.

They are the Dragon God Guards, and they will defend the Dragon Ancestor to the death, and they will never surrender.

"Hehe, if you want us to surrender to Emperor Cang, you don't have to think about it in this life!"

"You come to kill us, kill us, it's over!"

Although the water dragon guards said so, they were unwilling in their hearts.

They are the hope of Dragon Ancestor's revival. Before they knew that Ancestor Long was back, they thought they could be loyal, but now they are going to die. They are not reconciled to this!

When Mie Wang heard what the other party said, he sneered: "In that case, I will fulfill you!"

I saw that the black ball on his finger was even bigger, as if it was about to explode at any time!
There was a booming sound coming from all around, it was black thunder constantly thundering!
He was ordered to come to find the things guarded by the water dragon guard.

And there are so many people in the water dragon guards, he doesn't mind killing a few, because the person guarding the weapon must be an important person.

And he has already targeted the great elder among the water dragon guards, everyone can be killed, but this person is fine as long as he doesn't die!

and so……

"Go to hell!" Mie Wang said coldly.

He saw the thunder light on his finger, and rushed forward in an instant.

The faces of the water dragon guards were ugly, this time there is no way to hide, they are members of Longzu, they would rather die in battle than die like that!
They are ready to resist, and they will die with honor!
Seeing that the beam of light that the black thunder turned into was about to hit.

At this moment, suddenly from a distance, a sword flashing black thunder flew out, the speed is extremely fast!

It collided with the thunder light.

The impact of the two forces made rumbling noises continuously, and suddenly a burst of white light was stirred up, illuminating the positive film area!
Mie Wang suddenly realized that someone was obstructing him, and his face suddenly became ugly!

"who is it?"

At the same time, the elders of the Water Dragon Guard also saw this scene. When they saw the sword, their pupils suddenly widened. It was the Dragon Demon Sword, and it was the sword guarded by the Dragon Ancestor Dragon Demon Guard. , how could it be like this?That sword can only be used by Long Zu, could it be that Long Zu has come?

At this moment, the power on the Dragon Demon Sword collided with the black thunder pillar released by King Mie, and then eliminated the power.

Seeing the Dragon Demon Sword flying up into the sky, Tang Zhong stepped forward, grabbed the Dragon Demon Sword, and stood in front of the Water Dragon Guards!

At this moment, Tang Zhong was wearing a black armor, holding the Dragon Demon Sword, and he also had a mask on his face.

This time, he wanted to keep the water dragon guards and not expose himself, so he was dressed like this!
He stared at King Mie in front of him, his eyes were full of hatred, he wished he could step forward and kill him now, but reason told him that it was difficult to win, as long as he could successfully rescue the water dragon guard today, other things , I dare not think too much!

"Who are you?" Mie Wang suddenly saw a man in black armor in front of him, his face was very gloomy: "I am Mie Wang under Emperor Cang, and I am chasing and killing the remnants of the Dragon Ancestor today. If you block me, I will kill you !"

Tang Zhong said: "I am the ancestor of the dragon, you want to slaughter my people, have you asked for my consent?"

(End of this chapter)

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