Chapter 1733 Saved!

At this moment, Tang Zhong stood up from the dust, looking extremely embarrassed!
And when King Mie saw that Tang Zhong was still alive and able to stand up, his face became more and more gloomy.

"Damn...what the hell is going on?"

He thought that the blow just now would definitely kill the person in front of him, because this place has already become ruins, so it can be seen how powerful it is!
But now this person can still stand up, which really makes him unbelievable.

Tang Zhong grinned, although he was in a state of embarrassment, at least now that the water dragon guard had escaped, he should go.

Otherwise, you will really die here.

He turned and left!
But Mie Wang quickly realized: "If you want to leave, there is no way!"

Immediately, it came in the air, grabbed Tang Zhong and tore it apart, and ghost aura raged on the ghost claw!
Tang Zhong felt the attack behind him, his eyes were scarlet, he must not die here.

Turning around suddenly, dragon energy erupted all over his body, golden light shone, and condensed into a giant shield.

The ghost claw slammed on the giant shield.


Immediately seeing Tang Zhong being sent flying, he was even more embarrassed!

He is no match for this person now, the gap between the Immortal God King and the Immortal King is not 01:30 points!
He just needs to live!

The body fell heavily on the ground, smashing the ground to pieces!

Tang Zhong ignored the severe pain coming from his body, got up and left, he must leave.

But the king of extermination was in pursuit.

It would be too difficult for Tang Zhongzhong to leave safely.

Suddenly, he felt a powerful force crushing him from behind, turned around abruptly, and saw a demon king behind him.

It was still King Mie, but now the King Mie was boiling with devilish energy, his whole body was pitch black, but his pupils were red, and behind him, two pairs of ghost wings were released.

People are like the supreme ghost king!
And with his body as the center, a demonic magnetic field was formed, as if thousands of evil spirits were roaring there!

This is probably the way to destroy the king!

Apparently, the other party realized that it was not so easy to kill Tang Zhong, and now he started to use his ultimate move.

"Demon Realm!" Mie Wang grinned ferociously!
Countless evil spirits rushed out from under his feet at this time, spinning back and forth in the air, making roaring sounds.

In the end, they all flew towards Tang Zhong!

Seeing this, Tang Zhong sped up and ran away, but the speed of those demon spirits was a little faster.

Already attached to Tang Zhong's body!
Tang Zhong suddenly slowed down a lot, and he almost couldn't move forward!


Flames gushed out of Tang Zhong's body, trying to use the flame domain to burn these spirit bodies, but he found that there seemed to be nothing wrong with those spirit bodies.

The flame cannot do without the spirit body!
"I want to use flames to drive away my demon law. I have the power of four layers of law. What is yours? You only have the power of two layers of law!" Mie Wang laughed wildly.

Laws become domains, and domains are divided into weights.

But now this demonic law is the law of four layers, not something Tang Zhong can resist!
"This..." Tang Zhong frowned.

"Go to hell!" Mie Wang grinned ferociously.

At this moment, from high above the sky, a demonic fork appeared from the void, flashing black thunder, and then stabbed towards Tang Zhong!

Tang Zhong was trapped by the spirit body. At this time, he couldn't move at all. When he saw the devil's fork, he was about to break free from the shackles beside him, but the more he moved, the tighter the spirit body bound him, making him even more unable to move. move.

Seeing that the devil's fork was getting closer and closer to Tang Zhong, he felt even more unwilling, but there was nothing he could do.

Is he going to die here?

At this moment, a burst of fire suddenly burst out from behind Tang Zhong, blocking the front of the evil devil's fork.

The devil's fork was forced to stop instantly.

In the flames, it was Yan Gang.

"Longzu, I am too late to save you!"

Tang Zhong saw Yan Gang appearing: "Not too late, not at all too late!"

At this moment, King Mie saw Yan Gang and yelled, "What are you, you dare to meddle in my affairs, you are courting death!"

Yan Gang shouted coldly: "Emperor Cang's running dog, I will never forgive you!"

He grabbed the devil's fork and let out a wild roar, in an instant.

The ghost fork broke into pieces directly.

Then Yan Gang looked up at Mie Wang: "I, Yan Long, guard Yan Gang, and protect the Dragon Ancestor with death!"

"It's up to you!" Mie Wang said coldly.

Yan Gang didn't speak to Mie Wang, but turned his head and shouted to Tang Zhong: "Long Zu, go, I'll stop him!"

"Yeah!" Tang Zhong immediately turned around and left, he knew that he must not die.

Because once you die, everything will fall short!
Long's hatred is over, and Wei Wei will die because of it.

Seeing Tang Zhongzhong leave, Mie Wang yelled at Yan Gang: "Trash, get out!"

He bombarded it with a palm.

And Yan Gang didn't make any dodge movements, and just punched out directly. He is the Immortal King's cultivation base, and now it has all exploded.

With a bang, Yan Gang was shocked back, but Mie Wang remained motionless: "Go away, or I will kill you!"

Yan Gang didn't speak, but attacked again, to suppress King Mie.

He belongs to Yan Longwei, and has served Long Zu for generations!

Mie Wang slapped him again, and threw away the rushing Yan Gang, and fell heavily to the ground with a roar, spitting blood from his mouth.

But Yan Gang got up and attacked again.

Tang Zhong went away, but at this moment, he remembered a key question, that is, what should Yan Gang do?
He turned his head and stopped, and saw Yan Gang fighting with the Mie Wang, Yan Gang was obviously at a disadvantage now, if this continued, Yan Gang would die.

How could he get out of here?
Tang Zhong was about to go back.

Suddenly, a voice came from his ear.

"Come on!"

That was Yan Gang's voice, obviously the other party was transmitting the sound to him.

"As a descendant of the dragon ancestor, you must survive!"

"Don't worry about me. As the Yanlongguard, I live for the Dragon Ancestor. The Dragon Ancestor lives, the Yanlong lives, and the Dragon Ancestor dies. We can't live either. Go, don't come back!"

It can be seen that Yan Gang has been fighting Mie Wang, preventing the opponent from chasing Tang Zhong.

Tang Zhong knew his mission, his face was abnormally ugly, he knew his importance.

"Don't worry, I'll be fine, you go, the water dragon guard is safe, you find him, leave the Sea Clan immediately, don't be discovered by others!"

Hearing this, Tang Zhong nodded heavily.

There are too many things on his shoulders.

Immediately turn around and leave, he must not die here.

He has experienced this scene once before, that is, in the Great Desolation, the Mo Lao was also killed in order to save him.

And Yan Gang is now deeply in a dead end in order to keep him alive, he must not let the other party down, but the hatred for Emperor Cang has already taken root in his heart.

(I'm writing the following plot very quickly, and the book should be finished soon.)
(End of this chapter)

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