Chapter 1734 Farewell!

Tang Zhong ran all the way away from here, he didn't watch Yan Gang fight against death.

If you stay here for one more second, you will be wasting Yan Gang's kindness towards him!

There are only two situations for Yan Gang to lose to King Mie, one is to die here directly, and the other is to narrowly escape.

Although Tang Zhong didn't want to see that scene, he had no way to stop it. The only thing he could do was to stay alive, become stronger, and fight back like a hero in the future.

That's all he can do now.

Before he knew it, Tang Zhong burst into tears.

Those who died for him, he will always remember.

Now he has turned into a human body. Along the way, he saw a lot of corpses, all of them were soldiers who were around the former King Mie, but now they all died here, probably killed by Yan Gang before!

He wants to find the water dragon guards and get out of here as soon as possible!

He summoned the Douluo, boarded his spaceship, and flew to the territory of the Tianlong fish clan!
Yan Gang was there before, which means that Shuilongwei should go to that place.

And on distant battlefields.

Mie Wang was completely trapped by Yan Gang. He wanted to chase Tang Zhong, but he couldn't move at all.

He blasted Yan Gang back several times, but found that Yan Gang stood up without fear of death.

It's really disgusting to be so angry that you are shaking all over your body now.

Although Yan Gang was seriously injured, Tang Zhong left alive now, which is a great thing. According to this stage, as long as Tang Zhong knows the Tianlong fish clan, he can find the water dragon guard, and then use the fastest Leaving the Sea Clan at a high speed, they will definitely not be caught by this demise.

This is the only thing Yan Gang can do for Tang Zhong now.

Mie Wang may also know that he can't catch up with Tang Zhong now, so he gasped there, staring at Yan Gang angrily: "I will make your death ugly!"

After finishing speaking, he punched him out.

Yan Gang couldn't resist there, and after the fierce battle just now, he didn't want to move anymore.

Boom, punch hard!
Yan Gang's face became bloody and bloody, and he flew upside down, and finally landed on the ground!
There was no pain on his face, but a smile on his face.

Mie Wang arrived in front of Yan Gang in an instant, and kicked Yan Gang's chest: "What the hell, why did you spoil my good deed?"

"Originally if I caught that person, I would become Emperor Cang's servant, but because of you, everything is gone!"

Kacha Kacha, Yan Gang's chest had completely collapsed, and at the same time, blood spewed from his mouth, staining his face red.

He is still smiling.

In the eyes of King Mie, Yan Gang's smile was a huge mockery, and he kicked up a few more times, before stopping for a long time: "It's really too cheap for me to kill you like this, I will slowly torture you to death!"

Yan Gang smiled: "That's just right, that guy will definitely come to save me!"

"That guy, I can crush him to death with one hand, and he will come to save you?" Mie Wang sneered.

"When he comes to save me, you will kneel in front of him like a dead dog!" Yan Gang said with a smile.

When Mie Wang heard this, he laughed loudly: "I don't know where your confidence comes from. If you say something like this, I won't kill you. I'll wait for that person to save you, and then I will show you that he is the one who kneels. In front of me, or I kneel in front of him!"

Yan Gang didn't speak any more, but smiled faintly there.

He met Tang Zhong not long ago, but Yan Gang felt that he already knew this person, he was a stubborn person, a person who had revenge!
"I'll wait!" Yan Gang said.

The smile on Mie Wang's face gradually disappeared when the other party said this.

He wanted to send someone to continue searching for the escaped man, but found that his subordinates could no longer be contacted.

He knew it was bad this time.

Although the person who escaped is weak now, but there is a lot of room for growth in the future, it is really too scary.

But is there really that much room for growth?
That person is a cosmic being, and it is absolutely impossible for him to be among the Sea Clan. At that time, he will use all his strength to find him.

But at this moment, Tang Zhong has arrived at the territory of the Tianlong fish clan.

Still the ruins of before.

But he saw the Water Dragon Guards, the Great Elder from before was right in front.

When he saw Tang Zhong, the Great Elder bowed his head respectfully: "Welcome Long Zu!"

Beside the Great Elder, there are other people.

Different from Demon Dragon Guard and Yan Long Guard, Water Dragon Guard has a lot of people, more than ten people.

"En!" Tang Zhong replied.

"I've been waiting here for a long time!" the Great Elder continued.

"Get up!" Tang Zhong continued.

"What about Yan Longwei's colleagues?" The Great Elder asked back.

"Dead!" Tang Zhong really couldn't bear to say such words, but now he has no choice but to die if Yan Gang doesn't come back!
The Great Elder changed and remained silent. He took out a crystal ball and started reciting spells silently there!

It's like overdoing it!
After a long time, the Great Elder put down the crystal ball and said, "We are all descendants of the former Dragon Ancestor's servants. Now that we see our companions die, I should take them as a salvation!"

"You mean a fortune teller?" Tang Zhong looked at the elder and said.

"Yes, Dragon Ancestor!" said the Great Elder.

"Then quickly tell me whether Yan Gang is alive or dead?" Tang Zhong was anxious.

A fortune teller can know the future, Tang Zhong really wants to know how Yan Gang is alive and dead now?
"I no longer have the ability to divination, and my crystal beads have already lost their functions!" The Great Elder said, "I hope Longzu will not blame him!"

Hearing this, Tang Zhong sighed: "I won't blame you, it's life or death, so what if you know through divination?"

The Great Elder said: "The colleague of Yan Longwei once told me, let me know when I see you, and leave this place immediately!"

Hearing this, Tang Zhong felt even more ashamed of Yan Gang: "I...I will definitely avenge you!"

Then he looked at the water dragon guards and said, "Follow me and get out of here!"

"And they!" said the elder, pointing to the Tianlong murloc beside him.

The members of the Tianlong Yu clan are people who have good friends with Shuilongwei.

Because Shuilongwei and his family died, there were only a few people left, and now they are standing here, following him, the ancestor of the dragon, how could he let the other party die?

Immediately said: "You also come with me!"

All the members of the Tianlongyu Clan jumped up for joy. If they stayed here, they could only die. If they could follow the person in front of them, they would be willing!

Tang Zhong didn't say any more, staying here is always dangerous.

Immediately call the Douluo.

All the people boarded the spaceship and flew away quickly.

Because definitely not only the people who killed the king will come here, but also people from the Hai clan.

The Sea Clan is in the Sea of ​​Void, and now that the cosmic people have come, the Sea Clan in the Sea of ​​Void will definitely come to make trouble, so it is right to leave this place as soon as possible.

(End of this chapter)

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