Chapter 1736 Breakthrough!

At the moment on the Douluo, another ceremony is going on.

Tang Zhong could be seen sitting cross-legged there.

The Great Elder of Water Dragon Guard stood there, looked at Tang Zhong, and immediately raised the crystal ball in his hand.

Although the rest of the water dragon guards looked very embarrassed now, the light flickering on the crystal ball was unusually bright.

Now that we have met Longzu, it is time to hand over what they guarded.

I saw light flashing from the crystal ball.

"Longzu, we sealed them in the crystal ball to protect the water dragon halberd, and now we need you to open it!" said the elder.

When Tang Zhong heard the other party speak, he stretched out his hand and finally landed on the crystal ball.

I saw that the crystal ball was shining, and there were many lines on it, and now it was about to burst.

Click click!

The light shines.

I saw the crystal ball slowly flying into the air, and the crack marks on it became bigger and bigger, until at the last moment, it exploded with a bang.

The light flickered, illuminating the entire Douluo at once!

Amidst the rays of light, a sky-blue halberd appeared.

The halberd seemed to be made of ice.

Tang Zhong stretched out his hand, and the long halberd fell down. In Tang Zhong's hand, he looked carefully and felt a cold breath pouring into his body.

This is the water dragon halberd, he seems to be able to see a water dragon swimming in the middle of the long halberd.

It is exactly the same as the Yanlong stick, except that there is a fire dragon in the Yanlong stick.

The moment he grabbed the water dragon halberd, he felt the strength in his body skyrocket, as if it was about to break through.

He is now half-step immortal, only one step away from the immortal king.

Originally, he was about to step in, but now the return of the water dragon halberd directly gave him the power to break through.

The breath on his body surged wildly, and he was only one step away from breaking through.

With a bang, golden light flooded the body.

Daodao Longwei was released and suppressed towards the surroundings.

Immortal King...

Tang Zhong's eyes showed golden light, and a phantom of a dragon surged out of his body.

The surrounding water dragon guards had dragon blood in their bodies, and they immediately felt the coercion. They left and knelt on the ground, feeling the might of the dragon ancestor.

Even the people of the Tianlongyu clan are trembling at this time. They are named Tianlongyu clan because their ancestors met the dragon ancestor many years ago, and they have received the gift of the dragon group. Now they can also Feel the coercion!
Tang Zhong stood where he was, felt the strength in his body, and stretched out his hand.

Because of his cultivation breakthrough, he directly became a giant dragon clone.

He is no longer what he was before.

Instead, he was covered in golden light, and the scales became more and more obvious. The current dragon claws are sharper than before, and the wings on the back have fully grown out, which are golden dragon wings!
He was just a blood dragon before, but now he is a golden dragon!
Surrounding the body is a dragon's breath!
He now feels that his strength is stronger than that, not at 01:30, it can be described as horror.

With his current strength, if he faces Mie Wang, he may still be able to defeat the opponent, but if he faces Fujiwara Ye, he can definitely fight!

In the past because of Fujiwara Ye, he left the Marauders, and now he has to go back.

He must quickly gain the approval of the predators before he can fight against the king!
But now that Yan Gang is gone, if Yan Gang is alive, it will be fine.

But thinking that the other party fell into the hands of King Mie, he must have died.

"Congratulations to Dragon Ancestor!" said the Great Elder of the Water Dragon Guard.

"Hmm!" Tang Zhong said.

"The old man's name is Fuchen!" the Great Elder introduced himself.

"I see, come back with me!" Tang Zhong said.

"I just found out that the people of Yanlongwei didn't seem to be dead!" Fu Chen said.

When Tang Zhong heard this, he suddenly turned around and looked at the other party, staring at the other party with an unbelievable look: "Is this true?"

"Yes!" Fu Shen said.

But soon Tang Zhong thought of something again, the King Mie got Yan Gang but didn't kill him, probably for another purpose, if nothing else happened, he wanted to threaten him Tang Zhong.

This is not important, as long as he knows that Yan Gang is not dead, it will be the greatest benefit for Tang Zhong.

Now his heart is extremely heroic.

"Yan Gang, wait, I will save you too, soon!"

Tang Zhong clenched his fists. Now his strength is the Immortal King, but he has no support behind him. If there is a force willing to stand behind Tang Zhong, he can go to Mie Wang now.

And now the Predator is Tang Zhong's reliance, if he can get the approval of the Predator's senior management and put on the golden armor of that day, it will be fine!
Let's go back!
Tang Zhong said, he asked the Douluo to return to the predator.

Originally thought that this time, after many years, I didn't know when I would be able to return, but I didn't expect it to be so soon.

Now he has the Demon Dragon Sword, the Flame Dragon Stick, and the Water Dragon Halberd on his body.

From Yan Gang's mouth, he learned that there are twelve weapons in total, and now he only has three, and he doesn't know where the other nine are.

But as long as you are up and down, you can continue to use the dragon hunting technique!
Now Tang Zhong also has a matter, which needs to be solved by ups and downs.

"Can you tell me why there was another aura when I used the Dragon Hunting Technique?" Tang Zhong said.

He had heard from Yan Gang before that when he was using the technique of finding the dragon, there were other people who were also using it, and that person was not the water dragon guard!

Fu Shen said: "You mean that strange breath?"

"Yes, you feel it too?" Tang Zhong was surprised.

"Yes, that breath is very strange, it doesn't look like it was made by the Dragon God Guards, but only the Dragon God Guards can use the Dragon Seeking Technique..." Fu Chen said.

Tang Zhong has no words, he doesn't know what to do, now he can only continue to search!

The spaceship flies very fast.

The Douluo left the Sea Clan area, left from Shacheng, and returned to the area controlled by the predators.

Tang Zhong didn't bring back the people from Tianlongyu Clan and Shuilongwei. Their goal was too big. The most important thing is to beware of the people of Emperor Cang. If there are people from Emperor Cang here, then everything will be really bad!

He left the Douluo in a tiny spaceship, all the way to the marauder's territory.

Among the predators today, Fujiwara Ye occupies the majority. This does not mean that everyone has taken refuge in Fujiwara Ye, but that between Tang Zhong and Fujiwara Ye, they chose Fujiwara Ye.

At the entrance of the predator, suddenly, Tang Zhong's spaceship drove past, which immediately caused the soldiers to investigate.

A group of soldiers surrounded Tang Zhong: "Who are you? The spaceship stopped and broke into my predators. You must show your identity."

Soon the spaceship stopped.

"I'm Tang Zhong!" Tang Zhong walked out of the spaceship and said.

(End of this chapter)

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