Chapter 1737 I'm back.

"I am Tang Zhong!"

As soon as he said his name.

All the soldiers were looking at him immediately: "You are that Tang Zhong, General Fujiwara Ye has been looking for you, how dare you appear here!"

Fujiwara Ye is much more important and famous than Tang, so these soldiers are naturally on Fujiwara Ye's side now.

"General Fujiwara Ye said, if you appear, let me inform him. Now that you have appeared, come with us!"

Today's Tang Zhong is not the previous Tang Zhong, he said coldly: "Who gave you the courage?"

"I am a gold raider, you are just soldiers, what right do you have to dare to speak to me like that?"

Those soldiers turned cold when they heard Tang Zhong's words, they almost forgot that the other party was a gold predator.

But they have General Fujiwara Ye as the backstage, so how could they be afraid of the guy in front of them, and immediately said: "General Fujiwara said they want to arrest you, so we will arrest you!"

A soldier came forward directly to arrest Tang Zhong.

Seeing this, Tang Zhong slashed out with a sword.

With a click, a sword directly cut through the opponent's body.

The man was split in half and fell to the ground, and then blood flowed from the cut.

"You... what are you going to do?" The other soldiers became terrified when they saw Tang Zhong killing people.

"He offended me the Gold Raider, of course I will kill him!" Tang Zhong said.

High-level predators can be qualified to dominate the lives of ordinary soldiers.

The soldier's face was ugly: "But if you don't give him a chance, it's too much to kill him!"

A soldier chattered on and on.

And Tang Zhong slashed out with a single sword!

The speaking soldier split his head and body in half.

There are four soldiers here, two of them have been killed, and the other two wanted to speak, but seeing Tang Zhong's actions, they trembled in fright. They saw that the first one died of offending each other, and the second Individuals died because they questioned each other, and the two of them were terrified.

Tang Zhong pressed his head to the side and said, "What else do you two have to say?"

The two soldiers shook their heads quickly, they had nothing to say, this man was really terrified!
"If there is nothing to say, then I will go in now!" Tang Zhong said.

The two hurried out of the way.

Tang Zhong continued walking, ignoring the people around him.

After the two people saw that Tang Zhong had gone deep, they reacted and quickly took out the universe phone!

"The one named Tang Zhong is back!"

"Yes, just came back!"

Tang Zhong knew that those two people would definitely tell others, that would be better, and it would save him from looking for someone.

What he is going to now is his master's island.

He went straight over.

The person who picked him up was the same person from before. He boarded the spaceship, and when he arrived at the island, he released Tang Zhong down.

Among the island huts.

Situ Kong had already heard people say that Tang Zhong was back, and he was very excited.

At this time, Tang Zhong pushed the door open and came in: "Master, I'm back!"

Seeing that Situ Kong looked intact now, Tang Zhong breathed a sigh of relief. He was really afraid that Situ Kong would not wake up, because he was responsible for everything that Situ Kong encountered.

Situkong looked at Tang Zhong and said, "You... why are you back again??"

Although he was happy that Tang Zhong came back, he was also very worried. He heard that Fujiwara Ye said that he wanted to kill Tang Zhong. Now that Tang Zhong came back, he was afraid that he would be targeted infinitely!
"I'm coming back to see you, and I still have some things to do!" Tang Zhong said.

"Ah... what do you have to do, Fujiwara Ye will not let you go!" Situ Kong said: "You'd better get out of here, I'm an example, you should have seen the chains on my feet too! "

"Master, don't worry, I will remove that chain for you!" Tang Zhong said.

The chain on Situ Kong's feet was seen by Tang Zhong last time. It was what Fujiwara Ye used to torture Situ Kong. Tang Zhong wanted to destroy that chain now.

Situ Kong didn't expect Tang Zhong to say that, he was very moved, but it was not easy to remove the chain.

It can be said to be very difficult, unless it reaches the Immortal Lord and the high-level consent of the plundered, otherwise his master will be removed for him.

At this moment, Tang Zhong saw light appear, and the light finally merged into the chain on Situ Kong's feet.


The chains rang.

After Situkong heard the voice, he was taken aback for a moment, apparently he did not expect such a scene to happen, the chain actually moved.

Isn't this only possible with the cultivation of the Immortal Lord?

Immediately, Situ Kong stared at Tang Zhong carefully: "Your cultivation base, what is your cultivation base now?"

Tang Zhong said: "Immortal King!"

Situ Kong was dumbfounded, he couldn't believe what the other party said, how could this happen?His apprentice has actually become the Immortal King. It can be said that he has always watched the other party's growth... From being weak at the beginning, he has actually grown into the Immortal King.


Wow, at this moment, the chain was directly opened.

It fell off Situ Kong's feet.

After Situ Kong saw the chain, he thought he was dreaming, but now he realized that it was not a dream.

Take off the chain, then the other party is an immortal master.

But soon, he woke up from the shock, looked at Tang Zhong and said: "No, absolutely not, if you do this, something will happen. My chain was locked on my feet by Fujiwara Ye and the high-level predators. If you want to take it off, you must get the consent of the high-level predators, so there will be trouble!"

"It's okay!" Tang Zhong said: "You don't need to estimate them, Fujiwara Ye will die!"

"Ah?" Situ Kong was stunned for a moment: "You want to kill Fujiwara Ye?"

"Yes, I will kill him!" Tang Zhong said.

"That shock was too difficult!" Situ Kong said.

"It's not difficult at all!" Tang Zhong said.

When he came back this time, he was not prepared to give Fujiwara Ye a chance at all.

He will always remember what Fujiwara Ye said back then, the strong can control the life and death of the weak, then he will tell Fujiwara Ye, I can control your life and death, you are too weak!

Just like what he told Fujiwara Ye when he left, I will see you and pierce your head.

Tang Zhong should leave now.

He's going to tell those worried that he's back.

Then he left Situ Kong's island, the person who picked him up before sent him to the spaceship, and he left here.

After leaving the island, hike home.

Before he got home, he saw quite a few people from Fengxuan Pavilion appearing at the door of his house, as if they already knew the news of her return, they waited specially for her again.

Lie Qiuxue and the others were there.

When they saw Tang Zhong appearing, they all rushed over.

"You... why did you come back? I didn't mean that you were not allowed to come back!" Lie Qiuxue said.

(End of this chapter)

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