Chapter 1742 Kill everyone!

I saw that where the hammer broke, it was Tang Zhong who had squeezed the dragon's claw into a fist.

Now he has a golden light blooming on his fist.

And the people around saw that Tang Zhong'an was fine, and they all started to panic standing there.

Not dead!

It is unbelievable that the Heavenly Hammer King could set the world with one hammer, but he didn't kill him.

Why is there such a situation?
The four people who were going to kill Tang Zhong just now were even more terrified, standing where they were, they didn't know what to say.

How could he be alive!

"Sky Hammer King, why didn't you use all your strength?" one of the middle-aged men asked.

Sky Hammer King said: "I have used all my strength, it's just that this guy's strength is too strong!"


Then the four of them looked at Tang Zhong, deeply terrified, the blow just now was actually the full force of the Sky Hammer King, but the full force did not hurt the opponent, and was blocked by the opponent.

How is this possible?
At this time, Tang Zhong stared at the four of them and said coldly, "You guys, die!"

He immediately made his move, waved his wings behind him, poof, he flew out.

In an instant, he arrived next to the Sky Hammer King.

At that speed, it can be said that it is teleporting.

The Sky Hammer King didn't react at all, and when he saw Tang Zhong approaching him, he immediately resisted.

But, it's too late!
Tang Zhong punched out!
Facing Sky Hammer King's chest, with a puff, his fist pierced through the opponent's stomach, directly piercing through, and then blood spurted out, looking extremely ferocious.

King Tianhammer didn't expect it at all, he looked down at his stomach and saw the penetrating hand.

When he reached the realm of the Immortal King, few people died. He thought he could live forever in this life, but now, he actually felt pain.

Suddenly, the Sky Hammer King shouted even more.

In his chest, Tang Zhong had already pinched the opponent's heart.

And pulled it out by force.

The bright red heart is still beating.

"No!" Sky Hammer King shouted when he saw the other party's actions.

But Tang Zhong's hand still moved, and with a sudden crush, he saw the bright red heart explode directly.

Blood spurted.

When that scene appeared, it was extremely terrifying.

Skyhammer King's pupils were originally red, but now the light began to recede slowly, until the last moment, he turned into a stone and shattered on the spot!

that moment.

The other three people were so terrified that they died just like that!

how come……

Tang Zhong turned around and stared at the three people in front of him, and said coldly: " you have any other ideas?"

Those three people were wearing sky-gold armor, and they were usually condescending. They had never been in such a mess like today, and this person dared to kill them!

The three of them dare to have the slightest idea now!
Shut up!

Tang Zhong continued: "Then I killed Fujiwara Ye? Do you have any other ideas?"

The three of them shook their heads. Now they dare not have any thoughts.

If they had any ideas, they would really die here.

Although they have a good relationship with Fujiwara Ye, it is absolutely impossible for them to be killed by others for the sake of each other!

"Then... am I among the predators, am I guilty of murder?" Tang Zhong continued.

"Not guilty!"

Tang Zhong laughed when he heard this: "Since you are innocent, let's all disperse!"

When those three people heard this, they were relieved, they didn't dare to stay here any longer, they turned around and left, this person is truly terrifying.

At the same time, everyone present was shocked.

This person used his own strength to conquer the three Immortal Kings. This kind of strength is really terrifying!
Is this still a person?

Killing two Immortals in a row...

Didn't it be said among the predators?You can't fight, but now that two immortals are dead here, no one dares to come out to mention this rule!

This excites a lot of people.

It turns out that predators are not invincible. When you are strong enough to ignore the rules, even if you kill people, you can still do so.

This is what strength brings.

Ignore all rules and override them.

At this moment, many people were boiling.

The remaining three Immortals have left here quickly. As for Fujiwara Ye and Sky Hammer King, they will die when they die.

They can't control each other, now they just need nothing to do.

Now I am most afraid that this person in front of me will kill them here too.

The opponent is powerful, and absolutely no one else will stand up for them.

At this time.

Tang Zhong turned around, and the three left, so there was no threat, and the appearance of the giant dragon clone gradually recovered.

Now Tang Zhong is incomparably tall and straight!
He walked towards Mo Bai and the others.

Mo Bai's face was extremely ugly, and he stared at Tang Zhong: " is your strength so strong!"

"There are some trivial things that cannot be explained clearly!" Tang Chong counted.

His human body has become the Immortal King, not to mention that he still uses the giant dragon avatar now.

Now even if the five Immortals fight him together, he can fight him!
Mo Bai believed that Tang Zhong must have encountered an adventure, otherwise he would not have become so powerful, and now he is happy for Tang Zhong!
"I think Situ Kong will be happy for you after he finds out!"

At this moment, Situ Kong dared to come from a distance, and shouted: "Fujiwara Ye, if you dare to touch my disciple, I will fight you desperately!"

Situ Kong came from afar on a Frisbee.

He had been on the island all the time, and it was a bit slow to get the news. As soon as he heard that the battle between Tang Zhong and Fujiwara Ye had started, he rushed over immediately.

I was anxious, for fear that something would happen to my disciple.

But now, Situ Kong swept his eyes away and didn't find any Fujiwara Ye!
At this time, his eyes fell on the ground, Fujiwara Ye's body, although there was no head, he could tell who it was from the body!
Now, Fujiwara Ye is actually dead, who killed it?
It won't be Tang Zhong.

Situ Kong really couldn't believe it!
And at this time, he saw Mo Bai and Tang Zhong standing together in front of him, and now this sign shows that he was killed by Tang Zhong.

Situ Kong really couldn't believe it, he looked at Tang Zhong, his expression changed.

"You killed it?" Situ Kong said.

"Yes!" Tang Zhong replied.

"How is it possible?" Situ Kong was shocked, he couldn't believe it!

"Master, do you still know where Master's Wife is?" Tang Zhong asked back.

Situ Kong killed Fujiwara Ye's son before, because Fujiwara Ye's son imprisoned Situ Kong's lover in the ice prison!
Because of the existence of Fujiwara Ye, the master and the other party have not seen each other for a long time.

Situ Kong was taken aback for a moment.

"She is in the ice prison!"

"Let's go, I'm going to let my wife go now!" Tang Zhong said.

Situ Kong felt like he was living in a dream, and he couldn't believe it was real until now!

However, this is not a dream, it is real!

Situkong never thought that his unintentional actions would bring him such great benefits!
"Thank you!"

(End of this chapter)

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