Chapter 1743 Ice Iron Prison!

Ice and Iron Prison!

It is the prison where the plunderers keep the wicked!

In this prison, most of them are villains who were not executed while the predators were completing their missions. These people have committed a lot of evil, but they are the real villains!
Of course, many of them were framed!

And at this moment, in front of the gate of the Ice Iron Prison!

Tang Zhong brought Situ Kong in.

Two soldiers stopped them at the door.

"who are you?"

"This is the Iron Prison of Ice, ordinary people cannot break into it!"

"I want to go in!" Tang Zhong said coldly, "Look for a woman named Ling'er!"

was on the road before.

Tang Zhong had already heard from Situ Kong that his lover was called Ling'er, and he hadn't seen him for many years.

The two soldiers stared at Tang Zhong and said coldly, "I ask who you are?"

"We are soldiers guarding the Ice and Iron Prison. We will not let you in without orders from above. I advise you to leave here as soon as possible!"

"What's the order from above?" Tang Zhong asked back.

"Naturally, it was Master Fujiwara's order. The man next to you is Situ Kong, right? We know him. I have guarded the Ice and Iron Prison for so many years, and I have seen him many times!" the soldier said coldly.

"Get out, didn't you just come to find that woman? Let me tell you, if you continue to stay here, I will report to Lord Fujiwara Ye. When the time comes, you two will feel better!" the soldier shouted coldly.

"Fujiwara Ye is dead!" Tang Zhong said.

"Dead? Fart, how could Mr. Fujiwara Ye die?" The soldier froze for a moment, then said coldly.

"Go away!" Tang Zhong said coldly.

Trespassing on the Iron Prison of Ice, you are looking for death!

A soldier directly stabbed over with a spear. Seeing that the opponent was not very old, how could he be the opponent of Master Fujiwara Ye, he felt that this person was lying!
"So, you mean not to leave?" Tang Zhong asked back.


"Get out!" Tang Zhong shouted loudly.

Powerful coercion blooms directly
The two soldiers didn't have a chance to react at all. Feeling the strong pressure released, they fell directly to the ground.

They felt mentally roaring and extremely uncomfortable, and now they were almost bleeding from seven holes.

They recognized it, this is coercion!
Such a powerful coercion is only possessed by the Immortal Lord. This person is actually an Immortal Lord at such an age. Who is this person, and why has he never heard of it among the predators.

Although the soldiers guarding the Ice and Iron Prison are here all the year round, they will also pay attention to the things among the looters. Situ Kong is the enemy of Fujiwara Ye. Not long ago, Situ Kong's apprentice, a man named Tang As for the heavy one, he fought Fujiwara Yori.

Looking at it now, that Tang Zhong was in the same grade as the person in front of him!
Could it be...

The two soldiers were extremely chilled.

They are not fools. Now that these two people are here, but Fujiwara Ye hasn't appeared yet, something must have happened.

Perhaps, Fujiwara Ye is really dead.

The two men knelt on the ground in fright: "My lord begs for mercy, my lord begs for mercy, we have done something wrong, we will open the door right now!"

One of the soldiers saw a key appearing in his hand, it was a huge ice iron key.

Can open the gate of the Iron Prison of Ice!

The Iron Prison of Ice is generally only opened when the wicked are imprisoned, because once a person enters, it is impossible to get out again for the rest of his life.


The gate of the iron prison opened at this time.

Immediately, it was cold air, and besides that, there were endless roars.

The wicked are roaring!
"My lord, the door is open!" The two soldiers bowed their heads.

Tang Zhong ignored them, but looked at Situ Kong respectfully: "Master, Master is waiting for you inside!"

Situ Kong never thought that this scene would really happen!

Because he was finished because of this life, Ling'er was trapped in this ice and iron prison all his life.

Because he couldn't defeat Fujiwara Ye, but now the disciple he accepted actually did it!

He walked in tremblingly.

Ahead is a road of ice.

Coming and going are all cages, and inside the cages are villains!

When the wicked saw someone coming in, they shook the iron cage and made clanking noises.

And there are ghost howls.

"Let that bastard Tie Tianzong come out to me!"

"I want to fight him!"

In a cage, an old man shouted.

He was in the cage, roaring wildly, and the cage shook!

"Go back!" The soldier shouted directly at those people.

Tang Zhong glanced at these people, it's strange to say, if you don't mention the distressed appearance of these people, these people don't look like bad guys if you look closely!
Moreover, although some people looked hideous, they might have been a kind person before.

Don't you mean they are all villains?

Now there are still people insulting Tang Zhong: "That bastard Fujiwara Ye is not coming? Let his disciple come?"


"I've been trapped for a hundred years, I want to get out!"

Of course, there are also some people in the cage, who are extremely calm and do not resist, just sitting cross-legged in the cage!

This is a bit strange!
He stopped and said to Situ Kong: "Master, go see Master Mistress, I'll wait for you here!"

Situ Kong nodded, he was excited because he hadn't seen Ling'er for a long time, and he had a lot to say, so he went forward by himself.

The two soldiers were also very sensible at this time, so they didn't leave.

Tang Zhong wanted to shake them off, and immediately said: "Go out, don't disturb us, we will leave when we bring people out!"

The two soldiers were a little embarrassed, but finally left.

But before leaving, he told Tang Zhong: "These people are all villains, sir, you don't need to talk to them too much!"

"What do I say?" Tang Zhong questioned.

The two soldiers hurriedly left in fright.

After the soldiers leave!
Tang Zhong stared around, these people don't look so evil, but they seem to have some honesty!

But when he looked at those people, those people were looking at him coldly, as if they had some big hatred?
Tang Zhong saw an old man cross-legged there, as if nothing had happened.

The man looked very carefully, as if he was in meditation!

This person doesn't look like a bad guy!

The old man opened his eyes.

But Tang Zhong was startled.

Immediately the old man stared at Tang Zhong, looked up and down, but soon, his pupils closed, but opened again, as if he had discovered something, and stared at Tang Zhong.

"Who are you?" The old man stared at Tang Zhong.

Tang Zhong also looked at the old man. Those suppressed in the Ice Iron Prison should be villains, but the person in front of him is obviously not a villain, he is a person who has attained the Tao.

"I am a predator!" Tang Zhong said.

"Hehe!" The old man laughed: "That bastard Tie Tianzong, now he has cultivated someone as powerful as you!"

Tang Zhong has been hearing people scolding this name since he came in just now, and he doesn't know who it is!

"Dare to ask senior, who is this Tie Tianzong?" Tang Zhong asked back.

(End of this chapter)

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