Chapter 1744 Who is Tie Tianzong?
Dare to ask seniors?

Who is this Tie Tianzong?

Tang Zhong looked at the old man in the prison with a puzzled face and asked.

As soon as he came in, he was insulted and didn't know anything!

The old man was slightly taken aback when he heard Tang Zhong's, and stared at him: "You don't know?"

"I don't know!" Tang Zhong shook his head.

"Hehe!" The old man taunted: "You don't know? Fuck, Tie Tianzong is the owner of the Predator Supreme Armor, the one who is at the top of your Predators, tell me you don't know?" the old man said coldly .

I thought Tang Zhong was just pretending.

But in fact, Tang Zhong really doesn't know anything now, let alone who Tie Tianzong is!

But when I heard the Supreme Armor, I couldn't help being shocked, because it was above the Sky Gold Armor.

It is at the same level as the principal of Universe Star University!
"Senior, I really don't know about this!" Tang Zhong said.

Although this place was a prison of ice and iron, he didn't know why these people were imprisoned here because of what mistakes they made.

So now he is not qualified to judge these people, the only thing he can do now is to give these people respect!

The elder made the old man startled, staring at Tang Zhong, he couldn't believe that this man was one of the predators.

What he is, he knows very well, this person should not know, such a strong person should be among the predators for a long time!
"When did you enter the Predator?" The old man continued to stare at Tang Zhong and asked.

"Me? A year ago?" Tang Zhong said.

"What?" The old man stared at Tang Zhong, unable to believe it!

He has grown to such a degree within a year, what is this person doing?

It's a pity that such a genius was acquired by Tie Tianzong, he sighed slightly and stopped talking!
The old man sat cross-legged and stopped talking.

Tang Zhong still wanted to say a few more words with the old man, but found that the old man closed his eyes now and didn't say anything!


After Tang Zhong yelled a few words, he found that the old man was silent, so he could only look around and turn around.

Not planning to look for the master, but walking towards the outside of the Ice Iron Prison.

But I have to say that this place is really weird to the extreme, and it's not the same as what he thought at all. He originally thought that there were many villains in it, but now it seems that it is not the case!
This is so strange!
And just when Tang Zhong left this place.

The old man's pupils widened.

Next to the old man, there was a tortoise shell, and the tortoise shell suddenly moved.

Then a tortoise crawled out of it, and the tortoise was also very old.

Because the turtle's shell is blue, in this icy iron prison, if you don't look carefully, you really can't see it at all.

The old turtle stared at the old man and said, "Hey!"

"Are you sighing?" Seeing this, the old man asked.

"That bastard, I'm afraid he has killed all the people who knew about it!" said the old turtle.

"Hehe, maybe!" The old man said with a smile.

"Aren't you angry? You can still laugh!" Old Gui said in surprise.

"I'm in this situation now, what do you think?" The old man smiled and said, "I just hope that that bastard can deal with those filthy things more slowly!"

"I hope!" said the old turtle.

Tang Zhong arrived at the door and waited for Situ Kong there.

Tang Zhong was very surprised by the behavior of the old man just now, maybe this kind of villain likes to quibble!

Regardless of these!

At this time.

Situ Kong walked out slowly from the door, and beside him was a white-haired woman.

The woman was wearing a prison robe, and she was very embarrassed, but this could not conceal the temperament of the other party.

This person must be Ling'er, the teacher's wife. She must be a beauty when she is young!
Seeing this, Tang Zhong stepped forward and said, "Master!"

That Ling'er looked at Tang Zhong, the reason why she was able to come out of this icy iron prison, she already knew why, it was given by the young man in front of her!

"Thank you!"

"Master, you're being polite. My wife is out of prison now. I'll let someone take care of her now!" Tang Zhong said.

Immediately, a group of people took the spaceship and left the ice prison.

Today's Tang Zhong has a very high reputation among the predators.

Killing two Immortal Kings in a row does not mean that anyone can do it.

Due to Tang Zhong's reason, Fengxuan Pavilion's status among the predators has risen, and it is no longer the status it was before!
And this time, it is here to welcome Ling'er!
Situ Kong is extremely happy today, because Tang Zhong helped him accomplish what he dreamed of accomplishing in his life.

Three rounds of wine!

Situ Kong found Tang Zhong. Today, Situ Kong was actually drunk. It is said that people are refreshed on happy occasions, and drinking is easy to get drunk. Situ Kong is like this now.

"Tang Zhong... the most successful disciple I have received in my life is you!"

"Come on, drink!"

Situ Kong no longer looked like a teacher like before.

Instead of drinking, Tang Zhong is also happy now.

Because as long as he is approved by the Predator's high-level, then he can represent the Predator, and he can fight against the king in the future!
Then, Wei Wei can be rescued.

And today, if there is no accident, the high-level people should come!
The high-level predators, this is not a certain person, but an opinion, an approval.

All Sky Gold Armor owners recognize his existence, and at the same time, support him in everything he does!
This is what Tang Zhong has always needed.

When everyone had drunk enough, a decree was passed down.

It came from the high-level predators!

It is said that the above personally issued the order.

The person who sent the decree was an owner of the Sky Gold Armor.

"According to the high-level decision, give Tang Zhong the Heavenly Gold Armor!"

The person who delivered the decree smiled.

Immediately, a box was taken out, and after opening the box, golden light shone inside.

It's a pair of armor, and it's still a sky gold armor!

Tang Zhong looked at this, his blood was surging.

With the Sky Gold Armor in his hand, with this, he can really use the predator as his own pillar.

I saw him putting the Tianjin armor close to his chest.

There was light shining on the armor, and it was put on quickly.

People around looked at Tang Zhong enviously, but most of them were Tang Zhong's friends, they were happy for Tang Zhong!
Soon, the person who delivered the decree turned around and left this place!

Then, many people came to congratulate Tang Zhong, and more people who were once unattainable came. The people who troubled Tang Zhong for Fujiwara Ye also came. They came to make amends with gifts in hand!

Tang Zhong was too lazy to argue with them.

Then Mo Bai also came.

Tang Zhong invited them to a banquet!

After drinking everyone down.

Tang Zhong found that Mo Bai was fine. Suddenly, he remembered what happened in the Iron Prison, and asked, "Old Mo, what happened to the Iron Prison?"

(End of this chapter)

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