Chapter 1745 Headlines in the virtual universe!
"What's going on with the Ice Iron Prison?" Tang Zhong asked.

He believed that the other party would know.

Mo Bai had almost finished his drink, and at this moment, his face was slightly red, when he heard Tang Zhong's question, he said, "Ice Iron Prison is a deep cold hell among my looters, haven't you already been there? "

"I've been there, but I don't know why, I found that the people there don't seem to be bad people!" Tang Zhong said.

"Bad guys?" Mo Bai laughed: "Don't you think they are not bad guys?"

"Yes!" Tang nodded his head.

"In this world, it is impossible for a real bad person to write bad words on his head. A bad person who is good at hiding is the real bad person, do you understand?" Mo Bai said.

"Tang Key nodded: "They are all scolding Tie Tianzong..."

"Hehe, that's Tie Tianzong, the Supreme King of Predators. Many of those people were sent in by Tie Wang, so they will definitely scold each other!" Mo Bai said.

Hearing this, Tang Zhong nodded: "I also met an old man, that old man is very strange..."

"Well, there are too many old people inside, and many of them were arrested. You don't have to listen to them. Those who are imprisoned in the Ice and Iron Prison have made big mistakes, but if you want to talk about the old people, there are A very typical person!" Mo Bai said.

"Who is that person?" Tang Zhong asked anxiously.

"The former king of predators, I forgot his name, and I only heard about it!" Mo Bai said.

"What did that person do?" Tang Zhong asked.

"He colluded with other ghosts... I heard about your deeds. You once participated in the Sansi tea party, so you have seen those strange ghosts in the Universe and Starry Sky University. They are very dirty creatures hiding in the universe!" Bai Dao.

Tang Zhong understood that, as the king of looters, doing such dirty things is really disgusting.

"Then that person was imprisoned in the Ice Iron Prison?" Tang Zhong said.

"Yes, it is the current King of the Predators. Tie Tianzong exposed him, and then produced iron proofs, united with the entire Predator's forces, and captured him!" Mo Bai said: "At that time, this matter was in the hands of the Predators. Among them, it can be said to be a great achievement!"

"What a great achievement!" Tang Zhong said.

Mo Bai smiled and said: "So, if someone in the Ice and Iron Prison says that they have done something wrong, don't worry about it at all, it's more about death than guilt!"

Tang Zhong didn't speak any more.

Recalling the old man's appearance in his mind, he found it strange that he had never felt any disgusting feeling from the old man.

You must know that when he felt those ghosts before, he felt disgusted.

The old man that Mr. Mo talked about must not be the only one he met.

Still, it's weird.

He really didn't feel any disgusting aura in the cold iron prison.

Could it be that I feel wrong?
Maybe so!

Tang Zhong drank too much, and then saw Mo Lao close his eyes, lay down on the ground, and fell asleep.

Soon fell asleep in a daze.

Early the next morning.

He just got up.

Found that Mr. Mo and the others had left here, he was exhausted from the battle, so he slept a little longer!

Fengxuan Pavilion has now been expanded.

Power is like this, if there is a strong person in the power, it will get a lot of support!

Now Tang Zhong has become the owner of the Tianjin Armor, and there is already a sculpture of it in the Hall of Fame.

He took a special look at it, and then went to look at Tie Tianzong's sculpture.

In this Hall of Fame, Tie Tianzong's sculpture occupies a place, even supreme!
The whole body is shining with golden light.

This is a middle-aged man, holding a big knife on his shoulder.

Just looking at a sculpture gives him a kind of coercion.

Is this Tie Tianzong?
Really strong!

After Tang Zhong looked at it for a while, he left the Hall of Fame.

He secretly made up his mind that it was time to find death.

However, as soon as he got home, Lie Qiuxue came to look for him.

"Come here quickly, I'll let you watch things!" Lie Qiuxue said anxiously.

Tang Zhong was taken aback, but the other party was so anxious, something must have happened, he nodded immediately, and immediately followed behind Lie Qiuxue.

When there were only the two of them, Lie Qiuxue took out a photo and handed it to Tang Zhong.

"Look at this thing!"

Tang Zhong took the photo handed over by the other party, held it in his hand, and observed it carefully, but soon, his face became ugly.

Because the photo is exactly the picture of Yan Gang.

Kneeling on the ground, he was in a state of embarrassment, his whole body was wrapped in chains, blood came out from his skin, obviously he had suffered a lot of abuse.

"This..." Tang Zhong's expression changed.

Yan Gang is not dead, he is still alive.

"Where did the photos come from?" Tang Zhong asked immediately.

"I saw it from the virtual universe, and now almost the entire virtual universe can see this scene!" Lie Qiuxue said next to him.

"I want to see it!" Tang Zhong said, "But I don't have a virtual universe!"

He doesn't have that virtual universe helmet!
"I have!" Lie Qiuxue said, and then stuck a launcher on Tang Zhong's temple. Immediately, the launcher was punished and turned into an electronic helmet, covering Tang Zhong and directly bringing him into the virtual universe. among.

"I bought this from the black market, and I didn't use anyone's identity!" Lie Qiuxue nodded.

Tang Zhong directly registered as his own.

Then enter the virtual universe.

The virtual universe is equal to the electronic world.

He quickly saw the virtual universe company headlines.

The headline is that Longzu was arrested against the party!

A photo is attached next.

That was the picture of Yan Gang, he had already seen the picture just now.

Below are the comments. More cosmic people don't know what Long Zu is, and they started to comment and scold when they heard the rebellion.

"Damn against the party, catch them all."

"Everyone must die!"


This... Tang Zhong's face turned ugly.

Using the name Long Zu against the party to describe Yan Gang, and making such a big publicity, I'm afraid it's a good way to let everyone related to Long Zu find out.

If other people went to save Yan Gang, they might be wiped out, but he knew that it was mainly aimed at him.

At this time, Tang Zhong was still in the headlines and saw King Mie appeared.

That is to say, now, Yangang was captured by King Mie, and now he is in the hands of King Mie, and if there is no accident, he is in the Kingdom of Heaven Mie Universe.

When Tang Zhong saw the news, he couldn't suppress his inner anger.

He took off the virtual universe helmet, squatted on the ground, and began to think.

"What's going on here? Why is Long Zu against the party? If this person is Long Zu's against the party, then who are you? He used to follow you!" Lie Qiuxue said.


(End of this chapter)

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