Chapter 1746 The Appearance of Different Ghosts?

Lie Qiuxue stared at Tang Zhong at this moment.

"If this person is Long Zu against the party, then who are you?"

Tang Zhong's face was ugly, and when he heard Lie Qiuxue's words, he said, "I don't want to explain!"

"But, Long Zu rebelled against the party, what is that?" Lie Qiuxue asked.

"Some things, if you know too much, it won't do you any good!" Tang Zhong said, "You think they say they are against the party, but do you think Yan Gang is against the party? Have we hurt other people?"

He speaks like this.

Lie Qiuxue thought about it carefully, not only did the old man not hurt him, he even saved her life, so he is obviously not a bad person.

But why did the headlines of the virtual universe say that?

"I believe what you said!" Lie Qiuxue said.

Then she turned and left here.

Now, leaving is the right choice. She saw that Tang Zhong was very irritable, and it seemed that she had encountered something troublesome.

Tang Zhong was the only one left here, squatting on the ground, clenching his fists.

Now in my mind, there is a picture of Yan Gang covered in blood. Yan Gang must have suffered a lot of unequal treatment in the hands of King Mie!

He also knew that what Mie Wang did now was to attract him to save people.

He needs to be calm now and must not be impulsive.

When fighting against the King of Extermination, you must make all preparations, and you must not fail!

He can't fight casually!

If you are not prepared to go there rashly, it will be fatal!

He has now been recognized by the high-level of the Predator. When the entire Predator can fight for him, he will be able to fight against the King of Extermination.

As long as you become the person under the iron sky!

Thinking of this, Tang Zhong clenched his fists tightly.

Still have to work hard!

Now he already has the Sky Gold Armor, but he has no achievements.

Something must be done.

Among the predators.

If you want to get merit, you need to complete the mission outside, and then go to the mission hall to register.

He started to accept tasks like crazy, and then went to complete them!
In the state of Tianjin Armor, among the predators, there is no need to complete the task at all, but to fight for power and consolidate their position!

So Tang Zhong's actions surprised many people.

But over time, everyone got used to it.

Within a month, Tang Zhong completed more than 30 missions, directly breaking the record in the mission hall!

During this time.

Xia Yuqing seemed to have made a breakthrough.

The cultivation base has reached below the domain master!

This kind of talent is stronger than him. You know, it took him a long time to cultivate.

And Xia Yuqing needs various medicinal materials and pills to break through.

Tang Zhong searched for them all.

And Lie Qiuxue acted as if she didn't know anything about Tang Zhong's matter.

Tang Zhong would go to the headlines of the virtual universe to read every day, and found that every seven days, the headlines would change, but the content was the same, all of which were the tragic situation of Yan Gang.

King Mie is persecuting him!
Now Tang Zhong has to continue to search for other Dragon God Guards.

He didn't let the water dragon guards come among the predators, but stayed on the Douluo.

Every once in a while, he would go to the Douluo and ask the result of the Great Elder Fu Shen's use of the Dragon Hunting Technique, but every time the Great Elder Fu Shen would shake his head at him.

Can't find it!
This is indeed a tricky question!

If you can find other Dragon God Guards, then you can fight King Slayer without the need for looters!
This time!
Tang Zhong returned to the spaceship.

Fu Shen hurried forward.

Seeing the other party like this, Tang Zhong thought he had found the whereabouts of other Dragon Guards. You must know that before that, when he and Yan Gang were in the Sea Clan, he also felt that there were other Dragon Guards besides Water Dragon Guards. breath.

"found it?"

"No!" Fu Chen said, "But there are new discoveries!"

"What discovery?" Tang Zhong asked.

He saw that Fushen's face was serious, so he must have discovered something.

"I can feel the breath of a different ghost!" Fu Chen said.

"What?" Tang Zhong's face changed suddenly.


"It's near here!" Fu Chen said.

"Impossible, here are predators, how could there be a breath of strange ghosts?" Tang Zhong asked in surprise.

"I definitely don't feel wrong, it is definitely the breath of the other ghosts, and it is very strong, like the level of the generals of the other ghosts!" Fu Shen said.

"In what range?" Tang Zhong said.

"It's right around the predator, I can't determine the position!" Fu Shen said.

"I know, be careful!" Tang Zhong said.

Then he ordered Douluo: "Turn on stealth mode!"

I saw the Douluo in the sky start to enter the stealth mode, and there was no trace in the starry sky.

Tang Zhong did not leave the spaceship until he was sure that the other party was safe.

He cared very much about what Fu Chen said, there must be a strange ghost coming here.

But it's very strange, what is the strange ghost doing here?You must know that this is the headquarters of the predators, how dare the evil forces come here?

He himself has sentience to the Others.

He began to look around, as long as there was a smell that made him sick, it was the direction of the strange ghost.

But found that there is no feeling at all!


At this time, Tang Zhong's cosmic phone rang, it was an unfamiliar number!
He reached out.

A voice came from inside: "Is it Tang Zhong?"

"You are?" Tang Zhong was taken aback.

"I'm Iron King's assistant. Iron King has come back to convene a meeting and invite high-level officials to attend. I'll let you know!" Someone said on the phone.

When Tang Zhong heard this, he didn't say much.

It is normal to have meetings among the Predators, and he is now a member of the Predator's high-level.

He had to put on the sky gold armor and go there.

Then Tang Zhong was about to go back, regardless of those ghosts, they would always appear.

Just got home and ready to go out.

But found that there are many people at the door.

Because he became a high-level person, Fengxuan Pavilion followed his forces, and now the territory has been directly transferred, and now his home is in Fengxuan Pavilion.

At this moment, so many people gathered around the door, as if they had encountered something terrible.

Tang Zhong suddenly frowned, because he felt a disgusting breath.

And this breath belongs to the strange ghost.

Have the ghosts mixed into their Fengxuan Pavilion?

Tang Zhong immediately approached the group of people.

Discussion voices were heard from a distance: "Oh, what a miserable death!"

"What the hell killed him!"

"This matter must be reported to the pavilion master and let her decide!"

At this time, Tang Zhong stepped forward: "What happened?"

Everyone panicked. Seeing Tang Zhong appearing at this moment, they all knew Tang Zhong and knew the other party's status. They immediately said, "Master are here!"

One person stepped forward and said, "Master Tang, we found the body of this companion at the base just now, it seems that he was killed by someone."

Tang Zhong looked at the corpse, his expression suddenly turned ugly.

 Well, it's the third update, let's continue to update tomorrow, I'm running outside recently.

(End of this chapter)

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