Chapter 1747 The Secret of Tie Tian Zong!
Tang Zhong looked at the corpse, and his face immediately became ugly.

The corpse on the ground has been corroded in many places.

And the corroded place is covered with a layer of black breath!
And that breath is from the other ghosts!
Tang Zhong's back felt cold, could it be that the White Ghost has entered among the predators?

He didn't know much about the ghosts, but he knew that the ghosts would definitely watch by after they killed someone.

He suddenly turned his head and looked behind him.

There are buildings and crowds!

Tang Zhong is not going to let go of any doubts now!
But there was no sign of the White Walkers.

In other words, after the other ghosts killed people, they left.

At this moment, when the crowd in Fengxuan Pavilion saw that person's death, all of them had ugly faces and were terrified, as if they had encountered something terrible.

"How can you die?"

"It's terrible, I saw her during the day, and now she is a dead person!"

"Among the predators, are you starting to feel unsafe now?"

Seeing this, Tang Zhong wanted to investigate this matter now, but now the high-level executives are having a meeting, and they will deal with this matter after the meeting is over.

"Now tell everyone in Fengxuan Pavilion that it's best not to go out alone, especially at night!"

After hearing the words, the people next to him immediately said: "Yes, Mr. Tang!"

Tang Zhong ignored them and left here.

Before he heard Fu Chen say that a general super ghost came here, it seems to be true!
Soon, he will investigate the matter.

And at the same time, in a huge building.

Several ghosts were among them.

If you look carefully, you will find that one of the aliens looks very familiar, it is the alien general who was released from the universe and starry sky university before!

Next to him stood two ghosts.

The corner of one of the mouths was full of blood, mumbling there: "The blood on those humans is really delicious, haha!"

The other ghosts kept laughing and said, "It's delicious. From now on, after we finish our business, we will switch to cannibalism!"

The White Walker was also laughing.

At this time, from the entrance of the building, a tall figure walked in slowly.

In the darkness, he couldn't see the person's face clearly.

The man stared at the alien general in front of him with gloomy eyes: "You... you guys are so brave, you dare to come to me as a predator!"

The Other Ghost General looked at each other and laughed: "Tie Tianzong, I'll come to the Predator to find you!"

I saw the person in the darkness slowly coming out.

He's big, has blond hair, and wears armor!
It is the owner of the Predator Supreme Armor, Tie Tianzong.

"Didn't we agree that you will never break into the predators!" Tie Tian Zong said coldly.

"You'd better shut up, the purpose of our coming here this time is very simple, to prepare me tonic!" General White Walker said coldly.

"What right do you have to order me? It's because of me that you were sealed under the stele of the Universe and Starry Sky University. I'm your benefactor!" Tie Tian Zong said coldly.

"Really?" The Other Ghost General said coldly.

"Of course, if I hadn't given you the defensive line of the Universe Star University, I'm afraid your people would have died long ago when they went to rescue you!" Tie Tian Zong said coldly.

"Really? If I didn't have the support and frame of our ghosts, would you be able to get to where you are today?" The ghost general said coldly.

"You..." Tie Tianzong was furious suddenly, as if someone had spoken to his heart.

"I need tonic!" General White Ghost said.

Tie Tian Zong stared at the other party, he had something to do with him, so he could only nod his head: "Okay!"

"Also, help us investigate a person!" said the White Ghost General.

"Investigate what? Let me tell you, I can no longer use the energy of the predator. If I do something out of line again, I will be impeached by others. There are many people who want to be in my position!" Tie Tianzong Cold Road.

"Why are you so excited? The person who asked you to investigate is likely to be among your predators!" said the White Ghost general.

Tie Tianzong was taken aback.

"That person shouldn't be in the same grade... Is there anyone with outstanding talent among the predators? Tell me, I'm going to kill him!" General White Walker said coldly.

That day under the stele of heaven, General of the Other Ghosts was defeated by Tang Zhong. He felt extremely humiliated in his heart, and he wanted to kill him for revenge.

Now he would rather kill the wrong one than let it go.

Because that person has a reptile breath on him.

What they hate most are these reptiles.

Tie Tianzong was taken aback, and said, "What happened?"

"You don't need to worry about them, just pay attention to such people!" The White Walker said coldly: "Don't forget, we supported you to become the owner of the Predator Supreme Armor!"

Hearing this, Tie Tianzong said coldly, "But that's because I have such ability!"

"Do you have such ability?" Suddenly, the White Walker calmed down.

Immediately, I saw him stretch out his hand, and black thunder flickered in the palm of his hand.

Immediately, Tie Tianzong's body was filled with black people, his whole body was in pain, his skin turned gray, and the black veins on his forehead popped up, as if someone had locked his throat!
After a long time, I saw the other ghost let go of his hand, and the black thunder dissipated away.

Tie Tianzong fell to the ground with a thud, the black energy on his body gradually dissipated, and his gray skin began to return to normal, but he didn't have any strength in his body.

"Do you still feel that you are capable now?" The ghost general said coldly.

Tie Tianzong struggled to get up from the ground and knelt on the ground.

"unable to do!"

That ghost stared at Tie Tianzong, and said coldly: "You are a dog of our ghost, do you know?"

"Got it!" Tie Tianzong didn't have the slightest arrogance.

"We used to be able to get you to the high position you are now, and we can also make you have nothing!" General White Walker said coldly.

"I remember!"

"Give me tonic, and find someone with similar conditions to what I just said!"

"Yes!" Tie Tianzong bowed his head and said.

The White Walkers would speak no more.

Instead, he turned around and left.

Before leaving, the strange ghost general said: "By the way, one of our people ate a person, settle this matter for me, and don't let the news spread!"

"Yes!" Tie Tianzong said.

After the White Walkers will leave.

Tie Tianzong got up from the ground.

In the past, he was not a powerful figure among predators at all.

And he is just a Platinum Armor owner.

He can have the status he has today because he cooperated with the other ghosts. The other ghosts gave him rights and status, and he also gave his own life, completely controlled by the other ghosts.

Now he has nothing, just like a puppet, controlled by others!

At this time, Tie Tianzong tidied up his luggage, the meeting was about to start, and he must not let others see any clues.

Put on your armor, open the door and go out!
(End of this chapter)

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