Chapter 1748 Found a big problem!
At this time, Tang Zhong had already arrived at the meeting place.
It's in the Raider Conference Hall!
Only those above the Sky Gold Armor are eligible to enter.

But Tie Tianzong hasn't arrived yet, everyone is waiting here.

Tang Zhong is still thinking about what happened in Fengxuan Pavilion, where are those strange ghosts?
And what are you trying to do by sneaking into the predators now?
Tang Zhong was thinking about it. Suddenly, he felt something was wrong. There seemed to be the breath of a strange ghost beside him.

But the breath quickly disappeared.

No matter how much Tang Zhong searches now, there is no result.

It seems that I am really in a trance. What kind of place is this? It is a high-level place for predators. How could there be strange ghosts here? With a wry smile, I really think too much.

Now, there are still several people coming to communicate with Tang Zhong. At the top level, there is a rule that several people like to unite together.

These people are here to pull Tang Zhong into the gang!

But Tang Zhong was not interested at all.

Wait for the meeting now!

After a long time, news came from inside that Iron King is here!

When everyone heard this, they walked into the hall one after another!

Gothic architecture, with a huge sword at the front!
It is more than four meters high, and no one knows how wide it is!
Tang Zhong randomly found a seat and sat down.

Others also sat down one after another!

Waiting for Iron King now.

The supreme king among marauders!
At this time, from the high platform, a man in armor appeared. As soon as he appeared, he immediately attracted everyone's attention.

That person was Tie Tianzong, with a smile on his face at the moment, grinning there.

"Everyone is here!"

"Yes, Iron King!"

Predators are just like the army. Now they hold meetings like the army, but they are not so rigid, but very democratic!

Tang Zhong looked at Tie Tianzong for the first time, his pupils suddenly widened.

Because he felt a breath of strange ghosts from the other party.

But that breath is short.

Thinking of the strange ghost breath he noticed just now, his brows frowned.

It must be an illusion!

After all, this person is Tie Tianzong.

At this moment, Tie Tianzong continued: "Among the predators, are there any important things to repay?"


"In the past few days, among the predators, it has been extremely peaceful, and nothing major has happened!"

"If that's the case, that would be great!" Tie Tianzong said.

People in the Sky Gold Armor are the ones who hold real power among the predators. Each of them has their own business to manage.

Now they are all reporting what happened recently in the area under their control.

Tie Tian listened and nodded slightly.

After a long time, the people around finished talking about what they wanted to report.

Seeing that, Tie Tian laughed and said: "I forgot to announce one thing. Recently, there is an extra gold looter on our side. I think everyone knows who it is if I don't say it now."

Indeed, even if we don't mention it now, everyone knows that the most popular person recently is that person named Tang Zhong.

Tie Tianzong didn't know Tang Zhong, so he shouted forward: "Who is Tang Zhong, come out now, let everyone know each other."

When Tang Zhong heard the words, he stood up directly.

When people around saw Tang Zhong, they all praised him. The so-called hero is a boy.

It is really shocking that the person who owns the Tianjin Armor is so young.

At this time, Tie Tianzong was also smiling, but soon, his expression changed, and he stared at Tang Zhong carefully, intriguing.

Tang Zhong felt Tie Tianzong's eyes, and was slightly taken aback, not knowing what it meant!
"Okay, now that everyone knows each other, we will meet each other often in the future. You are all among my predators. I hope you can help each other. Okay, let's end the meeting!" Tie Tianzong said.

But he finally added: "Tang Zhong stays, the others go first!"

Just as Tang Zhong was about to turn around and leave, when he heard the words, he didn't know what the other party meant!
Soon, the hall was almost filled with people.

Tang Zhong stayed there, looked at Tie Tianzong in front of him, and said, "I don't know why Tie Wang left me here?"

Tie Tianzong stared at Tang Zhong: "This is the first time I've met you, I want to keep you here and get to know you a little longer!"

The reason why he kept Tang Zhong was because he remembered what the White Walker said before he left, and he paid attention to the young people among the predators, and if the most promising young people were the ones in front of him, he might be Tang Zhong. ,
At least he didn't remember the other young people, he only knew that Tang Zhong had surpassed that one!

"Iron King is laughing at you!" Tang Zhong looked at Tie Tianzong, he didn't let go, but observed Tie Tianzong carefully.

Because the ghost breath on his body is enough to explain everything, this person has a big problem.

"By the way, have you seen anything these days? For example, something weird!" Tie Tianzong said.

Naturally, he would not directly ask the other ghost. If the other party didn't know anything, it would be extremely embarrassing to ask like this.

So he asked!
When Tang Zhong heard this, his face changed for only a second, and then he immediately recovered, and said: "I have seen strange things!"

"What?" Tie Tianzong asked.

"When I was completing the task, I found many traces of the Sea Clan!" Tang Zhong said.

I saw Tie Tianzong staring at Tang Zhong, if Tang Zhong said anything related to the strange ghost, then he would do it directly, and at this moment his hands had gathered light!

But hearing the Hai Clan, the light on Tie Tianzong's hand faded.

"Are there only Hai people? Are there others?" Tie Tianzong asked.

"No more!" Tang Zhong shook his head: "Tie Wang, is it relevant to ask this?"

"That's it!" Tie Tianzong laughed: "It's nothing, I just want to know about your recent situation. After all, you haven't been a gold predator for a long time now!"

"Thank you for your relationship with Iron King. If there is nothing else, I will leave first!" Tang Zhong said.

"Okay, let's go!" Tie Tianzong said.

Only then did Tang Zhong leave. He was smiling when facing Tie Tianzong, but when his back was turned, his expression changed.

He knew that Tie Tianzong definitely meant something when he asked him this question!

It seems that my plan has to be extended for a while.

Just before Tie Tianzong said that he wanted to keep Tang Zhong, Tang Zhong thought about telling Tie Tianzong about himself, hoping to get the support of the predators. Now that he thinks about it, fortunately he didn't say it. It might be worse now.

There are some problems with this iron sky.

Some things have to be figured out!

Especially what happened to the ghost aura on Tie Tianzong just now?

And Tie Tianzong was also staring at Tang Zhong: "Strange...I feel very weird, but I don't know where the weirdness is!"

But now he promised the General of the Other Ghosts to send the tonic to the other party, and now he has to prepare.

(End of this chapter)

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