Chapter 1749 Trading!

Now that he has agreed to the General of the Other Ghosts, he has to go to work.

Send the tonic over.

As for the tonic, it is naturally shipped out from the predator's warehouse!

After Tang Zhong left, he went to Fengxuan Pavilion to investigate the matter of the dead man.

Later, they also sent people to search around Fengxuan Pavilion, but found that there was no other ghost, so the matter had to be let go, but someone died, which made Tang Zhong extremely cautious in everything he did now, for fear of any problems!

The fact that he wants to use the power of the predator seems to have to be postponed for a while.

Because his trump card to make the predators fight for him is his dragon avatar.

And if Tie Tianzong had something to do with the other ghosts, it would be the same as throwing himself into a trap.

So now Tang Zhong began to pay close attention to Tie Tianzong.

For half a month, no abnormalities were found, but after half a month.

He finally found the problem.

Tie Tianzong's behavior was very strange, he kept taking things from the predator's warehouse.

Then it was sent to a spaceship.

Tang Zhong didn't know what Tie Tianzong took, but there must be something wrong.

At this time, only Tang Zhong found out, the others didn't know!

Tie Tianzong is called Iron King, and he is the most powerful predator. Few people ask about what he does. If you don't stare at it, you may not know anything!
The spaceship is unmanned.

After Tang Zhong found out that the spaceship had left, he immediately pressed a tracker to track it up and see what was on the spaceship!
Although no one introduced the spaceship, Tang Zhong can be sure that there must be monitoring devices on the spaceship!
So in the void.

He followed closely behind in his spaceship.

He didn't dare to approach the spaceship until he reached the no-man's land.

Can't get close yet!
The spaceship he drove was a small spaceship of Douluo.

Now he gives orders.

"Can you cut off the signal in the spaceship ahead?"

Douluo will give the result soon

"Yes, but the distance is not enough!"

Tang Zhong heard this and approached the spaceship.

The small spaceship was very close to the delivery spaceship, and immediately from the Douluo, a beam of light shot out, sweeping over the spaceship.

"The signal has been cut off!" A voice came from the Douluo.

Tang Zhong didn't speak, and approached the spaceship directly, holding the dragon demon sword, and pried it on the door of the spaceship.


The door of the spaceship was opened.

He slipped in quietly.

This spaceship is not big, walking inside is the transport warehouse.

When he saw the boxes all over the floor, Tang Zhong squatted down and opened the boxes.

See it's full of drugs!

And now the medicine has a strong medicinal smell.

Open the other boxes, all of them, it looks like a big tonic medicine!
Where did Tie Tianzong send so many tonics?
At this time, Tang Zhong saw a piece of paper.

There is a list written on it, densely packed.

These medicinal materials are all from the predator's warehouse. This Tie Tian, ​​who is the king of the predator, does such a thing. What does he think of the predator?

But Tie Tianzong's courage is really big enough, no one is going to deliver so many tonics, and it just so happens that no one is going to deliver, and now Tang Zhong took advantage of a loophole.

But who is he going to give these things to?
As long as you follow this spaceship now, you will know!

Tang Zhong left the spaceship, pretending that nothing had changed, and then returned to the Douluo, deliberately keeping a distance from the transport spaceship.

Soon, the spaceship traveled through this place and arrived at a barren land.

Tang Zhong was far away, he put away the Little Douluo, and then hid on a rock. Of course, the power of the Douluo was still there, and entered the concealment mode.

In other words, if you stand here now, unless you are a very powerful person, you will not be able to find him.

Suddenly he felt a sick breath.

White Walkers...

I saw the area where the transport spaceship landed, and there were many strange ghosts there, who entered the spaceship and carried things.

Tang Zhong saw everything in his eyes, he really didn't expect that this place is actually the stronghold of the strange ghosts, and Tie Tianzong sent these tonics to the strange ghosts.

Could it be that Tie Tianzong is actually connected with the other ghosts!
At this moment, Tang Zhong's back was sweating coldly. Perhaps no one would have guessed that among the predators, the majestic Iron King had something to do with the strange ghosts!
Moreover, Tang Zhong also saw the familiar ghost.

That was obviously the White Ghost King who went to the Universe and Starry Sky University to rescue the White Ghost General.

How is he here?
And if this guy is here, then that White Walker must be around here too!

Suddenly, Tang Zhong narrowed his eyes.

He remembered that day, under the stele of heaven, he wounded that strange ghost with his hands!

Could it be, this is not for that ghost general.

Why did Tie Tianzong not give these things to those ghosts?
Or did they ever have a deal?

understand these.

Tang Zhong didn't dare to act hastily, mainly because he didn't know how many strange ghosts were ahead, if there were too many, he would only die if he moved forward rashly.

No matter how strong he is, it is difficult to defeat the opponent.

And this should not be the base camp of the White Walkers, but the place where they used the tonic!
At this time, Tang Zhong remembered that the strange ghost breath he felt among the predators before was very likely to be real.

These ghosts once went to the Predators and negotiated terms with Tie Tian.

Tie Tianzong compromised, so now he sent tonics.

Tang Zhong also understood why he could feel the breath of the strange ghost from Tie Tianzong.

There is a reason for all this.

Knowing the truth, Tang Zhong felt that he must tell the news to those who should know.

Letting Tie Tianzong take charge of the Predator, this is simply the biggest joke!
Now, if Tang Zhong could not be discovered by the ghosts, he would just leave quietly.

But, who knows, when he just left, he was seen by someone.

A patrolling ghost saw Tang Zhong and shouted directly: "Who are you?"

Tang Zhong made a loud noise, and struck directly, killing the opponent with one punch.

The fist pierced the opponent's body directly, and the ghost died directly!
Hope not to be found by others.

But still no one found out.

"Who?" There were more and more ghosts patrolling around, chasing Tang Zhong.

Tang Zhong glanced at it, his face was ugly, he had to leave here as soon as possible, so that no one could find out.

Without further ado, board the Douluo spaceship!

"Speed ​​up, let's go!" Tang Zhong shouted.

Flames erupted from the back of the Douluo and left here quickly.

Fortunately, he was faster, otherwise he would have been caught.

And those ghosts went crazy.

The King of Different Ghosts watched Tang Zhong leave with an extremely ugly expression: "Damn it, who is that man?"

"Wait a minute!" The Different Ghost King suddenly discovered something.

He smelled a familiar smell, this smell, he had seen it before, the person who stopped them under the sky stone tablet, the future Long Zu!
(End of this chapter)

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