Chapter 1750 Pressing step by step!
The White Ghost King didn't expect that he was discovered by this person.

But he is also very strange, why the other party can chase to this place.

But at first glance, it was the supplies sent by Tie Tianzong's spaceship.

A smile appeared on the ghost king's face.

If nothing else, the future Dragon Ancestor must be one of the predators.

Because there are not so many coincidences in this world, for example, Tie Tianzong was discovered just after delivering the supplies.

The man who just appeared is among the predators!
Then the White Ghost King turned around and walked into the spaceship, and began to contact Tie Tianzong.

Tie Tianzong has been waiting for the news to come, and the electronic screen has already been connected.

"I've delivered the supplies now, do you have anything else to say?" Tie Tianzong said directly.

The King of Different Ghosts saw Tie Tianzong talking, and said: "The person we want to find for us is among the predators, I want you to find him as soon as possible!"

Tie Tianzong was taken aback for a moment, and didn't say any more.

"I see!"

The Other Ghost King turned off the call and transported the supplies in. At the same time, Tie Tianzong, who was among the predators, began to ponder, and finally nodded, knowing how to continue.

Tang Zhong had already escaped from the pursuit of the ghosts. Thinking of the scene just now, he was really terrified. If his speed was slower, he might have been besieged by the ghosts now.

He doesn't know the number of ghosts, if more come, he can't bear it!
But now that he knew that the other ghosts and Tie Tianzong were in collusion, his expression became extremely ugly.

Some way must be found to inform the entire Marauders about this.

Tie Tian is wearing the Supreme Armor, and the Immortal God King's cultivation base, if he fights with the opponent, he will not get any benefits from the opponent!


How could this be?
Tang Zhong's face was ugly.

Now he goes back to the Marauders first.

This matter needs to be discussed in the long run, if one is wrong, his voice may suffer disaster!
on the ship.

Tang Zhong was thinking there.

And at this time, a phone call came.

Tang Zhong was taken aback for a moment, it was Xia Yuqing's call, and he reached out to answer it.

Xia Yuqing's voice came from the phone: "Tang Zhong, run away!"

Tang Zhong was taken aback, Xia Yuqing told him to run away, what does that mean?
At this time, he heard a very noisy sound, which kept echoing in his head. It was a noisy sound, as if someone had broken into Fengxuan Pavilion.

"Yuqing, Yuqing, calm down and tell me what happened?" Tang Zhong asked.

"Tie Tianzong brought people here to investigate you!" Xia Yuqing said.

Hearing this, Tang Zhong's face became even more ugly. He didn't expect that he would come so soon.

"You don't need to worry about him, as if nothing happened, wait for me to come back!"

Tang Zhong is not afraid of Tie Tianzong, this time, it was Tie Tianzong who did something wrong, so he is not afraid at all!
"Yeah!" Xia Yuqing replied and hung up the phone.

Tang Zhong couldn't calm down now, he had to go back as soon as possible.

After leaving and modifying the data of the Douluo, the Douluo quickly accelerated, and the distance to go home was even faster.

And at the same time.

In Fengxuan Pavilion.

Many people were pushed aside.

Among them were Lie Qiuxue and the others, all of whom had unusually ugly faces.

Not far from them, stood another person, and that person glanced at everyone coldly.

It was Tie Tianzong, dressed in silver armor, with the aura of a king on his body.

The others faced each other, unable to say a word now.

Because the opponent is the iron king among the predators, among the predators, the opponent is the king, no one dares to disobey the opponent!
Tie Tianzong asked his men to restrain the surrounding people, and then said, "Where did Tang Zhong go?"

Now he also began to suspect that Tang Zhong was the person that the ghost said.

Because before that, the White Ghost King gave him news that he had seen that person.

Also said that the man was the predator.

Originally, Tie Tianzong was suspicious of Tang Zhong, but now that Tang Zhong was not seen, Tie Tianzong became even more suspicious.

Lie Qiuxue looked at Tie Wang and said in a low voice: "Tie Wang, we don't know about Tang Zhong either, he might just go out!"

"Going out?" Tie Tianzong stared at the other party and sneered.

If Tang Zhong is really the person that the ghost wants, then he should be far away now, not here!
"Yes!" Lie Qiuxue looked at Tie Wang, wondering what the other party meant?
"Very well, I'll wait for him here, if he doesn't come back, then..." Tie Tianzong didn't finish his sentence.

Soon someone handed him a stool!
Tie Tian sat on it and didn't say a word.

And the people around are very disturbed.

Lie Qiuxue and the others leaned together, and they all saw that Tie Tianzong came for Tang Zhong.

But what is the purpose of the other party coming here?

"Did Mr. Tang commit some serious crime?"

"I do not know!"

Everyone didn't know why Tie Tianzong came here suddenly. I heard that Tie Tianzong had kept Tang Zhong here yesterday, but it was really abnormal to treat him like this now.

And at this time, after Tang Zhong received the call from Xia Yuqing, he made the Douluo speed up.

Tie Tianzong must have noticed something, but it must not be discovered.

Finally, beyond the marauder's territory.

No one knew that the Little Douluo was Tang Zhong's spaceship, so it was naturally released.

It is getting closer and closer to the territory of Fengxuan Pavilion.

Tang Zhong got off the spaceship directly, sorted out his shape, and made himself smile before moving on.

He couldn't be seen by Tie Tianzong.

The other party hasn't done anything to the people in Fengxuan Pavilion yet, so it can only be said that they are in a state of suspicion.

And if this state of suspicion is broken, then everyone in Fengxuan Pavilion must die now!

Now, everyone in Fengxuan Pavilion is in the hands of Tie Wang, even if Tang Zhong can resist, he must not resist.

Now he has to suffer.

Immediately, Tang Zhong walked into Fengxuan Pavilion territory with a smile.

Outside, Tie Tianzong's soldiers were guarding.

Tang Zhong pretended to be astonished and walked up: "Who are you?"

The soldier glared at Tang Zhong and said nothing, but let Tang Zhong go.

Tang Zhong continued to move forward.

I saw that everyone trapped in Fengxuan Pavilion was in the hands of King Tie.

Although it is said that there is no danger to life, this is no different from control.

When everyone in Fengxuan Pavilion saw Tang Zhong, they all became nervous.

But at this time, Tang Zhong gave them a look of nothing.

Everyone is at ease.

Then Tang Zhong looked at Tie Tianzong in front of him.

I saw Tie Tian sitting on the chair, staring at Tang Zhong with a smile.

Tang Zhong knew the truth about this person's collusion with other ghosts, but he couldn't tell the truth now. He wanted to pretend that nothing happened, and said with a smile, "Iron King? You want it?"

(End of this chapter)

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