Chapter 1754 The entrance is open!

Tie Tianzong narrowed his eyes, this person should not have any connection with Tang Zhong!

Seeing Tie Tianzong's expression, Dongfang Batian was satisfied. The other party's expression showed that Tang Zhong had nothing to do with him!

"Dongfang Batian, even if I can't kill you, I can lock you here for a lifetime, and you will never get out!" Tie Tianzong said coldly.

After Dongfang Batian knew that Tang Zhong and Tie Tianzong had no relationship, everything was relieved. As long as the two had nothing to do with each other, Tang Zhong would definitely go to save people if he knew the big secret.

Because the opponent is a member of the Dragon God Guard.

"Then I won't go out, I'll stay here for the rest of my life, and you can still control me to eat, it's very comfortable!"

Tie Tian gritted his teeth angrily, but pretended to be calm and said: "Hehe, the former king of predators, now he doesn't even have a dream!"

Dongfang Batian didn't say much, why didn't he want to go out and kill the guy in front of him, but he never had a chance, he was waiting here until the opportunity came.

"What's the matter with you!"

Tie Tianzong said: "I recently discovered something in the Hall of Fame!"

Then he squinted his pupils and stared at Dongfang Batian.

Dongfang Batian was stunned, staring at Tie Tianzong: "What did you find? I'm really curious about what it is now. I've been here for so long, and I'm almost numb!"

"Under my sculpture, there is a line of words!" Tie Tianzong said word by word, but his eyes were fixed on Dongfang Batian.

"Say it!" Dongfang Batian didn't want to listen to the next words, because Tie Tianzong came here, which means he has nothing to gain!
"The content of that line is that if you kowtow to me three times in a row, you can get what you want!" Tie Tianzong said.

"Haha, then kowtow, after kowtow, you can get what you want!" Dongfang Batian laughed loudly.

"You left that thing, right? The position I'm in now was once yours, so you must have left it behind." Tie Tianzong said.

"It's mine, just kowtow, you can get something!" Dongfang Batian continued.

Don't look at him looking calm now, but he is actually very flustered inside, because there is indeed something under there, which is the entrance of the Ice and Iron Prison. Under that, there is the Heart of Ice, which can control the cold air in the Ice and Iron Prison .

Now the cold air here is enough to freeze the strength of the person who entered the cage, making him unable to use his strength, but that is not the true ability of the heart of ice. If the cold air is made stronger, perhaps the people who are locked here will be directly killed. Freeze to death here!

Tie Tianzong wanted to kill him, this was the only chance.

It's a pity that Tie Tianzong never found the entrance to the Ice Iron Prison!

Now, Tie Tianzong is only one step away from the entrance, but whether this can be done depends on whether the other party kneels or not.

It was just an unintentional move to design that mechanism in the first place. I didn't expect it to be a life-saving move now, because it is impossible for Tie Tianzong to kneel down to Dongfang Batian.

Otherwise, Tie Tianzong wouldn't be here now.

What is needed now is a game.

Now Dongfang Batian keeps telling Tie Tianzong to kneel, he believes that Tie Tianzong will never go, this is playing hard to get, and given his suspicious character, he will definitely not do it.

This is also a gamble, and now Dongfang Batian made the right bet.

After Tie Tianzong stared at Dongfang Batian for a long time, he sneered: "Hehe, what a joke, you can get what you want by kneeling, Dongfang Batian, you are still as naive as before, I, Tie Tianzong, now You are the king of looters, let me kneel, what are you?"

Dongfang Batian felt a little more at ease, and then said: "You didn't always want to control the Ice Iron Prison, now I will give you a chance, really, after you kneel, you will definitely have it!"

Tie Tianzong sneered, turned around, and said, "Dongfang Batian, do you really think I'm still the stupid person I was back then? I'm the king of predators now, above ten thousand people, what are you? Paranoia Deceive me!"

Dongfang Batian was not talking, he didn't understand why he would accept such a stupid person as his disciple!

However, fortunately the other party is stupid!
I hope Tang Zhong can succeed!

He doesn't want to die here either. It's not that he's afraid of death, but that the people locked up here are all locked up because of him. If something happens to them, Dongfang Batian really can't forgive himself!

Now they can only wait for the news quietly.

People around looked at Dongfang Batian.

"Overlord, is that person really reliable?"

Just now, the conversation between Dongfang Batian, Tang Zhong and Tie Tianzong was heard by those people, and they also knew that Dongfang Batian had told Tang Chonghan about the entrance to the Ice and Iron Prison!

Dongfang Batian shook his head when he heard others talking.

As for whether Tang Zhong is reliable or not, he doesn't know, but from the conversation with Tie Tianzong just now, he knows that Tang Zhong is not from Tie Tianzong, and this is enough.

At this moment, Tang Zhong went directly to the Hall of Fame.

Tang Zhong came here before, because his sculpture is also here, what he is going to now is under Tie Tianzong's sculpture, the land of the king of predators of all ages!
Tang Zhong had seen Tie Tianzong's sculpture several times before, so now he is familiar with it.

It is here that the sculpture stands.

Tang Zhong walked over and forcefully removed Tie Tianzong's sculpture.

The sculpture is loose, apparently someone has moved it.

When moving away.

In an instant, the alarm mode was activated in the Hall of Fame.

Tang Zhong didn't have time to pay attention to this, he just needs to release Dongfang Batian now.

As soon as Tie Tianzong's sculpture moved, he immediately went over. Dongfang Batian said that the entrance is here.

But when I looked at the ground, there was only one line of writing!

"Kowtow three times to me, and you'll get what you want!"

Tang Zhong knew that it was Dongfang Batian who stayed behind, and this move was brilliant, even if Tie Zongtian tried his best to find this place, so what, he would definitely not kneel down to Dongfang Batian.

And if Tang Zhong didn't know there was something below, he wouldn't kneel when he saw this sentence, he would just take it as a joke.

The one kneeling down is the sky, Tang Zhong doesn't care!
Without saying a word, he bowed his head and bowed to the ground.

After three rings.

Suddenly, there was a vibration sound.

Tang Zhong stood up immediately, and saw the ground where he knelt down just now burst open.

The shock spread out and scattered around.

Tang Zhong was extremely shocked. He knew that this was a taboo, left by Dongfang Batian, but he didn't expect that the movement would be so big, and it would definitely be discovered by others.

But it's okay, as long as the Ice Iron Prison can be closed, once Dongfang Batian comes out, all problems will be solved much easier.

At the same time, violent fluctuations were felt throughout the Predator.

(End of this chapter)

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