Chapter 1755 Heart of Ice!

At this moment, in the predator base, the ground shook accordingly.

Among the predators, everyone was amazed, what exactly happened, such a situation would appear?
Everyone was amazed!

"what happened?"

"That's right, what happened?"

"I don't know!"

And at this time, Tie Tianzong, who had just left the Ice Iron Prison, stopped. He also felt the vibration in the ground just now, and when he saw the direction of the vibration, his expression became even uglier.

That's the direction of the Hall of Fame!

In an instant, Tie Tianzong sped out immediately, all doubts about Tang Zhong before were completely overthrown now.

Just now Tang Zhong left here, there was a fluctuation in the Hall of Fame, and thinking of what Dongfang Batian said just now, his face became even uglier.

What Dongfang Batian said should be true, what he needs is there.

What did he just miss?
It is simply a huge opportunity missed!

At this moment, Dongfang Batian also felt the ground shaking in the Ice Iron Prison.

"Did that person succeed?"

It was definitely not Tie Tianzong, because Tie Tianzong had just left, so it could only be that person named Tang Zhong.

But after being excited, his face became sad again.

Tie Tianzong must have noticed the fluctuation just now.

Then the current situation of Tang Zhong would definitely be very miserable.

He secretly looked forward to it in his heart: "Come on!"

At this moment, Tang Zhong is in the Hall of Fame. After he knelt on the ground for a while, the ground cracked more and more, and purple light burst out.

There was a clicking sound.

Finally, a ray of light surged from the ground, with many strange lines on it, if nothing else, it should be some kind of formation!
Light enveloped Tang Zhong!

With a whoosh, Tang Zhong's figure disappeared.

When Tang Zhong opened his eyes, he had already reached the ground!
In the middle of the ground is an underground palace.

Presumably this is the area where the heart of ice is located!
At this time, Tang Zhong already felt a chill, obviously it was the chill given to him by the heart of ice.

He walked forward!

This place is not big, there is a vast area in front of it, there is a huge crystal tree, the branches of the tree are scattered around, and the light is shining on it.

At this time, Tang Zhong saw a heart emitting a cold air on the top of the crystal tree.

Tang Zhong could feel the cold light just by looking at it.

This thing is the heart of ice!
As long as this thing is destroyed, Dongfang Batian and the others can be released, and then they can fight Tie Tianzong.

Immediately, Tang Zhong jumped up, holding the Dragon Demon Sword in his hand, and then slashed forward with a sword!
When the black light fell on the ice heart, it was actually covered by the light on the ice heart, and soon, the black light dissipated!

Tang Zhong was taken aback for a moment, never expecting such a situation to happen!
He was so excited that he almost forgot that it should be extraordinary that this heart of ice can support the energy of the iron prison of ice!
Destroying this thing is definitely not easy!
However, the fluctuation just now must have alarmed the predators, and Tie Tianzong would definitely get the news.

Once the other party comes over, he will be in trouble!
This time, he not only took out the Dragon Demon Sword, but with the other hand, the Flame Dragon Stick appeared and poked forward!

The Yanlong stick was like a pillar, burning with flames, and rushed up!
It can be said to be a very powerful force.

But the heart of ice only shook a few times!
Tang Zhong's face became even more ugly, is he so powerful?
He yelled wildly, and in an instant, he transformed into a giant dragon and rushed out!

He has no choice now, the blow of the Yanlong stick just now has ten thousand strengths, but it didn't hurt the opponent at all, so there is only one last way!

He wants to eat this Frozen Heart!

Under the avatar of the giant dragon, he bit it.

The fangs above the dragon's mouth bit the heart of ice.

Immediately, a bone-piercing chill surged up, as if it wanted to freeze Tang Zhong's body!
However, the power above the giant dragon clone is the strongest, forcibly forcing that chill back!

Then he swallowed it in one gulp.

But the power of the cold air is really too powerful.

Tang Zhong couldn't bear it anymore.

The whole person exploded and retreated.

This is the strongest method, but now it is impossible to control the heart of ice, damn it, how could such a situation happen?
"Tang Zhong... didn't expect that!" At this moment, a voice suddenly came out.

Tang Zhong heard the voice, turned around immediately, and saw Tie Tianzong coming in from behind!

The current Tang Zhong, still a dragon clone, appeared in Tie Tianzong's eyes, his eyes were full of madness, looking at Tang Zhong was like looking at a baby.

"Tang Zhong, this appearance is your real trump card, no wonder you can defeat Fujiwara Ye and the others, but why do I hate seeing you like this!" Tie Tianzong said coldly.

Tang Zhong narrowed his eyes and didn't say a word.

"I hate you even more!"

"It seems that the old man Dongfang Batian told you a lot of things, otherwise you would not have come here. It's a pity that what you are doing now is all about making a wedding dress for me, haha!" Tie Tian Zong said coldly.

Tang Zhong started to move directly, his body rushed towards Tie Tianzong like the speed of light, and the dragon demon sword in his hand slashed out.

"I'll kill you now and hand it over to the strange demon!" Tie Tian said ruthlessly.

He is an immortal king, and behind him is the devilish energy boiling, which is clearly the power of the ghosts, forming a pair of black wings.

Just like a big devil, charge over.

He is the immortal king inspired by the power of the other ghosts, and now he is equal to a different ghost.

A ghost claw crazily crushed forward.

With a bang, the Dragon Devil Sword slashed at the ghost claw.

Suddenly there was a strong fluctuation.

Tang Zhong was shocked back all of a sudden.

Tie Tianzong was also shaken back.

Because of using the strange ghost energy, half of his face turned into a grimace, he flapped his wings, and continued to attack Tang Zhong fiercely.

The speed is extremely fast.

Tang Zhong has been resisting.

Tie Tianzong kept attacking.

The bodies of the two people were on the wall, crashing and crashing!

Tie Tianzong punched Tang Zhong's face.

And Tang Zhong also punched the opponent in the face.

The bodies of the two of them immediately retreated!

Then the two attacked again.

"Go to hell!" Tie Tianzong yelled frantically.

Tang Zhong punched and bombarded.

After some fighting.

Tang Zhong was out of breath.

And Tie Tianzong did the same.

"Your strength..." Tie Tianzong's expression was extremely serious.

What he stimulated was the ability of the other ghost, but after these few attacks, he was not as strong as the opponent. Who is this guy? "

(End of this chapter)

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