Chapter 1758 Fall short!
The water dragon halberd was devouring the breath of the ice heart.

Thinking about it carefully, since Tang Zhong got the water dragon halberd, he didn't know what the water dragon halberd was capable of!
I didn't expect the opponent to be able to absorb the power of ice!

If you can absorb this icy heart, then it will be so refreshing!

Tang Zhong seems to have found a way to crack it!

Immediately stood up with the water dragon halberd in hand, that day when the elder of the water dragon Wei Fushen handed the water dragon halberd over to him, he didn't teach him anything about how to use the water dragon halberd!
It turns out that the ability of the Water Dragon Halberd is such that it can absorb abilities related to water.

The cold air surged in the heart of ice, and the cold air was also related to the power of water.

So this happens.

Of course, this was only Tang Zhong's own guess. He held the water dragon halberd and stabbed it towards the ice heart!
I saw that the heart of ice that he couldn't destroy with the power of the dragon just now was pierced easily!
At that moment, click, a crack appeared.

The light above the water dragon halberd became brighter.


Then it shook violently.

Tang Zhong actually grabbed the water dragon halberd with his hands, and his body was pushed back suddenly!
Standing in the distance, he looked ahead!

The traces on the ice are getting bigger and bigger, and blue rays of light burst out from the cracks!

Immediately afterwards, the wave exploded, and the place immediately shook.

I could see the breath of ice, and it began to pour into the water dragon halberd. On the halberd, it was shining brightly.

It was as if all the power had been taken away.

And at the same time, I saw that the power on the heart of ice was losing bit by bit, the light receded, and it was about to turn into a stone!

Dongfang Batian, who was also in the ice and iron prison, paced back and forth in the cage, because the fluctuation just now came from the front.

I don't know what happened to Tang Zhong?

If Tie Tianzong got the Heart of Ice, all the people present here would die!

Hope it's ok!

And at this moment, the ice turtle next to him was slightly taken aback: "Just now I felt that the surrounding atmosphere has become much weaker!"

"Really?" Dongfang Batian asked.


"The power of the ice is much weaker than before!" said the ice turtle.

"How could he succeed?" Dongfang Batian was shocked.

He knows the power of Frozen Heart, it is very powerful.

How could this be the case?

But Dongfang Batian was excited, if Tang Zhong could succeed, then he would be saved, and it would be completely possible to kill Tie Tianzong at that time.

The surrounding iron cage was originally blue, but now the light is slowly weakening, that is to say, the heart of ice is about to be cracked.

As for Tie Tianzong, who was at the top of the Hall of Fame, he suddenly felt the biting chill in the ground, and his expression became even uglier.

When he was inside before, he saw the Frozen Heart, and knew that the Frozen Iron Prison existed because of that thing.

The cold here was not so strong just now, but now it is so strong, I am afraid that there is something wrong with the heart of ice in the ground!

"Damn it!" Tie Tianzong's face was extremely ugly.

If we wait for Dongfang Batian to come out, it will be really miserable!

The predators around are still digging their way down!

"Hurry up, don't worry about it, even if the Hall of Fame is destroyed, dig a way for me!"

The Tianjin predators around were stunned for a moment, they couldn't believe that this was an order from Tie Tianzong.

"Iron King, did you make a mistake?"

"Get the hell out of here, I'll do it myself!" Tie Tianzong roared wildly.

With a big knife in his hand, he struck directly, beheading with one blow.

At that moment, the saber energy was suppressed crazily.


The ground is cracked open!

A hole appeared.

Immediately, a blue light burst out.

That's chill!

Tie Tianzong looked at it, and his face became even more ugly. Now he must move faster!
Another slash, slashing wildly!

Those Hall of Fame statues are now completely toppled down.

At the same time, a big gap appeared in the ground!

The blue light is even more grand!

Tie Tianzong immediately jumped down, once Dongfang Batian appeared, it meant that his notice was over.

He wanted to stop Tang Zhong.

At the same time, he made a phone call: "Come for reinforcements quickly, if you don't come, I will lose my rule!"

After speaking, he hung up the phone directly.

At this moment, below, the power in the heart of ice has completely entered the ice dragon halberd.

The Ice Heart is like a big black stone, while the Ice Dragon Halberd is shining with blue light.

After absorbing the power of the cold air, he felt that the breath of the Ice Dragon Halberd was stronger than before.

It's about to be sucked clean.

Suddenly, he felt a breath coming, and when he turned around, he saw a huge blade coming.

Tang Zhong didn't react, and immediately dodged.

But he found that the target of the blade was not him at all, but the heart of ice.

Cut it up with a knife.

Power Shock.

The icy heart made a rumbling sound, shaking violently there.

"Not good!" Tang Zhong's expression turned ugly.

I saw that the ice dragon halberd was about to absorb the power of the heart of ice, but now it was shaken out of the stone because of the fluctuation.

It fell into Tang Zhong's hands.

Tang Zhong grabbed the water dragon halberd and felt a chill. Sure enough, because of the incident just now, his strength became stronger than before, but the heart of ice has not been destroyed, and the iron prison of ice still exists, so Dongfang Batian was killed. If you can't let it go, everything will fall short!
"If you want to destroy the heart of ice, go ahead and dream!" Tie Tianzong said coldly.

At the same time, behind him, those people wearing the sky gold armor also followed in.

He also looked at Tang Zhong.

"Tang Zhong, you colluded with the other ghosts and wanted to liberate the prisoners in the Iron Prison of Ice, but it is impossible for me to let you succeed!" Tie Tian Zong said coldly.

He couldn't defeat Tang Zhong by himself, so he immediately gave orders to the people around him: "I think you all have seen that what this man is doing, everything is against the core of the predator, now we must catch him!"

Many sky gold looters were hesitant at first, but now they are ready to start.

He was in a neutral state before, but now he is directly biased towards Tie Tianzong.

Seeing this, Tie Tianzong laughed, and immediately stepped out, killing him with one blow!

Other marauders came forward.

Want to kill Tang Zhong.

Tang Zhong looked at the people in front of him, and said: "I am not a collusion with other ghosts, you have to believe me!"

But no one listened to Tang Zhong's explanation at all.

Tang Zhong didn't want to hurt them at first, but now he might not.

Only by letting Dongfang Batian go, all this can be solved. If those people do something, then fight them!

A person stormed over.

Tang Zhong Yilong's magic sword tore through the past!
Blocking that person, he didn't kill him, he just knocked him back.

"Believe me, I didn't collude with the other ghosts, the one who really colluded with the other ghosts is Tie Tianzong!"

But no one listened to Wang Xiaofei at all, and now they came forward one after another, joining forces to kill Wang Xiaofei.

At this moment, Wang Xiaofei was really besieged on all sides.

He suddenly took a step back, but at this moment, a person came over with a killer move.

The attack was very powerful, as if it wanted to kill Tang Zhong.

Tang Zhong had just blocked the attacks of others, but this person's attack was the most critical.

He immediately turned into a giant dragon clone, and blasted out with one palm!
The huge palm was crazily suppressed!
At that moment, Long Xiao let out a roar.

The man was blasted by the dragon's palm, and he lost consciousness immediately, spurted blood all over his body, and flew out backwards!
(End of this chapter)

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