Chapter 1759 The Devil Comes!

The man flew upside down, as if he was dead!

The corpse fell to the ground with a bang, and it didn't even get up, it was covered in blood and flesh!
This... Tang Zhong saw it in his eyes, and knew that he might cause trouble this time!
He used the power of the giant dragon avatar, which was too powerful for him to control, so this result occurred.

Now that this person is dead and killed by him, the people around him have seen it. This time, he might be the one who jumped into the Yellow River, and they can't clear up their suspicions.

And now he has exposed the dragon avatar in front of everyone, which is the most deadly.

Seeing this, Tie Tianzong said coldly, "Tang Zhong, if you haven't united with the other ghosts, how would you explain your current transformation!"

Tang Zhong knew that he had no way to explain it now: "I didn't cooperate with the ghosts!"

Tang Zhong could only confirm again and again like this now.

But now no one pays any attention to what he said!

Instead, he attacked more violently.

Tie Tianzong laughed grimly, he wanted to see how Tang Zhong cleared the suspicion this time, now the other party has no chance to clear the suspicion!

Because after a while, after the White Walkers come, they just need to use some tricks to solve everything!

At this time, no one around believed Tang Zhong anymore, but they didn't dare to move forward, because they saw the way the man died just now, and the other party was very strong, and if he was not careful, he would be killed by the other party .

And Tang Zhong was still thinking about how to justify this matter!

"I'm really not that kind of person!" Tang Zhong said.

No one listened to him, and now he is attacking forward, obviously preparing a group of people to attack Tang Zhong together.

"The few of you do it, and the others are looking at the heart of ice. You must not let him approach, let alone open the iron prison of ice!" Tie Tianzong ordered.

Immediately, several people approached directly, ready to kill Tang Zhong.

Tang Zhong stared at several people and said: "You better not come here, I will kill you!"

The killing intent on his body gradually became stronger.

Unless it is absolutely necessary, he will not act, but this does not mean that Tang Zhong will not act.

"You dare to threaten us, what are you?" Tie Tian cursed angrily.


A group of people moved towards Tang Zhong with murderous intent.

A long time ago, when Dongfang Batian was persecuted, there must have been some of these people.

I was ignorant at the beginning, and I am still so ignorant now!
People always have to pay a little price for their ignorance!
Tang Zhong rushed to kill.

The whole person is like a phantom, approaching the heart of ice extremely fast.

Immediately, a person in a golden armor appeared to hinder him.

Tang Zhong directly pierced the opponent's body with a sword.

A click.

That person turned into a pile of blood mist!
Others were even more shocked when they saw it.

But Tie Tianzong is very happy, the more Tang Zhong kills now, the better the situation for him.

No matter how powerful Tang Zhong is, can he kill everyone here?

That's how Dongfang Batian was forced by him back then. It was impossible for Dongfang Batian to kill the predators, because the predators were his subordinates, and the same is true for Tang Zhong today. As long as he can't kill all the predators, he will Said it was a good thing.

Killing a few people will only make other looters hate Tang Zhong even more!
The other sky-gold raiders were shocked to see their companions dead.

But it is still in front of the heart of ice.

"Go away!" Tang Zhong said coldly.

He didn't kill those people before, because he hoped that those people would retreat in spite of difficulties.

But this does not mean that Tang Zhong dare not kill!

"I don't want you to die meaninglessly!" Tang Zhong continued.

Then he continued to approach the heart of ice!
Tie Tian Zong said coldly: "You must not let him get close!"

So several people blocked the door, preventing Tang Zhong from approaching the heart of ice.

Tang Zhong didn't say much, and directly stabbed him with a sword.

At that moment, the three of them died directly under the sword, with blood gushing out, extremely ferocious!
"Get out now?" Tang Zhong asked in a daze.

The faces of those people are ugly, this person colluded with the other ghosts, but now he is so arrogant, even the Dongfang Batian back then was not like that!

Tie Tianzong continued to shout: "He killed someone again, he is a man with evil intentions!"

"I suggest that everyone work together to capture him. My Predator inheritance is extremely powerful, how can I be so ignored by this person!"

When the predators heard this, they all chose to act.

How can they be so ignored by the predators who have been passed down for so many years!
Tang Zhong squinted his eyes, holding the Yanlong stick in his hand, he would kill anyone who stood in his way.

Absolutely no mercy!
The Yanlong stick directly blasted through one person's head, and then another stick blasted out, blasting that person away abruptly!

He stepped forward step by step, and wherever he went, there were slaughters!

There was blood boiling everywhere.

"I once said, let you get out, but if you don't get out now, then go to hell!"


There are many holes in the ground!
The soil collapsed and buried many people directly.

Beside him, Tie Tianzong's face was the most ugly. He really didn't expect that Tang Zhong would dare to kill the looters.

Back then, Dongfang Batian wouldn't kill anyone!

He originally thought that he could deal with Tang Zhong by means of dealing with Dongfang Batian, but now it seems that it is not possible at all!

Dongfang Batian killed people because of his kindness, but in Tang Zhong's eyes, anyone who stands in the way of his purpose must die!

And at this time, Tang Zhong was infinitely close to the heart of ice.

A few sky gold armor raiders saw the other party attacking, and now they were trembling with fright. So many companions just now are all dead now.

"Tang killed so many of us predators, are so courageous!"

"Get out!" Tang Zhong roared angrily.

When those few people heard this, they all froze.

This guy in front of him is completely like a demon king!
A few people didn't dare to speak any more, and quietly backed away!

Seeing this, Tie Tianzong went crazy, he had to stop Tang Zhong.

One step jumped out and stood in front of Frost Heart.

"You don't want to destroy this Frozen Heart!" Tie Tian said coldly.

Tang Zhong directly prepared to pierce it with his sword.

Anyone who stands in his way must die!

But who knows that at this time, from the sky above here, the sound of the devil's roar came out.

"We meet again!"

When Tie Tianzong heard the voice, a smile appeared on his face.

This is the voice of the other ghosts, that is, now the other ghosts are here to support him!

"Haha!" Tie Tianzong laughed loudly.

On the other hand, Tang Zhong, when this voice appeared, his eyes narrowed, because this voice was so familiar, it was the strange ghost general who used to be under the Universe Star University!

(End of this chapter)

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