Chapter 1763 Dragon Ancestor Rebels!

Soldiers of the Other Ghosts, follow my orders and leave this place!

The White Walker will order.

He couldn't beat these two together.

When Tie Tianzong heard the evacuation order, he gritted his teeth angrily: "General Alien Ghost, why did you leave, kill him quickly!"

The White Ghost General didn't talk to him much at all, and took him away.

The other ghosts did not hesitate at all, and immediately followed behind the ghost general.

Tie Tianzong shouted: "You can't leave, you can't leave, if you leave, what should I do? How can I protect my position as the King of Predators?"

Hearing this, the Other Ghost General became extremely gloomy, stared at Tie Tianzong, and stretched out his hand: "Trash!"

Tie Tianzong stood where he was, suddenly his throat got stuck, and his expression was ugly.

"You are a dog of my White Walker, are you looking for death if you dare to speak to me like that?" General White Walker said coldly.

Now Tie Tianzong was out of breath.

"I keep you because you are useful, and you are useless now, you are now, damn it!" General White Walker said coldly.

At this moment, a black light appeared from above Tie Tianzong's head!

It was the other ghosts that gave Tie Tianzong power, but now the other ghosts want to take all this power out of Tie Tianzong's body!
"Don't...don't!" Tie Tianzong roared.

But it didn't work at all.

As the black breath left his body, he saw that his body began to shrink, and finally turned into a mummy without any breath on his body!

The black breath finally got into the hands of General Alien, and he swallowed it directly.

Then the ghost general took a look at Tang Zhong: "Trash, one day, I will definitely kill you!"

I saw countless strange ghosts behind the other party, and left this place!

Tang Zhong didn't continue to chase, the ghosts would leave now, they were considered to have escaped a catastrophe.

The majestic predator is so bleak now!

Tang Zhong looked back at the predators and found that it was not as miserable as he imagined, so he breathed a sigh of relief!

Dongfang Batian looked at Tang Zhong at this time, his eyes were full of surging expressions.

" are not the Dragon God Guard, you are the descendant of the Dragon Ancestor?"

Tang Zhong took a look at his appearance, and knew that he was seen through now, and immediately said: "Yes, senior!"

Dongfang Batian laughed when he saw Tang Zhong admitting, "Haha, it's really the descendant of the dragon ancestor, good, good!"

"It's good that senior knows about my affairs!" Tang Zhong said.

"Of course I know!" Dongfang Batian said.

Today, none of the White Walkers are left.

Although it is said that among the predators, there are many holes, but now it can be regarded as blocking a wave of attacks.

It should be fine.

At this time, many predators came forward one after another, looking at Dongfang Batian, they wanted to say something, but they didn't know what to say.

"Overlord, it's all our fault... I wanted to arrest you back then!"

"Overlord, we now know we were wrong!" More and more people said.

Seeing this scene, Dongfang Batian didn't speak. Thinking of what happened back then, he still felt uncomfortable!

But since he promised to return to the predators, he didn't plan to mention what happened back then.

Seeing that Dongfang Batian didn't speak any more, those people shut their mouths and didn't say a word.

Tang Zhong clenched his fists. This time, he had succeeded. If the looters fought for him, then he would have every chance to fight King Mie when the universe was destroyed.

Now he is getting closer to Wei Wei.

Now the blood in Tang Zhong's body began to boil!

But soon, he felt a killing intent coming from the sky.

He turned around suddenly, and saw a space search ship covering the sky above the sky.

Tang Zhong frowned suddenly.

What's the matter with these spaceships?

Look carefully at those spaceships, it is extremely dark, and in the spaceships, there are many powerful people.

Are these people enemies or friends?
Tang Zhong's face turned slightly ugly.

"It's Emperor Cang's spaceship!" Suddenly, Dongfang Batian said.

His brows furrowed.

When Tang Zhong heard this, his face turned ugly instantly.

Emperor Cang's people arrived here, I'm afraid they are plotting something wrong!

At this moment, a voice like Hong Zhong Dalu came out.

"Catch Long Zu against the party!"

Immediately, from above the spaceship, countless figures came out of the air, one by one wearing armor.

At the same time, on the spaceship, a white-haired old man walked out with his hands behind his back.

When the people below saw so many people coming, their faces were extremely ugly, so they sent the strange ghosts away. What are these people here for?

When Tang Zhong looked up and saw the white-haired old man, his eyes narrowed immediately.

He had seen this white-haired old man, he was the one who killed Mo Lao back then, Tang Zhong's fists were clenched together immediately!
"It's him!"

"Be careful!" At this time, Dongfang Batian whispered.

"Who is he?" Tang Zhong asked.

"He is the number one general under Emperor Cang, the White Demon King!" Dongfang Batian whispered.

White Demon King!
Tang Zhong's eyes fell on the opponent again.

This person is coming for him now!

Obviously, what happened to the Predator has already been known by the other party.

Immediately, countless people approached and surrounded the predators.

At this time, the white devil came out, his eyes fell on Tang Zhong, and his brows narrowed immediately: "Longzu rebels, die!"

A burst of shouting immediately spread throughout the audience, everyone was stunned, what's going on?Who is Long Zu against the party?
And who is Long Zu?
In the Fengxuan Pavilion, Lie Qiuxue heard the name Long Zu against the party, and glanced at Tang Zhong. It was clear that the words were meant for Tang Zhong. Could it be that Tang Zhong was really?

Xia Yuqing saw that the newcomer was targeting Tang Zhong, her face was full of nervousness!
Dongfang Batian was rescued by Tang Zhong, and he also looked down on Emperor Cang, but he couldn't resist openly, looked at the White Demon King and said, "White Demon King, what are you looking for when you come here to rebel against the Dragon Ancestor?"

The White Demon King stared at Dongfang Batian, and said: "Idlers, you'd better leave!"

Dongfang Batian laughed and said, "White Demon King!"

"Get lost!" the White Demon King said coldly.

Don't give Dongfang Batian any face.

But at this time, the rest of the Predator were stunned, they didn't know what this man was here for.

But now this man says such things to the Overlord!
At this time, the White Demon King continued to say coldly: "I said, wait for the idlers, leave for me, my target is him!"

After finishing speaking, the White Demon King pointed to Tang Zhong in front of him.

At this moment, almost everyone knew who the other party was targeting, but they didn't expect it to be Tang Zhong.

Longzu against the party, is he referring to Tang Zhong?
(End of this chapter)

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