Chapter 1764 The ability of the water dragon halberd!

Is it Tang Zhong that Longzu rebelled against the party?

Everyone present was stunned.

They don't even know what Longzu is?
At this moment, Tang Zhong stepped back slightly, looked at the person in front of him, his eyes and pupils were extremely calm, he couldn't be more angry now!
The White Demon King stared at Tang Zhong, and said coldly: "Long Zu rebelled against the party, under the majesty of Emperor Cang, he gave up resisting!"

"When did Emperor Cang become majestic?" Tang Zhong sarcastically asked.

As soon as this word comes out!
The people around were all stunned, who is Emperor Cang, that is the master of this universe, in the highest position, but Tang Zhong actually taunted him.

"Insulting Emperor Cang, die!" the White Demon King roared.

From his body, the breath rose sharply, and he slammed towards Tang Zhong with a palm.

He is the cultivation base of the Immortal God King, but he is much stronger than the ordinary Immortal God King.

It should be above the triple heaven!
When Tang Zhong saw the big palm approaching, he dodged immediately.

In an instant.

Bang's big hand fell down.

It directly smashed the ground!
And Tang Zhong hid to a safe place.

He is a descendant of the dragon ancestor, and the other party is a member of Emperor Cang, so now he and the other party have nothing to say at all.

Just fight!
But now he is more worried that he can survive.

The current one cannot have any relationship with the predators, otherwise Emperor Cang will definitely destroy the predators.

The White Demon King saw Tang Zhong dodging, his eyes were cold: "Hiding?"

Then came a few more big palm strikes.

Boom boom boom!
Several times in a row, it fell from the sky.

Tang Zhong has been avoiding. At this moment, the ground was smashed to pieces, and gullies appeared at this moment.

When he landed in a safe place, he was out of breath.

Originally, he thought that as long as he got the approval of the predators, he would be able to save Weiwei, but he didn't expect that at this critical moment, such a thing happened, which was simply the greatest torture for him.

Whenever he is about to succeed, the irresistible factor appears!

He doesn't want to have more fights with the White Demon King, it's best to leave here now!

Immediately, he leaped into the sky and transformed into a giant dragon clone. Now he is not afraid of being discovered by others.

A huge dragon wing appeared behind him, and he flapped his wings and left this place!

Seeing that Tang Zhong wanted to escape, the White Demon King immediately ordered: "Catch me, and then kill him!"

The people next to the White Demon King took orders one after another, looking for spaceships to pursue Tang Zhong.

As for the predators, at this moment, they didn't know why this happened. Originally, Tang Zhong was the savior of their predators, but now, the other party changed suddenly and turned into Long Zu's rebellious party.

In Fengxuan Pavilion, everyone was worried, not knowing what to do now?
They can't see Tang Zhong being arrested with their own eyes now, but now they have no choice but to watch from the sidelines!

"Don't panic!" Xia Yuqing walked out: "Don't cause trouble for him, if you are doing his best, don't trouble him, he will be fine!"

The others were taken aback, wondering why Xia Yuqing said this confidently.

They don't know Tang Zhong, but Xia Yuqing definitely understands that if the other party goes directly, it may be possible to go. If it is a dead end, the other party will definitely fight with all their strength!
No one spoke anymore, they only hoped that Tang Zhong would be fine, now not only the Fengxuan Pavilion people hoped that Tang Zhong would be fine, even the predators also hoped that Tang Zhong would be fine.

If it wasn't for Tang Zhong, they would all be dead.

But at this moment, Tang Zhong waved his wings all the way, soaring above the sky.

Numerous spaceships pursued behind him, and from above the spaceship, a light spot attacked Tang Zhong.

Tang Zhong kept dodging.

From time to time, a dragon demon sword stabs out, and the sword glow flies out with a swish.

A spaceship was bombed.

These spaceships are impossible, the scary thing is the White Demon King!

The White Demon King also flew behind him, chasing Tang Zhong.

Now Tang Zhong, first find the Douluo.

Thinking about it now, Tang Zhong realized that he was really too witty.

Let the water dragon guards be on the spaceship, which can be regarded as a backup for himself.

Emperor Cang got the news really quickly, it must be the movement of the strange ghost here that alarmed Emperor Cang!

Oh shit!

Tang Zhong wanted to scold someone.

If he had an army now, it would be fine, he would turn around and fight the White Demon King without hesitation.

Even if you can't beat him, you still have to give this White Demon King a little thought.

Too bad he didn't!
Just when Tang Zhong thought so.

The water dragon halberd in his arms suddenly flickered, and the light was blue.

Now the water dragon halberd flew up with Tang Zhong's heart.

Fly directly into the air.

Tang Zhong was taken aback for a moment, at this moment, why did the water dragon halberd suddenly go berserk?

I saw the water dragon halberd spinning rapidly, and the whole weapon seemed to melt, turning into countless water droplets, like throwing beans into soldiers!
Finally turned into a water man!
There are thousands of them densely packed!

Tang Zhong was stunned. Is this the real strength of Water Dragon Halberd?

Really strong!

The ability of the water dragon halberd has not been used before. It turns out that the ability of the water dragon halberd is a clone.

Then Tang Zhong stopped his body. He once said that if he had an army, he must fight the opponent.

Now that the army is here, let's fight!

Tang Zhong clenched his fists and looked at the charging White Demon King with a cold smile on his face.

"The roar of the dragon!" Tang Zhong opened his mouth and roared, the power of the dragon gathered in the air, and finally turned into a wave, and rushed forward!
Several spaceships chasing Tang Zhong too fast saw a fiery red wave rushing towards them, and quickly turned the spaceships, trying to avoid the attack, but it was too late.

The fiery red fluctuations hit up, and several spaceships were directly shattered by the shock, and then turned into ashes!
Moreover, the fiery red fluctuations did not stop at all, and were still constantly impacting.

Seeing it in his eyes, the White Demon King suppressed it with his big hands again, directly colliding with the fiery red wave.

Boom boom boom.

The wave exploded.

The White Demon King blocked the opponent's attack, and then stopped in mid-air, and the other spaceships that were chasing him have also stopped now.

Behind Tang Zhong was a sailor who changed from a water dragon halberd, and behind the White Demon King were several people who followed him.

The two sides are facing each other at this moment.

The White Demon King stared at Tang Zhong coldly: "I didn't expect that you now control the water dragon halberd!"

"There are many things you didn't expect!" Tang Zhong said coldly.

"But if you disobey Emperor Cang, you still have to die!" The White Demon King moved directly, and with a wave of his palm, he blasted at Tang Zhong like a mountain.

Tang Zhong held the Demon Dragon Sword and went straight up. He couldn't be chased by Emperor Cang's people all the time. This time, he had to give these people some flair.

(End of this chapter)

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