Chapter 1765 Gave color!

This time, he must also have a look at these colors.

Since the confrontation with Emperor Cang, Emperor Cang has not suffered a disadvantage yet. Maybe others think that he has been hiding and will stand up when he becomes stronger.

But Tang Zhong didn't think so, he had to fight when he could, otherwise people would really think you were afraid of him!
Holding the Demon Dragon Sword in one hand and the Yanlong Stick in the other, Tang Zhong rushed out!

At this time, the countless villains who changed from the water dragon halberd followed Tang Zhong behind, and rushed out directly!

I saw Tang heavy sword sticks coming side by side!

The White Demon King directly blasted out with a palm.

Immediately, the two sides bombarded together fiercely!
At the same time, the villain transformed from the water dragon halberd fought with the person behind the White Demon King.

The two sides are in chaos.

The White Demon King failed to kill Tang Zhong with one blow, but quickly suppressed it with another blow.

Powerful fluctuations, like tides!
Tang Zhong counterattacked, the power of the giant dragon avatar exploded to the extreme, and the domain was now released.

From under the ground, countless flames, as well as thunder and lightning bombarded at this time.

Constantly bombarded the White Demon King.

And the White Demon King doesn't seem to be afraid at all!
His domain was also released, and countless vine-like shots flew out from the ground.

Resist the flames and thunder and thunder.

The battle between the two sides was exceptionally exciting!
Tang Zhong's pupils turned red. For him now, all he had to do was fight crazily.

He punched out and frantically pressed forward.

Boom boom boom!

The White Demon King retreated from the blow.

At the same time, the people behind the White Demon King were no match for the villain transformed by the water dragon halberd!
The White Demon King looked at Tang Zhong and frowned slightly: "Go to hell!"

I saw his more violent attack appear at this time.

A formation appeared on the ground, and as he yelled softly, countless vines flew out in an instant.

Sweep around.


The flame attack was blocked.

"Don't you know? Fire defeats wood, your rattan is useless in front of my flame!" Tang Zhong said coldly.

Another surging flame erupted, enveloping the rattan all at once.

Under the flames, the rattan quickly shrank.

The White Demon King's face turned ugly.

At this moment, Tang Zhong looked at the White Demon King with a ferocious expression: "Do you still remember me?"

The White Demon King stared at Tang Zhong, he had never seen this person before!
"You may not know me, but I have seen you. Do you still remember you, the old man who was killed by you in the wilderness?" Tang Zhong roared.

He was talking about Mo Lao.

The White Demon King was taken aback, he remembered that once he went to the Great Wilderness, in the name of Emperor Cang, to kill a person, that person was a member of the Dragon Demon Guard.

The person in front of him can tell what happened in the Great Wilderness that day, could it be that this person was there at the time?
Back then, the Dragon Emperor Rebellious Party was there, but he didn't know it!
To him, this is simply the biggest joke.

The White Demon King suddenly remembered.

When he killed the old man Dragon Demon Guard, there was a young man who shot him, but now it seems that it is the person in front of him?
"It's you!" The White Demon King remembered.

Back then, because he was in a hurry, he didn't waste much time on the other party!
"That's right, it's me. I will never forget your hatred of killing Mo Lao in the past!" Tang Zhong said coldly.

"Then don't forget, you will die today!" the White Demon King roared.

At this moment, the power behind him condensed and finally turned into a pair of wings of light.

Then the White Demon King made a direct move, and the power of law rushed over at this moment.

What he practiced was the wooden law.

Those vines are now intertwined like a giant net.


At this moment, the big net crushed down from the sky, and it was ready to crush Tang Zhong!

"Do you think this is enough?" Tang Zhong sneered.

Dragon Demon Sword!
The Dragon Demon Sword piercing through the power of the giant dragon suddenly stabbed high above the sky. At that moment, it was like a great sword reaching the sky!
Break out of the net!

It has reached the third stage of the power of law.

You can manipulate the laws at will and fight for them!

I saw so many vines condense again after being cut off.

It turned into a sky-reaching wooden foot, which suddenly fell from the sky, crushing Tang Zhong.

When Tang Zhong raised his head, he saw that foot fell down, the Yanlong stick was in his hand, and the power was injected directly into it.

At that moment, the Yanlong stick stood straight on the ground, with the other end pointing straight up.

There was a loud bang.

The wooden foot was instantly shattered.

The White Demon King's face is very gloomy, and his face is becoming more and more ugly. In the past, this person could be easily killed by him, but now, he has grown to such a degree!
"You still can't escape!"

Tang Zhong squinted his eyes and looked at the other party. He had to say that the White Demon King was very powerful, and he should be the second heaven of the Immortal Guardian.

Immortal guard, centimeter triple.

Strength is increasing!
Like Tie Tianzong before, he was the first heaven, but now the White Demon King is a strong man in the second heaven.

Tang Zhong used all his strength to fight the opponent with the strength of the Immortal King, but it is obviously not possible now!
Now that he can see the other party, he is a little panicked. It can be said that his goal has been achieved now.

This is a good start!
Immediately he turned and left.

Then he shouted at the countless villains that the water dragon halberd transformed into: "Follow me!"

Those villains were transformed by the water dragon halberd, but now Tang Zhong and the water dragon halberd were connected by divine consciousness. Countless villains flew up immediately, and finally merged together, turning into the water dragon halberd and returning to Tang Zhong's arms.

Continue to flutter the wings behind him, and shout towards the White Demon King: "Let Emperor Cang wait, one day, I will go to Emperor Cang and kill his head!"

After talking about increasing the speed under his feet, he quickly disappeared into the distance!

When the White Demon King saw Tang Zhong going forward, the people beside him said angrily: "Are you chasing him? My lord? This guy is wanted by Emperor Cang, we can't let him run away so easily!"

"That's right, we must not let him run away!"

At this moment, the White Demon King waved his hand, signaling to everyone around him to stop: "Now pass on my order, gather the team and leave here!"

"Why didn't you chase?" The people next to him were very strange!
"That's right, he can't beat us, as long as we keep chasing him, we will definitely kill him!"

"What I say is an order!" roared the White Demon King.

When the people around heard this, they didn't dare to say a word, and immediately locked behind the White Demon King.

When the White Demon King saw Tang Zhong leave, his expression became more and more gloomy. In fact, it wasn't that he didn't chase after him, but that he was injured. This guy's methods are very strong!

In the battle with Tang Zhong just now, a wound was opened on his hand, and now it is bleeding.

"Give me an order to go back to Cangshen Palace!"

(End of this chapter)

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