Chapter 1772 First Test!

This time in the Xuanyi Conference, Tang Zhong must get a good ranking among them.


After seven days.

In the spaceship, Tang Zhong has been practicing.

Now that the Yanlong stick and the magic dragon sword have been fully mastered, it can be said that it is easy to grasp, not only that, but the auxiliary ability of the water dragon halberd has become stronger and stronger.

He discovered that the auxiliary ability of the water dragon halberd can also be transformed into an attack ability, but that ability is relatively weak!

After all the preparations were done, Tang Zhong got up, moved his muscles and bones, and made a crackling sound!
Immediately got up and prepared to go to Xuanyi Academy to attend the Xuanyi Conference.

There are quite a lot of registrations for the Xuanyi Conference.

After becoming the top ten, the Emperor Xuan of Xuanyi Universe Kingdom will come here to watch the ceremony!
So now the most important thing is to stand out among the many applicants!

Tang Zhong went out, ready to leave here and go to Xuanyi Academy!

He set off all the way and got there in no time.

Seven days ago, he had already been here in the virtual universe, but coming here in person now is a different feeling!
After revealing his identity at the door, the man looked at Tang Zhong in surprise, and even pointed.

Tang Zhong didn't know why this person pointed at him, but it must be the reason!
"That's Tang Zhong, the one who fought with Huang Shaotian yesterday?"

"This man is still here, the people of Huangfeng Valley have been waiting for him!"

"That's right!"

Tang Zhong's perception is sensitive, and he heard everything those people said.

Huang Fenggu should be the chattering Huang Shaotian yesterday!

Tang Chong ignored the other party lazily, let's go in first and talk about it now.

Walk in slowly.

He saw a lot of people at a glance, and Tang Zhong had seen many of them before.

I saw them all in the virtual universe a few days ago.

Look ahead.

There is a huge martial arts stage, if nothing unexpected happens, it should be here that the preliminary round of the Xuanyi Conference will be held.

For a conference like this, it would be a waste of time if every contestant had to go through the review of Emperor Xuan.

So there is usually an initial test!

Now that the Wutai is all ready, it should be waiting for everyone to arrive.

Soon, several people who participated in the Xuan Yi Conference arrived.

They stood under the martial arts platform one after another, and there were no seats. After all, this was just the first test, and it was impossible to be so serious.

Tang Zhong stood under the stage and saw Long Wuxie.

I have only seen it in the virtual universe before, but today I will see it in person!

At this time.

Next to Tang Zhong, someone came forward.

Tang Zhong turned his head and saw someone he knew well. The person who walked by was Huang Shaotian.

Behind the opponent, there are still people following.

So Huang Shaotian kept asking who was the person who defeated him in the virtual universe that day?
But he couldn't find it all the time, so early this morning, he came over to look for that person, and now he finally found him.

"Tang Zhong..." Huang Shaotian stared at him and said with a sneer.

Tang Zhong ignored Huang Shaotian at all!
Seeing that the other party ignored him, Huang Shaotian became furious: "Did you hear me talking to you?"

The people behind were ready to pull Tang Zhong with their hands after speaking.

Tang Zhong was taken aback for a moment, stared at the other party, and said, "What's the matter with you?"

"Do you still remember me?" Huang Shaotian pointed at himself and asked Tang Zhong.

"I don't know!" Tang Zhong said.

Hearing this, Huang Shaotian felt deeply ashamed. This guy actually doesn't know him now. This is simply humiliating him!
" wait for me!"

"I'll beat you to death after I come to power in a while!" Young Master Huang said through gritted teeth.

"Okay!" Tang Zhong replied!
Then stop looking at Huang Shaotian.

The quarrel between the two attracted the attention of other people around, and everyone looked over.

Including Long Wuxie, who looked at Tang Zhong at this time.

Tang Zhong also saw the place, but just took a brief look, while Long Wuxie looked at Tang Zhong, his eyes never moved from Tang Zhong's body.

But did not speak.

Most of the people next to him knew that Long Wuxie asked Tang Zhong to be his servant that day. Being Long Wuxie's servant was an opportunity to reach the sky in one step. Many people would be willing, but after knowing that Tang Zhong refused, they all had to Is this Tang Zhong's brain stupid?

This kind of opportunity to reach the sky in one step without struggling is never given up!

And they also knew that since Tang Zhong rejected Long Wuxie that day, Long Wuxie had been in a bad mood. If nothing happened, then Tang Zhong must have had a bad time at the Xuanyi Conference this time!

While everyone was discussing, from the road ahead, the vice-principal seen in the virtual universe came, with slender and beautiful legs, she was a very tasteful woman!

But this time, she didn't come alone, there was another person beside her. It was an old man with a benevolent face. Looking at it like that, his status must not be simple.

"It's actually the principal!"

"Principal of Xuanyi Academy!"

"He actually came to host this first trial!"

"I'm going to do a good job this time!"

"Be good, what do you mean by that? Is there anything you need to pay attention to?"

"Don't you know? Which principal is looking for successors now, if you can stand out, you will make a fortune!"

"That's it, then I have to work hard, just in case I stand up!"

The headmaster walked over with a smile. He looked like a kind old man, and he couldn't tell that the other party was the headmaster of this school.

But look at this principal, he is a person who has been trained as the Immortal King!
The cultivation base is not very high.

When Tang Zhong went to Universal Star University, he found that the headmaster's cultivation base was not high. It seems that the cultivation base of these principals is not very high!

And just as the principal walked out, the others all began to salute at this time.

"I've seen Principal Zuo!"

"Principal Zuo hasn't seen you for such a long time, but you are still as powerful as before!"

More and more people are speaking.

Of course, not everyone knew this Principal Zuo, and many of the reasons why they were able to name him were simply because they had heard of him.

The old man laughed, talked to everyone, and finally followed the vice-principal to the stands around the Wutai, where there were chairs!
Even if it is the first test, it is impossible for everyone to have no place to sit, let alone the other party is a principal.

The headmaster on the left is named Zuo An. He looked at everyone present with a kind face and smiled, "Welcome everyone to my Xuanyi Academy. I welcome you on behalf of the Xuanyi Academy. Of course, I am the first judge of this Xuanyi Conference. I hope everyone can get a good result in the preliminary test, I am announcing now that the Xuanyi General Assembly, the preliminary test begins, I will first announce the rules and the competition process!"

(End of this chapter)

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