Chapter 1773 Rock breaking!

The principal of the school, Zuo An, began to announce the rules of this Xuanyi meeting.

"This time is just the first test, so the purpose is very simple. Among the many applicants, the top thirty will be selected, and they will participate in the Xuan Yi Conference tomorrow!"

"As for the rules, it is not allowed to hurt people's lives. In a fight, fists and feet have no eyes. It is okay to be injured, but not dead!"

The Immortal King is the backbone of a cosmic country, and it would be a pity to die!

"Also, what personal grievances and grievances are left on the martial stage, I hope you will forget all of them the moment you step down from the martial stage. Alright, let's start!"

Everyone present nodded.

Expressed approval of what Zuo An said.

At this moment, the vice-principal smiled and said, "For those of you who signed up seven days ago, seniors, we have already assigned numbers for you, so come and get your numbers now!"

Everyone has a number.

Shi Yan received his own number, which is 78!
Looking at the people around, there are almost 200 people here!
There should be more than 200 numbers!

"Okay, those who get the number can take the first test, now, let's break the rock first!" said the vice principal.

Then I saw a door opened from the ground in the center of the Wutai, and then a huge stone was exposed.

There are many lines on that stone!
Obviously man-made.

"This is a broken stone. Now go up from No.1 and use your own methods to change the color of the stone. This is the first test!"

"Those who break the stone, you can stay here, if you can't break it, you haven't passed this level!"

"Okay, understand what I said, let's start, starting with No.1!"

Hearing this, No. [-] stood up. He was a big man. He was No. [-], an immortal king. He walked to the side of the stone and punched him out!
On top of the practiced boxing, there is an earth aura, obviously someone who understands the law of the earth.

I saw that the fist was covered with a huge layer of earth aura.


The stone was originally blue, but now it was directly blasted into black.

"Pass!" said the vice-principal.

Number one laughed, and after the end, number two stepped out and walked to Taichung.

The opponent holds a stick in his hand.

It went down suddenly.

But the color of the stone did not change.


The vice-principal said.

The man was not reconciled and wanted to try again.

"You've lost your chance!" said the vice-principal.

"I think if I continue, I can continue!" No. [-] said.

"Everyone has only one chance now, and your chance is gone!" the vice principal continued.

The number two is not reconciled, but now his chance is gone, the other party's words were very cold just now, it was a warning, so he can only leave here unhappy.

When the people below saw this scene, they all knew what to do after going up.

After going up, you can only use your full strength immediately, because there is only one chance, if you don't grasp this opportunity well!

There is nothing left!
Tang Zhong was in the audience, clenching his fists.

Number three goes up and comes down soon.

Some people were happy, and some people were happy, but those who failed the stone-breaking test had ugly faces!


Immediately, cheers came out.

Tang Zhong raised his head and saw Long Wuxie walking onto the stage at this moment.

It turned out that the cheers were caused by him!

Long Wuxie walked up to the stage with a smile at this moment, went to the stone, and took out the sword in his hand.

A dragon surrounds that sword.

I have seen it in the universe before.

And now is the sword in reality!

That is the Hidden Dragon Sword!
I saw Long Wuxie slashing forward with a sword.

The sword burns with flames.

The broken stone changed color in an instant!
"Pass!" said the vice-principal.

Long Wuxie then stepped down from the stage.

The people around all looked at Long Wuxie at this moment.

"Fortunately, it's Long Wuxie, the power of that sword is really powerful!"

"That's right!"


Soon the next person will go up.

It took a long time before it was Tang Zhong's number 78.

"No. 78!" the vice principal said.

When Tang Zhong heard his name being called, he stepped onto the Wutai and approached the broken stone.

Suddenly, a voice came from the audience.

"It's this guy!"

"It's the one who rejected Long Wuxie!"

"I don't think so!"

"Let's shake your fist!" the vice-principal looked at Tang Zhong and said.

Tang nodded, clenched his fists, and blasted towards the broken stone.

Everyone around looked at Tang Zhong: "No, why didn't he use the sword!"

"That's right, isn't it because of his swordsmanship that Long Wuxie took a fancy to him?"

Long Wuxie was in the audience, looking at Tang Zhong, he was also taken aback, when he saw him that day, he was using a sword, why not now?

Huang Shaotian was also there, he didn't care what Tang Zhong used, he only knew that in the future, he would kill Tang Zhong.

At this time, Tang Zhong looked at the broken stone and narrowed his eyes. Soon, the law of flame and thunder condensed, and he punched it out!
Lei Huo punched heavily on the broken stone.

I saw that the color of the stone turned black!
"Pass!" said the vice-principal.

The people around were stunned for a moment, they didn't expect Tang Zhong to be able to break through, didn't the other party use a sword?
Tang Zhong stepped off the stage.

Everyone is looking at him.

Long Wuxie happened to be right next to Tang Zhong, and said: "I thought you could only use a sword, but I didn't expect that your strength is so great!"

Tang Zhong didn't speak.

Long Wuxie was slightly angry: "I know, you are very upset if I ask you to be my servant, but I have made that request, and you have no way to refuse it. You should know the consequences of refusing!"

"Are you sick?" Tang Zhong looked at the other party and said coldly.

"You..." Long Wuxie scolded.

"I don't know where your confidence comes from... I don't bother to pay attention to you, get out!" Tang Zhong scolded.

This person is as annoying as a fly!

"I think you are really looking for death!" Long Wuxie gritted his teeth.

No one dared to speak to him like that!

Tang Chong ignored each other lazily.

This move made Long Wuxie even more angry.

Seeing this, the people around knew that this time, there must be a good show to watch.

Then they all stared at Tang Zhong, where did this guy come from? Does he not understand the world at all?

The net is to offend other people, isn't this person afraid of death?
Tang Zhong heard the words, but ignored them!

Waiting for the next assessment.

He has only one goal, to be the top three in Xuan Yi Universe.

Soon, other people also went to Wutai to test Poshi.

A total of more than 200 people have completed the assessment.

Because the stone-breaking assessment is a bit simple, dozens of people were selected in total!

There are more than 100 people left!
Zuo An was very satisfied with the results of this assessment.

However, more than 100 people are still a lot, and the second level of assessment is needed.

Zuo An smiled and continued, "The first level of assessment is over, and the second level of assessment begins. We will fight in groups for the remaining people!"

(End of this chapter)

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