Chapter 1778 I don't want to talk nonsense with you!
Don't panic, Wei Wei!
I am coming!
Tang Zhong secretly made up his mind.

He wants to save Weiwei.

right here.

Now Mie Wang brought Wei Wei to watch the ceremony, this is a great thing for Tang Zhong!

You don't need to go to the Heavenly Mie Universe Kingdom, which is full of vigilance, to be able to kill Wei Wei, and now you have to face Mie Wang.

And that Emperor Xuan, the current him doesn't even know which side he's on.

If he would stand on Tang Zhong's side, then he would be more relaxed.

But this is obviously unlikely!
Tang Zhong stood among the crowd and kept looking at the high platform.

He hoped Wei Wei could see him!
At this moment, Dixuan saw the two Mie Wangs taking their seats.

Immediately opened his mouth and shouted: "I declare now that the Xuanyi Conference has begun!"

Immediately, the audience cheered.

At this time, those who are in power in Xuanyi Universe Kingdom are now here, as well as the prime minister, the general and the like.

In the small world, even more colorful lights flickered and swept towards the sky.

In the field, there are performances!

But Tang Zhong didn't want to look at this, he kept staring at Wei Wei.

It can be seen that Mie Wang has been wanting to talk to Wei Wei, but Wei Wei doesn't seem to want to pay attention to him at all.

All these Tang Zhong saw in his eyes.

"Weiwei...I'll be right there!"

Tang Zhong didn't dare to act rashly, he was the only one left.

He had to figure out a way.

The show is over.

On the competition stage, someone started announcing the rules of this Xuan Yi Conference!
The rules Tang Zhong didn't stop at all.

And stare at Wei Wei!

And at this moment, on the stage, someone was calling this time, the name of the contestant.

"Duan Tian..."

"Long Wuxie..."

One name after another is now popping up.


"Tang Zhong..."

At that moment, on the high platform, Jiang Weiwei had an indifferent face, but suddenly, she was moved and stood up from her seat.

Look around.

Just now, she seemed to have heard Tang Zhong's name.

The name Tang Zhong is very strange, she has never heard of it in the universe, could it be that her brother Tang came?
She just stood up and wanted to find Tang Zhong.

Jiang Weiwei has been waiting for Tang Zhong for many years,
It's been more than three years, this is the first time I heard Tang Zhong's name...

"What's wrong with you? Concubine Ai?" Seeing Jiang Weiwei's panic-stricken appearance, Mie Wang asked.

Jiang Weiwei was so excited just now that she almost forgot Mie Wang next to her. Brother Tang must be there now, but he didn't come out, so he must be trying to save her. She can't cause trouble for Brother Tang.

She has to cooperate with Brother Tang!

"'s nothing!" Jiang Weiwei returned to his seat.

When Mie Wang saw that Jiang Weiwei said he was fine, he didn't say anything.

At this time, Jiang Weiwei was no longer as sluggish as before, but turned her eyes to the audience.

Tang Zhong saw the performance on the stage, and also saw Jiang Weiwei's changes, he knew that Wei Wei must have heard about Tang Zhong's ranking just now, that's why it happened.

This made Tang Zhong strengthen his determination even more.

"Wei Wei, I'll show up right away, don't worry!" Tang Zhong said.

At this moment, as the referee announced the name.

The fight has begun.

Tang Zhong was still thinking of ways to save people.

The only thing he can do is to find a way to get close to Wei Wei and take Wei Wei back into his hands. If he shouts Wei Wei's name now, he may not even be able to get close to Wei Wei's face, and he will be blown away.

Calm down, be calm!

The retest has begun.

Di Xuan smiled there.

The person whose name is called will go directly to the stage to fight.

The two fought, and the scene was extremely intense.

Loud bang.

The huge stands can sometimes be punched with a hole, which shows the power of the battle.

Others were staring at the battle, but Tang Zhong didn't care to watch it. Now his heart is no longer on the game, and now his heart is on the woman in the distance.

He wants to save people.

Victory one after another
Finally, the referee shouted.

"Tang Zhong...Long Wuxie is on stage!"

At that moment, Jiang Weiwei, who was on the top floor, had been looking for Tang Zhong, but she couldn't find it. Now that she heard the voice, her eyes widened.

Tang Zhongqiang held back his inner desire and stepped onto the martial arts arena.

But at this time, he dare not look at Wei Wei.

Once Wei Wei and Wei Wei meet each other's eyes, everything will be exposed.

He comes on stage.

And the other party, Long Wuxie, walked up.

At this moment, Long Wuxie looked at Tang Zhong coldly. Before asking Tang Zhong to be his servant, Tang Zhong refused, and severely humiliated Long Wuxie. This time, Long Wuxie definitely wanted to get back some face.

And the people around also watched the two fight.

on the high platform.

Jiang Weiwei held back the tears, when she saw Tang Zhong, she was about to cry, after so many years of longing, she finally let him meet again.

Finally... this scene took too long.

She held back.

At this time, King Mie was also looking at Tang Zhong. He looked at Tang Zhong, felt the aura of the other party, as if he had seen him there before, and then narrowed his eyes, and asked Di Xuan next to him: "Di Xuan, this person Do you know who it is?"

Upon hearing this, Di Xuan sized Tang Zhong up: "I don't know, I've seen the list, and he's a very powerful person!"

"Oh, that's it!" Mie Wang's eyes fell on Tang Zhong again, looking him up and down.

At this moment, Long Wuxie stared at Tang Zhong, and said coldly: "I'll kill you right now!"

Tang Zhong didn't want to fight Long Wuxie, he said coldly: "You surrender, I won't kill you!"

He has no time to fight Long Wuxie, he wants to win, and the way to win is to kill someone!
When Long Wuxie heard Tang Zhong's words, he felt deeply ashamed. He didn't expect that this guy dared to speak to him like this, where did he have the courage to come from?Who gave him the courage?
"It's up to you!" At this moment, Long Wuxie directly took out his sword, which was bursting with flames, and then approached Tang Zhong step by step: "Don't think that I am a piece of garbage like Huang Shaotian, who can be killed casually, You are in my hands, you can't bear a move!"

Immediately, he killed it with a sword.

That shocking sword, with flames, swept across the sky.

Everyone can see the sword energy on each other, this Long Wuxie is really strong.

At this time, Tang Zhong looked at the other party, squinted his eyes, and since Mie Wang was present, he wasn't going to take out his Dragon Demon Sword anymore, just use his strength.

Immediately, the power of thunder and fire erupted on the back of the hand, and at the same time, the Immortal Domain was released.

His palms began to become very hard.

I don't want to talk nonsense with Long Wuxie anymore.

Direct crit!

Take the opponent's sword with your hand.

At this moment, with a bang, Tang Zhong slammed his palm on the sword.

Use your hands to block the sword!

Just as Long Wuxie cursed, the sword and palm clashed together.

But this time.

A scene that shocked everyone appeared.

With a bang, the sword in Long Wuxie's hand actually broke.

But Tang Zhong didn't see anything.

Seeing this, Long Wuxie panicked instantly, and quickly backed away.

And once Tang Zhong made a move, he would not let the opponent go!
(End of this chapter)

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