Chapter 1779 Di Tian!

Once Tang Zhong made a move, he would not let the opponent go.

At this moment, Long Wuxie started to panic, he didn't expect the person in front of him to block his sword with his hands.

And the power it is displaying now is too powerful.

Long Wuxie quickly retreated.

But Tang Zhong grabbed Long Wuxie's neck suddenly.

Long Wuxie didn't react at all, but he felt a killing intent from the opponent!
Tang Zhong started and crushed it suddenly.

With a click, Long Wuxie's neck was directly crushed.

There was no room for fighting back at all, blood gushed out, the body broke into two halves, and fell to the ground!

Tang Zhong's eyes were indifferent.

"How is this possible?" Everyone around looked dumbfounded.

Looking at Tang Zhong, it's unbelievable that this guy actually killed Long Wuxie.

Why did Long Wuxie look like a chicken, so he was killed so easily.

The referee was dumbfounded and didn't know how to make a decision.

Because there are dead people, generally speaking, the Xuan Yi Conference does not allow dead people!
On the stage.

Di Xuan stared at Tang Zhong, his face changed slightly.

Mie Wang said: "Emperor Xuan, this person is from your Xuanyi universe country, why do you feel so hostile?"

"I've never heard of this person, so it should be!" Dixuan said.

Generally speaking, the people who participated in the Xuanyi Conference were all geniuses among those forces, but Tang Zhong had clearly never met him before, so it was obvious that he was not from their Xuanyi Universe Kingdom.

When Mie Wang heard this, he looked at Tang Zhong. For some reason, when he saw this person, he always thought he had seen it somewhere, but he couldn't remember.

On the other hand, Jiang Weiwei was struggling in her heart. She hoped to be with Tang Zhong, but if Tang Zhong appeared now, it would be very miserable. Mie Wang and Di Xuan had a good relationship, so now she hoped that Tang Zhong would not come out.

She knows how terrible these people are.

Once Brother Tang comes out, he will definitely die, but now she sees that Tang Zhong seems to have other ideas.

But don't.

Jiang Weiwei, who has calmed down now, very much hopes that Tang Zhong will not show up!
But now Tang Zhong stood there, looked at the referee and said, "I beat him, let's pronounce the verdict now!"

Now he is going to win the first prize at the Xuan Yi Conference.

The referee glanced at Di Xuan on the stage at this moment, wanting to see what the opponent's face looked like.

Dixuan nodded, the referee knew what to do, and immediately said: "Tang Chongsheng!"

Everyone around was stunned.

This guy first killed Huang Shaotian, and now he killed Long Wuxie, this guy must be too courageous.

But now Emperor Xuan didn't say anything, let alone the others, and now they don't say anything.

Then, the referee announces the next one to fight!
Two more people went up in the field, and the battle was fierce, but the result was quickly drawn.

Soon, the first round of fighting was completely over.

But in this first round, none of them remembered, only the name Tang Zhong, this person can only be described as terrible.

Tang Zhong stood quietly on the spot, waiting for the second round. Although it looked calm now, Tang Zhong was actually very frantic in his heart. He was thinking, what should he do in a while?
When he gets closer to Wei Wei, how can he safely rescue Wei Wei from the opponent's hand.

It's hard!
Now, the second round begins.

There are people up there to fight.

Soon it was Tang Zhong's turn again, and when the opponent saw that it was Tang Zhong, he was so frightened that his legs went limp.

"Surrender!" Tang Zhong looked at the other party and said coldly.

Once he makes a move, he must kill!
The man was stunned for a moment, but when he thought about the scene of Long Wuxie just now, his face turned ugly.

"I...I don't surrender, I still want to be the leader of the Xuanyi Conference!" the man said.

When Tang Zhong heard the other party's words, his eyes turned cold.

Rushed out.

The man hadn't reacted yet.

Tang Zhong overspeeded to the side of the opponent, grabbed it, and the powerful thunderbolt shook at this moment.

With a bang, the man was directly turned into blood!
Another person died.

The people around were all dumbfounded. What was going on with this person? To be able to do what he is doing now, this method is too terrifying.

Tang Zhong walked down, and the referee declared victory.

Mie Wang looked at Tang Zhong and frowned even more. For some reason, he always felt that Tang Zhong looked familiar, and now he became more and more familiar, but the attack method of the other party was different from the person he was looking for. .

And he is looking for that person all over the universe, that person shouldn't throw himself into the net here!
Should not be!

At this moment, Tang Zhong went to the rest area and continued to watch the battle.

He took a look at his opponents, and now counting him, there are still 8 people left, and there are two more rounds of fighting to win the leader!

The Xuanyi meeting was still going on, and everyone's focus was on Tang Zhong, and they all speculated about the origin of this person.

The people watching the Xuanyi Conference here are people of many influences. They have all gone to investigate Tang Zhong. If Tang Zhong has no problems, he can be drawn into their influence.

But they found that no matter how they investigate, they still don't know where Tang Zhong came from, let alone other things.

Now the competition is still going on!
Tang Zhong was resting, at this time, a person came to his side and said: "You are very good!"

Tang Zhong looked at the other party, and saw that the other party was imposing, obviously not a simple person, looking at the clothes on his body, he looked very gorgeous, just like a royal person.

Could this person be from the Xuanyi Universe?
Tang Zhong ignored the other party.

The other party smiled and said: "I'm still a proud person, my name is Ditian, I watched your game, it's very good!"

Di Tian, ​​and Di Xuan, Tang Zhong knew who the other party was when he heard this, and if nothing unexpected happened, he must have something to do with Di Xuan, and it was not difficult to distinguish the two from their appearances. It's a father-son relationship!
The son of Xuanyi Universe Kingdom.

Is he also coming to the Xuan Yi Conference?
"En!" Tang Chong replied.

"I'm looking forward to fighting with you!" Di Tian said, "You are ruthless enough, but I need ruthless people to hone myself!"

Tang Zhong looked at the other party and said, "I need you to surrender!"

That Ditian was stunned for a moment, he didn't expect Tang Zhong to say that, he immediately smiled and said: "I am the son of Xuanyi Universe Kingdom, how could I surrender?"

"Then you will die!" Tang Zhong said coldly, completely disrespecting that Ditian.

That Ditian's face suddenly became ugly: "No one has dared to speak to me like this before. You are the first one. I think you will definitely die!"

Tang Zhong ignored the other party, because the third round was about to start, he stepped forward.

(End of this chapter)

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